Daniel John says
13 years ago
niubos npud ang Karma.. :[
latest #8
Xamantha09 says
13 years ago
pila d.ay to pag last?
♂Green→♥←Sai♀ says
13 years ago
♂Green→♥←Sai♀ says
13 years ago
RESBACK (dance) (wave)RESBACK
♂Green→♥←Sai♀ says
13 years ago
RESBACK (dance) (wave)RESBACK
Daniel John says
13 years ago
hapit nko 100... haha.. tan.awa akong member since--> 2009-3-3,, inactive man..
marklestergaO says
13 years ago
daniel di lage pwede mabutangan og HTML codes akong about me ?? sa uban lage pwedee..?
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