Yong Soo
13 years ago
[Event] is strolling through China town, enjoying the smells and sights.
latest #156
13 years ago
nearly walks into him on her way back to her apartment, she loved the cramped quarters of this part of the city.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums. He had hidden his demonic appearance, but... he sensed a demonic aura. He blinks when the girl almost runs into him and smiles. Was it
Yong Soo
13 years ago
her? It was hard to tell with this many people in a cramped place.
13 years ago
paused when she realized she had barely missed the man, she'd hidden her own normal appearance and wasn't exactly looking for others like
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herself. "Ah, sorry love."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
tilts his head. "You seem distracted Miss. Shall I help you through the market?' He offers her his arm. 'I'll treat you to some dumplings."
13 years ago
blinks a bit at this, well wasn't this unusual... She gave him a bit of a smile as she lightly took his arm, "well if such a handsome man is
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offering how can I say no?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and straightens, leading her along, knowing a nice little place that was close. "You can't really just as I couldn't help but
Yong Soo
13 years ago
beg for a bit more time with you huh?" he winks at her.
13 years ago
smirked a bit at that, well he was a charmer... "you're sweet I'll give you that, so what's your name?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and laughs as he leads her into a restaurant. "I'm Yong Soo. What's your name?"
13 years ago
followed him inside as she smirked a bit at his name. "My name's Elizabeta Hedervary."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and pulls out a chair for her. "Eliza. That's a lovely name hun." he winks.
13 years ago
flushes just a tint as she smiled and nodded, "well thank you. You're name is nice too."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and sits down himself, humming. "Where are you from Eliza?"
13 years ago
watches him for a moment as she considered her answer. "Hungary, where are you from Yong Soo?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this. "I'm from Korea. How..." he tilts his head. "How old are you?"
13 years ago
blinks at this, "my my, it's rude to ask a lady her age you know."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently and reaches out a hand to pick her hand up and kiss the back of it. "I'm merely trying to figure out if you're like me."
13 years ago
raised her brow curiously at this, "oh? Like you? And what would I have to be to be like you?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and he reaches out, gently brushing her hair back from her face to tuck behind her ear. For a moment his eyes were red and his pupils
Yong Soo
13 years ago
were slits "Well if you're like me you're hiding one of your faces."
13 years ago
smirked at that as she leaned in close to him, "I hide it well love."
Yong Soo likes
13 years ago
that smirk, leaning with her and almost brushing a kiss over her cheek but pausing. "I'd like to see it sometime. When we're somewhere a bit
Yong Soo
13 years ago
more private huh?"
13 years ago
liked the way this guy thought, she gave him a sly wink as she sat back in her seat. "I do like the sound of that, almost tempted to skip
13 years ago
the dumplings."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently. "Only tempted? We can get them to go if you prefer." He looked up to order them for the two of them. He liked her attitude.
13 years ago
nodded lightly as she watched him, quite impressed actually, she hadn't come across one of her own in a while.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums and waits for their food to be brought out in a nice bag. "Would you care to come to my place?" He offers her his hand. He likes
Yong Soo
13 years ago
meeting those of his own kind.
13 years ago
took his hand lightly as she got up, "I wouldn't mind at all. You've been nothing but sweet and the perfect gentleman."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and laughs, taking her hand and helping her up, immediately offering her his arm. "Would you like to take the long way or the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
... short cut." He winks at her. "I'm very much a gentleman."
13 years ago
took his arm happily as she leaned over and lightly kissed him on the cheek. "Which ever way you like the best."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and thinks about it. "I prefer the way that has you in my arms," he teases with a wink.
13 years ago
laughed softly with that, "well lead the way and I'll gladly follow."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and gets her into an abandoned alley before letting free his wings and taking off after pulling her into his arms.
Elizabeta is
13 years ago
completely taken by surprise at this. She clung to him as he took off and flushed darkly.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and hugs her close. "Did I startle you dear? I didn't mean to. Do you have wings? I forget that not all of my kind do. What manner of
Yong Soo
13 years ago
creature are you?" He makes conversation as he flies home with his friend in tow
13 years ago
looked up at him as she shook her head lightly. "Ah no, I don't have wings." She smiled at that, she actually wasn't a huge fan of heights.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hugs her close to him. Lucky for her, he was rather quick in the air. He lands on his front walk. "I didn't think you were an incubus." He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
Elizabeta is
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fairly glad to be on the ground again as she laughed lightly at that, "no love... I'm not one of those."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and presses a kiss to the tip of her nose. "I am a succubus you see." He offers her his arm.
13 years ago
smirks at that as she took it with a thanks, "oh I already figured that one out."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs again, smiling. "I figured you must have. Now if I could just figure out what manner of demon you are. What do you prey upon dear?"
13 years ago
leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips as she considered answering his questions. "I prey upon suffering, sadness and all that is
13 years ago
wrong with the world."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
arches a brow and nods, laughing. "One of those. You like tears I see." He's a creature of pleasure but he's never held that against the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
demons of suffering.
13 years ago
nods a bit as she glanced up at his place, "yes... one of those, we can't help what we are."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
leads her down the manor's drive. "It's quite alright by me dear. I don't mind what you are."
13 years ago
nods a bit as she smiled, "I'm glad to hear it then."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
opens the door for her and hums happily. "Here you are dear."
13 years ago
slowly steps inside and looks over at him with a bit of a grin. "It's lovely, so how does a demon afford such a wonderful place?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs. "Thievery. And bribing some very powerful and famous men sleepy with a male and not wanting the rest of the world to find out." He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs. He thinks that's a very clever sort of scam.
13 years ago
laughs lightly with that, "well you're pretty irresistible I can see how you pulled that off."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins, delighted. "Oh yes, I'm incredibly convincing." He leads her into a sitting room.
13 years ago
follows him as she nodded a bit. "You've convinced me to come back to your place, so I'd say so."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
offers her a seat. "It's a trait of my type. Would you like fruit? I'm not sure you eat human food or not."
13 years ago
nods as she smoothed out her skirt. "I wouldn't mind some fruit, human food is one of the best things they have to offer."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs happily and sets the dumplings down as well. "Here's your dumplings too."
13 years ago
smiles at that, "so how ever shall I repay you for the food?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and leans forward. "A kiss with do, fair maiden." He winks.
13 years ago
chuckles lightly at that as she leaned towards hi, letting her lips brush teasingly against his before she pulled back. "You're charm will
13 years ago
only get so much."
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
pleased with even that much, tingling from it. Even kisses were thrilling for him. "That is quite alright. I take only what you're offering,
Yong Soo
13 years ago
" he says, pulling back to go get the fruit.
13 years ago
smirked a bit before she took a seat, looking over the dumplings, well at least the evening had turned out to be far more interesting than
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she'd thought it would be.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
leaves for a few moments, coming back with a bowl of fruit. He still looks relatively human now, and he's smiling rather happily.
13 years ago
looks up at him with a smile, "so dumplings, fruit and a trip to your home. I'd say I got more than I was expecting to find."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and winks, sitting down next to her. "It is a good find I hope?" He bites into a peach.
13 years ago
nods as she picked up one of the dumplings and popped it in her mouth, swallowing before she spoke again. "I would say it is."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this, licking juice from the corner of his mouth. "Mmm, I'm glad then. I don't meet many demons so I like to treat the ones I do."
13 years ago
smiled at that, she had to admit he wasn't bad looking. "Well I don't meet many others either."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and tilts his head. "Yeah. All of the ones I met in this city have been women recently. Perhaps I should just masquerade as a
Yong Soo
13 years ago
woman for a while.
13 years ago
laughs at that as she shook her head lightly. "It's damn good to see a male demon."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and arches a brow. "I could turn into a woman quite easily you know. It helps to attract prey. But for you I'll stay in my
Yong Soo
13 years ago
normal form eh?" He winks.
13 years ago
gave him a small smile in return at that as she slid closer to him. "I like a man who isn't so shy, I've only met shy men here and I may be
13 years ago
in the tears, but I do enjoy other things to."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at her as she slide close, arm moving to wrapped over her shoulder. "What other things do you enjoy, Miss? I'd love to hear about
Yong Soo
13 years ago
13 years ago
shrugged lightly as she picked up a grape and ate it. "I'm we hold a lot of the same interests."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and takes another bite of his peach. "I'm sure we do." He looks rather pleased. "You're very pretty. I bet you catch humans
Yong Soo
13 years ago
like flies in your web huh?"
13 years ago
laughed lightly with that, "quite a bit yes."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, fingers sliding along her jaw before moving to snatch another grape to pop in his mouth.
13 years ago
smirked at that before she grabbed a second grape for herself and put it in her mouth.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums in pleasure. He liked having attractive company.
13 years ago
looked over at him with a small smile before she moved to kiss him lightly, properly this time. "There you go."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles against her lips, fingers sliding into her hair. "Thank you," he murmurs against her lips. "I aim to please you know."
13 years ago
flushed a bit at that as she smirked and kissed him again, not saying anything in response.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles for a moment and parts his lips, kissing her back. >u<
13 years ago
pulled back eventually and smiled faintly. "I should go home."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "Should I escort you miss?"
13 years ago
smiled faintly as she thought about it, "I'd be tempted to invite you for the night."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
arches a brow. "To watch your fun?" He smiles.
13 years ago
laughed lightly, "mmm I've had my fun for the day. I'd want to give you some fun."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and hums. "What sort of fun are you offering then?" He arches a brow. "Are you offering to be my wing man?"
13 years ago
looks a little interested in that, "I'm up for what ever fun you're up for."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently at this. "I usually go to the club to pick up drunk college students. If I don't win the pick up game I just find someone
Yong Soo
13 years ago
sleeping and give them a very vivid very wet dream."
13 years ago
laughs a bit with that as she thought about it. "Up to you, we could do without the third person if need be."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins and lifts her hand to her lips. "Do you want me to seduce you?"
13 years ago
smirks at that as she watched him, flushing lightly. "I think you've already seduced me."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins and arches a brow, his tail no longer hidden and swishing back and forth in interest. "Oh is that so?" He kisses her wrist now.
13 years ago
smiled faintly was she continued to watch him, "I'm afraid so."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and kisses lightly at her jaw. "Oh I am quite alright with that. Would you like to get more comfortable with me?" His tail is sliding
Yong Soo
13 years ago
up her calf.
13 years ago
grinned at that as she tilted her head to the side lightly for him, shifting closer to him as she moved one of her hands to brush it along
13 years ago
his side. "I'd be happy to."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles against her skin and pulls back, moving to pick her up bridal style. "Shall I carry you to bed? Or perhaps you'd prefer it in the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
13 years ago
draped her arms around his shoulders as she laughed softly. "I bet you can make it enjoyable just about anywhere."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and kisses her jaw as he starts to carry her through the house. "I could make it enjoyable anywhere. We could even go out to
Yong Soo
13 years ago
the garden." He winks. "It smells very nice."
13 years ago
hums softly as she curled her fingers into the hair at the back of his neck. "I'll let you pick."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums and kisses at her neck. He smiles and carries her through his garden toward a gazebo in the center. "Does that look comfortable?"
13 years ago
looked over at it and had to hold back her shock as she leaned up and kissed him on the lips softly. "More than comfortable enough."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently at this and kisses her back, arching a brow. "Oh I'm glad." His house is very much designed for ... encounters like this. He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
goes to spread her out on the pillows, climbing over her. He kisses her neck.
Elizabeta was
13 years ago
glad for it, settling into the pillows as she looked up at him, she let her own tail slip out as she draped her arms around his shoulders.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
watches that tail and looks a bit more excited, eyes fading into their normal red as he pushes her skirt up. His mouth is on her neck again,
Yong Soo
13 years ago
kissing at her skin wetly.
13 years ago
tilted her head lightly to allow him more room. Her hands slid up his back, pulling at his top so her fingers could brush along his skin.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins and pulls back a little. "Neat things about my clothes...~" he coos, and then they're gone. He hovers over her. He pushes her skirt up
Yong Soo
13 years ago
higher, fingers massaging at her thighs. "Nice trick huh?"
13 years ago
grins a bit at that as she looked up at him for a moment before admiring him. "Mm... that's hot, but I think I'll keep you suspense."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs. "You don't want me to see your body just yet?" he coos, mouth on her collar bone after he pushes her clothes aside just enough.
13 years ago
leaned up into his touch as she smiled at that, her own hands wandering over his back. "Not just yet."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
gasps gently at the fingers on his back. His tail curls around hers and he bites at her skin gently. "Mmm, I like the suspense~" he coos.
13 years ago
let out a small sound of pleasure at the bite as she let her tail wrap around his in response, her nails lightly running over his skin now.
Yong Soo likes
13 years ago
the feel of nails on his skin, pushing her legs a bit further apart. He moves up, kissing her firmly, wanting a long kiss.
13 years ago
carefully slid her heels off as she moved one of her legs it hitch it around his waist pulling him closer. The kiss shocked her for a moment
13 years ago
but she had to admit, she enjoyed it as she let him have full control, her nails lightly biting into his skin.
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
all sorts of physical contact, kissing her in a rough eager way. He is working his hands into her clothes, wanting to touch her skin as she
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pulls him closer like that.
Elizabeta was
13 years ago
more than happy to return the kiss as roughly as she could, pulling her hands away from his back she unbuttoned her top for him, glad she
13 years ago
had chosen the short skirt that morning instead of jeans.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
can't stop his hands from being on her skin the instant she gets her top undone, hands sliding over her ribs and moaning at the feel of that
Yong Soo
13 years ago
soft skin.
13 years ago
pressed into his hands as she moved her leg so she could get her panties off, breaking from the kiss for a breath.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins and takes over that, finding her panties and tugging slowing, letting his hands slide over her thighs and down her legs as he takes
Yong Soo
13 years ago
them off. "Lemme get that for you."
13 years ago
flushed at that as she enjoyed the treatment. Quirking a brow lightly as she continued to take him in, he was good looking, more so than
13 years ago
most men she had met. "Ever the gentleman."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and arches a brow as his fingers creep back up to shove the skirt up around her hips. "Of course. Can I... touch you Miss?"
13 years ago
grinned lightly as she moved to pull him for another kiss, "you don't have to ask, I want you to touch me in any way you see fit."
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