Boy Lane says
12 years ago
new Rainbow Viewer is out :-)
latest #14
12 years ago
can't wait to get install it.
Boy Lane
12 years ago
there are so many changes in, it may have one or the other bug still,. please let me know :-)
Igel Hawks
12 years ago
(dance) Great work! *Huggelz* You made my weekend Boy. Thanks for the awesome viewer :-D
Boy Lane
12 years ago
lol.....try it first :-P
Boy Lane says
12 years ago
it's a whole new beast under the hood
12 years ago
I've just downloaded it and gone into avination and it's beautiful.. it picked up my old settings, logged in smoothly, rezzed everything ..
12 years ago
quickly and atm looks absolutely fantastic :-) I won't be able to give it a proper run through until tuesday but it's looking good so far xx
Boy Lane
12 years ago
Han Held says
12 years ago
(yay) I'm gonna be bad and play with this this morning instead of doing the RL work I'm supposed to do. I can't wait to get it! (dance)
Han Held says
12 years ago
urg, I can't figure out how to manually specify a grid [so that I can log on to my own server]. :|
Boy Lane
12 years ago
in the end of the list, port 9000 or 8002, you can also use the commandline or edit grids.xml to add your own server.
Igel Hawks
12 years ago
I used this new beast now for my usual SL and OS stuff and I am amazed how fast my notebook is. :-D
Igel Hawks
12 years ago
I love you Boy!
Beyoncé Enjoyer says
12 years ago
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