Yong Soo
13 years ago
[Event] is bored and is lurking in a club, looking for someone to hang out with.
latest #60
13 years ago
sneaks into the club and glances around. She hadn't had much luck finding prey on the streets.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
sees her come in, arching a brow. That was interesting... for such a cute girl she held an awfully demonic aura. He double checks his
Yong Soo
13 years ago
appearance to be sure he looked fully human before approaching her.
13 years ago
notices someone approaching her and turns to him, smiling. This guy seemed different from the other humans but she'd humor him. At least he
13 years ago
wasn't a vampire.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at her and tilt his head, offering a hand to shake. "Hey! I've never seen you around here cutie!"
13 years ago
shakes his hand lightly. "I'm new in town, just moved in." She smirks.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
arches a brow and laughs. "Quite the smirk for a cute girl like you. You're here making friends then I take it."
13 years ago
's eyes flash. "I guess you could say that."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and hums. "What sort of friend are you looking for?" He needed more demonic friends really...
13 years ago
shrugs. "Whichever ones I find. I'm not terribly picky. Though it's been too long since I've had a 'friend.'"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and tilts his head. "Well I'm pleased to make your acquaintance then. I'm Yong Soo."
13 years ago
smiles back. "Erika. Nice to meet you."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this. "And where are you from then?"
13 years ago
"Liechtenstein, but I travel a lot."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods a bit. "So what do you have a taste for?" He tilts his head, wondering if she'll answer with her hobbies... or if she'll realize he's
Yong Soo
13 years ago
asking about what she eats... She's strange though. What is she? She has a demonic aura but she doesn't seem like one at all...
13 years ago
smirks again. "I'm not too picky but I do like to play around first, get the most out of it."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grins at this, pleased with this answer. "Well that sounds like you have good taste." He pecks her cheek. As always he was overly
Yong Soo
13 years ago
13 years ago
didn't mind the affectionate. She didn't meet many other demons. "And what about you?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and tilts her head. "Me?" He grins. "I like... *making friends~* " he coos, smile slightly perverted.
13 years ago
smiles back. "Friends are always nice."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and looks pleased. "I agree. It's fun to make friends. Now were you... hungry or did you need some nice company?"
13 years ago
hums faintly. "Just seeing if there was anywhere with good food around here. I guess this is the spot?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles. "Yes. A lot of inebriated youth in this area. There's a college nearby." He smiles. He liked the college students.
13 years ago
preferred people sober. It was so much more satisfying to see the terror in their eyes. "Hmm, not the fare I'm used to but I guess variety
Erika is
13 years ago
the spice of life."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
| As a demon primarily concerned with... physical pleasure, he liked all the happiness. "I suppose it is the spice of life. You can find me
Yong Soo
13 years ago
in this part of town a lot. I like the younger crowd."
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "The young crowd is nice. It's just easier for me to slip into the older ones unnoticed."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods a little. "You do look like a rather sophisticated young lady," he says, approving.
13 years ago
smirks. "If I wasn't hungry I'd show you a magic trick. I can make anyone think I'm a different age. This is my normal age, though."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently. "When you're ready to show me your magic, I'll show you mine. I look surprisingly attractive as a woman." He winks. "Should
Yong Soo
13 years ago
we find you food, dear?"
13 years ago
raises her eyebrows but smiles wider. "I'm sure you do. I imagine attractiveness would cross over from your male self. Food would be
13 years ago
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at this and nods a bit, straightening up and looking around. "It's true, I suppose, about the attractiveness. Now, what is your
Yong Soo
13 years ago
preferred type?"
13 years ago
glances around the room. "I'm not feeling terribly picky tonight. I had to leave my last place in a rush and didn't have time to eat."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods a bit and hums. "Well then..." he murmurs. "There's a particular perv in the back corner," he motions vaguely with his hand, "that has
Yong Soo
13 years ago
been scaring off all of my potential bed mates, if you'd care for him. He'd hardly be missed."
13 years ago
smiles. "Sounds good. I can take care of him quickly. No one will even notice he's gone." She grins before starting towards the man.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles a bit wickedly. "I'll be waiting for you here then." He was a lot kinder toward humans given his own nature, but he was still a demon
Yong Soo
13 years ago
after all. He was amused at this young cute girl harboring such a demon. He leaned back against the wall and waited.
13 years ago
easily lures the man into a back alley. Minutes later she reappears in the club looking a few years older.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently, amused that she looks older already. He approaches her and hums, offering her his arm. "How old are you really,
Yong Soo
13 years ago
Miss Erika?" he murmurs to her, amused.
13 years ago
smiles widely and takes his arm. "I'd say about 70. I'm still pretty young. You?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and pauses, trying to count in his head and shrugging. "I've been around since the late 1300s myself. I have a lot of practice."
13 years ago
hums faintly. "Impressive. You don't look a day over twenty."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
shrugs. "All the sex must keep me young. But you'll probably live a very long life yourself, I don't doubt. If you ever need help or a
Yong Soo
13 years ago
friendly hand, I live in a rather large estate at the edge of the city. It's rumored to be full of ghosts with a master no one ever sees,"
Yong Soo
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he says, winking.
13 years ago
laughs. "Sounds interesting. I'll keep that in mind. I might stick around for a while here. Already got a room with a human that will prove
13 years ago
to be just to my tastes. And I like to take my time with that type." She grins. "So I'll see you around."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, arching a brow. "You found yourself a human did you?" he smiles. "I've found myself quite an adorable human to
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pervert and debauch. The innocent ones are my favorite." He nods and releases her arm. "Go have fun with your human then dear."
13 years ago
laughs faintly. "Alright. Mine's probably worried about me. Thinks I'm a stray kitten or something." She waves a little. "See you later."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this. "Oh that sounds cute. Goodbye Miss Stray Kitten." He's already moving to flirt with an adorable lady near the bar.
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