13 years ago
what a night at school then i get in to a fight with my ex ugh i hate her
latest #21
poison says
13 years ago
bitch slap her
kenpachi says
13 years ago
i seriously cant stand to get close enough to the hoe to do so
poison says
13 years ago
wow i guess that relationship was a disaster then
kenpachi says
13 years ago
10 years and 2 kids later yes big disaster
poison says
13 years ago
goddamn something must have gone wrong for u 2 to separate while having 2 kids.....
kenpachi says
13 years ago
yeah she wouldnt stop cheating so know she gots what she wanted and i got my kids best thing she ever did for me :-)
kenpachi says
13 years ago
poison says
13 years ago
well at least u got the kids :-D
kenpachi says
13 years ago
hell ya (dance)
poison says
13 years ago
well can i ask for some advice ?
kenpachi says
13 years ago
sure ask away
poison says
13 years ago
well im about to get married any advice in that aspect
kenpachi says
13 years ago
how long have you been together
poison says
13 years ago
4 years
kenpachi says
13 years ago
how long have you lived together?
poison says
13 years ago
almost 1 year
kenpachi says
13 years ago
ok youll be fine just make sure you guys dont keep secrets from each other thats the quickest way to distroy a relation ship
kenpachi says
13 years ago
marrage is like a partnership base it off of love trust and understanding and youll do fine but if you base it off of
kenpachi says
13 years ago
deception and lies and misunderstanding it will never work
poison says
13 years ago
thenk u very much
kenpachi says
13 years ago
no prob i hope it helps
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