街底爸 says
13 years ago
latest #9
Egg says
13 years ago
詐騙集團為什麼要假裝是客人啊? 客人不是要付錢的那一方嗎?
街底爸 says
13 years ago
Cat says
13 years ago
ahbwizai: 你會回他們嗎? 通常email裡面就可以大概猜是不是詐騙集團.還是有偽裝超好的,and you actually got a check from them?
Egg says
13 years ago
艾薇兒 says
13 years ago
好妙唷 還好你們都有事先發現不對勁
街底爸 says
13 years ago
ipodgirl: No I usually would still reply with our quotes. But after the 2nd email from them it usually becomes so apparent that I just stop
Cat says
13 years ago
eggkuan: 久久會有一次,但是通常滿明顯的
Cat says
13 years ago
ahbwizai: ah, ok. i think we usually ignore the obvious ones and do respond to the not so sure ones
街底爸 says
13 years ago
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