As in, this strange mechanic of "I respect you, but *god* do I not trust you."
Though Edgeworth is feeling rather capable of putting most of it aside - he's just...going to have his passive-aggressive moments.
He knows that Lana herself didn't ruin his reputation in its entirety, but it's easy to assign blame.
She is kind of A-OK with him blaming her.
though since she hasn't lived through it yet she's not quite as

about everything as she is at the end of 1-5.
fff yeah, she kind of explodes with

emoticons at the end of 1-5
Edgeworth is having a hard time being wholly mad at her because they relate to each other in such a weird way.
There are a lot of similarities. And I personally think they got along pretty well as co-workers, at least for a while.
before rumors might have made him suspect her, if he did before 1-5.
Also she is going to WTF forever at him and Phoenix getting along. Because the last she knew he was in "crushes coffee cups at the mention
I think if he explained to her his little break-down-then-run-away escapade then she might see to what degree what happened affected him,
though I'm sure she can imagine that he'd be resentful regardless.
She would completely not know where to even begin if she heard about that stunt. She's so certain that the truth will Make Everything OK.
(Well, okay, it won't bring back the dead. But everything else.)
He probably wouldn't volunteer the information. >>; It's kind of embarrassing for him in hindsight, though he doesn't regret it.
Yeah, I didn't figure he'd tell her. XD
Explain it once it's out there, sure. But if she doesn't know he's fine letting it be.
ugh, sarah, he's giving me so much tl;dr for this tag
Usually I limit my dialogue by a lot, but I'm kind of letting him rant here. Hopefully it's okay - it should be posted in a sec.
No problem. I think my brain has melted out my ear from the humidity, so I'll hit it tomorrow.
No problem! I'll enjoy the nirvana while it lasts.