Yong Soo is
13 years ago
[Event]flying over the city, looking for a nice victim.
latest #304
Matthew is
13 years ago
walking home after work, humming to himself.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
touches down, his appearance fading down to a normal human's. Damn this kid was cute. He moved to follow or talk to him. He was a worthy
Yong Soo
13 years ago
'meal' so to speak.
13 years ago
doesn't take much notice of the sound of footsteps, quite used to being looked over by everyone. He glanced back briefly, only enough to
13 years ago
notice there was someone there, but not enough to register what he looked like... of that he was naked.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
had forgotten to hide his tail, oh dear. it was flicking around. He finally catches up with Matthew, arms sliding around his waist. "Hi
Yong Soo
13 years ago
there Mister," He hums. "You look a bit lonely."
13 years ago
startles when he feels the arm around him, looking over at the other again... and turning bright red when he sees the lack of dress,
13 years ago
unaware still of the tail. "S-sorry..?!"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and hums, tail flicking back and forth. When he realizes that he isn't dressed he tilts his face into Matthew's line of vision,
Yong Soo
13 years ago
putting on a nice glamor to make it look like he was wearing clothes. He still hasn't remembered the tail. "Yeah. Lonely. Want some company"
13 years ago
flusters still, caught up in looking into the man's eyes that when he manages to look back down, he's extremely confused. "I-I uh...?" He
13 years ago
glances over though, something moving catching the corner of his eye with Yong Soo bent down, and notices the tail. "W-wait what..???" he
13 years ago
asks, startled and trying to pull away.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
blinks at him and keeps him close, tail lazily flipping back and forth. "You look confused. And a little lost. Listen why don't you come
Yong Soo
13 years ago
home with me? I'll treat you very well huh? And we can get acquainted~!" He doesn't realize that Matthew is startled by the tail. His arms
Yong Soo
13 years ago
tighten when he tries to escape though.
13 years ago
gasps as arms tighten around him, panicking now. T-that was definitely a tail! "N-no u-uhm sir I really need to get home t-to my place and
13 years ago
I'm used to being alone it's okay.." he rambles quickly, trying to push away from the stranger now with more force.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and realizes that the boy is scared of him. He'd already decided that he was taking the kid home though. He gets his other arm tight
Yong Soo
13 years ago
around him and his wings and horns sprang into view again, glamor going away. The kid was already on to him and flying was more fun. He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pushes off of the ground, carrying the blond in his arms... though that struggling was annoying. "If you keep struggling... you'll fall."
13 years ago
yells out in surprise with the sudden change and as his feet left the ground. He only struggled a moment more before his reflexes forces
13 years ago
him to cling to his captor despite all other odds. "...!!!!!!!" He was clearly a bit too shocked to form any kind of coherent words.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs at that adorable face, smiling to show his teeth. "Don't worry kid. I'm not a bad guy. Really I just want something from you. A very
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nice something."
13 years ago
just looks more terrified at the teeth. He had of course read stories about demons and creatures of the night before, so he knew
13 years ago
he was in deep shit. "L-let me go...! P-please, I'm sure I taste a-awful..!!" ;;;A;;;
Yong Soo
13 years ago
blinks at him and laughs shaking his head. At first he's confused then he laughs. "What no! I bet you do taste awful. Yuck. I don't eat *
Yong Soo
13 years ago
*humans* That's ridiculous."
13 years ago
hesitates in his hysteria, now confused. J-just what did this guys want then? Torture? Worse scenarios ran through his
13 years ago
head now. "I-I..... w-what...?" ;-;
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs softly and gently kisses his lips. "I want to be your friend. Maybe with a handful of benefits, but still a friend~" Oh god this kid
Yong Soo was
13 years ago
one of the cutest guys he'd ever met.
13 years ago
turns bright red at the kiss, his mind short-circuiting now. It was definitely a demon but he just wanted to be friends??? He was terribly
13 years ago
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at how he blushes. That was endearing. He seemed so confused too! This kid clearly didn't get hit on enough. Though the flying was
Yong Soo
13 years ago
probably startling too. He smiles as he flies to a nice size home on the edge of the city. He didn't normally bring his prey home but this
Yong Soo
13 years ago
kid was worth it.
13 years ago
blushes still with the smile, looking away from him. He really didn't get a lot of attention, romantically or not. He doesn't last much
13 years ago
longer though in the air, passing out in the demon's arms as they approached home.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs softly. "My little date seems to have swooned in my arms. How cute." He lands on a balcony and walks toward the glass door there,
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pulling it open and carrying him easily to a large four poster bed. Sure, he could just take the boy with him asleep-- it's what he
Yong Soo
13 years ago
generally did-- but he wanted this to actually be romantic. This boy was incredibly cute. He gently laid him down and smiled. "These clothes
Yong Soo will
13 years ago
have to go..." He flew lightly over to the closet and produced a robe before flying back. His strength made it a bit easier to get his
Yong Soo
13 years ago
clothes off. He left his underwear on-- though he did reach a clawed hand into his bottoms to cop a good feel of what he was hiding before
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pulling the robe onto him. He made the boy comfortable as he pulled back to go get fruit and wine for the boy. Yong Soo ate human food
Yong Soo
13 years ago
himself but without sex... well he'd die pretty quick.
13 years ago
stays limp during the whole process, passed out in shock. He slowly came to again after he had been settled for a bit and Yong Soo
13 years ago
was gone from the room, blinking open bleary eyes. He is first relieved to see he is indeed not being carried by a winged man across the
13 years ago
city, about to brush it off as a dream... until he looks around again and realizes this is an extremely unfamiliar room. And that his
13 years ago
clothes were missing. He flushes red, pulling the robe he had been granted shut around him, tying it tight before hopping up to try and see
13 years ago
if he could escape through the window. He didn't want to wait around and find out if the dream had been real or not.
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
coming back as Matthew is looking out the windows. They were only three stories up, but high enough that escaping out the window would be a
Yong Soo
13 years ago
bad idea. He blinks and smiles, now in robe of his own, though his is loosely tied and his tail twitching from a whole in the back of his
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hole* in the back of his robe. He smiles a bit broader. "I'm glad to see you're awake. You swooned so beautifully though. I brought you
Yong Soo
13 years ago
fruit, a bit of bread and wine. If you'd like meat, I can have that brought up as well." He's giving Matthew the most dashing look he can
Yong Soo
13 years ago
manage. His wings are folded to be less menacing but he isn't trying to hide from him now.
13 years ago
notices the steep drop and sighs, realizing he wouldn't get out that way. He turns to go try the door, stopped by the sight of the
13 years ago
demon again and pressing himself against the wall. "I-I uhm..... what..." he stares at him, to keep an eye on him. "W-where am I? W-
13 years ago
who are you??" he's obviously still scared, after all, this guy still had horns...and claws...a-and sharp teeth...
Yong Soo
13 years ago
approaches him slowly, trying to be kind to him. "Come now. If I were going to hurt you I would have by now. I'm Yong Soo and you're in my
Yong Soo
13 years ago
home." He sets the tray down on a stand placed next to the bed for this purpose specifically. "I want to get to know you. Come and sit." He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
tilts his head, trying to make his vibrant red eyes fade down into a human color.
13 years ago
hesitates still, debating in his head whether the demon was telling the truth or not. He can't help but watch the brightness of his
13 years ago
eyes fade, spooked by it but intrigued at the same time. "I-I, uhm....." he still didn't have much to say, though he slowly took a few
13 years ago
steps closer to him.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him encouragingly and plucks a grape from the plate, putting it into his mouth. He holds out a peach. "It's good I promise."
13 years ago
hesitantly still steps forward, stopping close enough to take the peach from him but just out of arm's length. "...w-why did you bring me
13 years ago
here..." he asks softly, staring down at the peach.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and tilts his head, shrugging. "I wonder. You're special though. I saw you and I thought, I want
Yong Soo
13 years ago
to make friends with this boy." He smiles gently at him. "I said I want to be your friend." He leans back, the robe slipping open. By 'be
Yong Soo
13 years ago
your friend' he also meant 'I want to seduce you'.
13 years ago
reluctantly takes a bite of the peach as the man speaks, though he blushes and forces himself not to look up once he notices
13 years ago
the robe falling open. "A-and by be my friend, y-you meant kidnapping and undressing me...?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently and arches a brow. "You were trying to run from me. Could you imagine having most people you know run from you just because
Yong Soo
13 years ago
you look a bit frightening? I think you can be different. You aren't a bad guy are you?" He shakes his head. "What's your name?" He could
Yong Soo
13 years ago
easily just check his id which was hidden with his clothes.
Matthew feels
13 years ago
a bit shamed at that, hiding his expression behind the peach. "O-oh well.... i-in my defense.. you were naked, and had a t-tail....." He
13 years ago
shakes his head. "I-I don't think I'm a bad guy.... my name is Matthew..." he answers hesitantly, not fast enough to think up a fake
13 years ago
name anyways.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles indulgently. He'd been right. He had suspected that Matthew would be the kind hearted sort that could be shamed into feeling bad
Yong Soo
13 years ago
bout his reaction. "Ah, it is surprising for someone who has never seen someone like me." He motions him closer again.. "Matthew is a very
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nice name, you know."
13 years ago
lowers the half-eaten peach, stepping within arms reach of him. "...I-I'm sorry..." he apologizes, though he still doesn't look any lower
13 years ago
than the man's face. "..t-thank you...." He's a little embarrassed now.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and gently takes his hand. "Sit down. I'm not going to hurt you." He winks at him and laughs. "You're shy aren't you."
13 years ago
blushes at this, setting the peach down and sitting next to him. "....n-no..." he answers hesitantly. >///>
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and puts an arm around him. He held up a glass of wine for him. "You're blushing. And you look embarrassed." He smiled kindly
Yong Soo
13 years ago
his tail still twitching.
13 years ago
flushes a bit darker at the arm around him, taking the glass of wine with both hand to prevent spilling it. "I-I uhm.... s-sorry..... I-I
13 years ago
am not used to this...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and shrugs. "Don't be sorry. I think that you're very cute the way you are." He smiles and presses a grape to his lips.
13 years ago
blinks in surprise, blushing still but parting his lips to take the grape. He hums softly, covering his mouth a little as he chews. "O-oh,
13 years ago
ah.... i-if you say so...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles a bit, almost naughtily as he takes the grape. "I do say so. Would you like a bath Matthew? Or maybe a massage? Perhaps both? I treat
Yong Soo
13 years ago
my friends very well."
13 years ago
flushes at the suggesting, shifting a little in his seat. "I-I should probably j-just go home, it's already pretty late...." he dithers,
13 years ago
unsure if that was going to hurt his feelings or not.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles a little and turns his face toward him. "You can stay here. This bed is quite big enough for you."
13 years ago
blushes still, glancing back at the bed. "O-oh uhm.... I-I wouldn't want to put you out...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him and arches a brow, tucking his hair behind his ear. "I won't do anything you do not want. And I will make sure you get the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
best sort of dinner and breakfast." He smiled at this. "And I have a very lavish bath for you."
13 years ago
shifts awkwardly again, realizing he wouldn't be getting out of here any time soon. "O-oh ah.... t-then I suppose I will stay..." he's still
13 years ago
unsure about all this of course though. After all, the fact alone he was sitting next to a demon was a bit overwhelming.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
's lips curl up and he lightly pecked the boy's lips again. "Aren't you hungry? I brought all this fruit for you. I could get you pasta or
Yong Soo
13 years ago
fish or anything for you." He tilts his head. Fruit though. Fruit made ... certain fluids taste better. Accordingly, Yong Soo ate quite a
Yong Soo
13 years ago
bit of fruit and encourage others to do so too. "or I could show you the bath?"
13 years ago
turns red to his ears again at the kiss, unsure what to do really. He had never had this kind of attention directed at him to begin with.
13 years ago
"O-oh uhm... I-I'm not very hungry..." he replies, both having ate before he left work and the flight having made him a bit off anyways.
13 years ago
"...m-maybe a bath would be okay....." >///<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods a little. He stands, offering him his hand to help them. "We'll take a bath then." He was pleased to see that the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
boy was affected by him. HE paused a bit and smiles gently. "You can touch my horns. Or even my wings, if it'll make you feel better."
13 years ago
takes his hand, setting down the wine glass before standing with his help. "O-oh..." he answers, blushing darker, not having expected
13 years ago
a shared bath. "...a-are you sure...?" he asks, hesitantly pausing and reaching up towards his horns.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, pulling him in close. "yes, I'm quite sure. Please have a nice feel." He knew that the boy would have to get close
Yong Soo
13 years ago
to him to touch them so.
13 years ago
hesitates, gently reaching up to touch his horns, curious about them and for a moment forgetting his attempt to stay away from him. "T-they
13 years ago
feel....really cool...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and leans his head down for him, casually slipping an arm around his waist. "Do you think so? I doubt they'll get
Yong Soo
13 years ago
any bigger now. I keep them well groomed.
13 years ago
flushes as he feels the arm go around his waist again, dropping his hand again in his embarrassment. "O-oh well.... t-they... look nice
13 years ago
on you....?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles gently at him and can't help but peck his lips again, feeling that familiar tingle of energy from the intimate contact. "Thank you."
13 years ago
blushes again at the kiss, looking away shyly. "Y-you're welcome....." >////<
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
how cute that is and starts to guide him into the next room, a large bathroom with a bath made for several occupants at once inside. As he
Yong Soo
13 years ago
said, there's already a bath drawn.
13 years ago
would say that he is not cute. He follows along, studying the house as they go, and blinking in surprise when he sees the large bath. He
13 years ago
was only ever used to normal one person baths. "W-woah....."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and turned a bit. "Would you like to bathe with me?" he turns, eyes turning a bit red again. Yong Soo was very capable of
Yong Soo
13 years ago
keeping himself hidden but he didn't really like that in his own home... and not in front of this frightened adorable boy.
13 years ago
fidgets a little, glancing up to him and startling slightly at how red his eyes were again. "I-I uh...." he felt like declining wasn't
13 years ago
even really an option though. "....I-I suppose that might be f-fine..?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him and moves to gently pull his robe open. "I'll give you the best seat in the bath then," he says softly as he tries to pull the
Yong Soo
13 years ago
robe off of the flustered human.
13 years ago
blushes darker as the other tries to remove his robe, pulling away shyly to do it himself. "O-oh uhm... t-thank you... I'll do this
13 years ago
myself..." He wonders if it would be rude to wear his boxers in instead of a bathing suit....
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods, stepping away. He slides his robe off and hands it there before walking quite naked toward the bath. His tail is
Yong Soo
13 years ago
waving slowly back and forth. He was rather amused still by his company.
13 years ago
folds the robe up and sets it aside, being shy and uncomfortable in his undressing. He sneaks a glance at Yong Soo, blushign and turning
13 years ago
around again quickly, and assuming he had better remove his boxers too (unknowing of course that the demon had already copped a feel),
13 years ago
so he folds those up too before walking awkwardly to the bath.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and beckons him closer, arching a brow at him. "Come over here Matthew. You're so cute."
13 years ago
blushes at that, half covering himself as he stepped over to him, a bit embarrassed. He was not used to group baths.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and pulls him down into the water next to him. "Here you go. The water is a good temperature."
13 years ago
flusters a little, sitting in next to him. "O-oh uhm... y-yes, it's very warm...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and puts his arm around Matthew. "Tell me about your life Matthew."
13 years ago
blushes a bit at that. "O-oh uhm... like what....?"
Yong Soo
13 years ago
kisses his cheek. "Are you a student? What are your passions and pursuits? I want to know about you?"
13 years ago
flusters a little at that, staring down at his hands. "O-oh uh... I'm in school to be a chef.... and I work at a grocery store for now..."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and strokes his hair gently. "So you wish to learn to cook well??" He looks pleased. 'i think that is a good idea."
13 years ago
bites his lip a little and nods. "Y-yeah though I uhm.. .r-rather enjoy making desserts the most... especially things with maple..." >3<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and nods. "That is why you have such a sweet aura, I suppose." His lips grazed gently along his jaw. "Would you cook for me??"
13 years ago
blushes darker at that, unable to help but tilt his head a little shyly. "Y-you...want me to cook f-for you...?" He was still under the
13 years ago
impression that Yong Soo ate human souls instead of food.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
arches a brow. "I do eat human food along with my regular diet..." He realizes what he's thinking. "Have you not realized what I am?" He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs, amused.
13 years ago
's stomach still twists at the sound of 'regular diet', hesitating a moment before slowly shaking his head. While he had read some
13 years ago
things, it was mostly on vampires and the type of vicious demons you see in movies.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles in a naughty way and leans forward to murmur against his ear. "I'm an incubus Matthew. I have brought you here to seduce you. I have
Yong Soo
13 years ago
wanted to have wanted to have sex with you since I saw you looking so lonely on the street. I feed on that-- pleasing my partner~" He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
really just fed on sex though but how attractive did that sound? Someone who was dedicated to wholly pleasing you?
13 years ago
gets a chill down his spine as Yong Soo explains, his face going bright red. Obviously he did not know how to react. "....i-is that
13 years ago
s-so...?" he squeaks, rather embarrassed now that he knew the truth, both because of that fact and for the assumptions he had made.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles against his ear, feeling that shiver go through him. He stroked the boy's shoulder to comfort him. "Come now. Don't you want that? I
Yong Soo
13 years ago
could've come to you in a dream you know. And done it then. But I want you Matthew~" he coos, fingers on his thigh now. "You have very
Yong Soo
13 years ago
interesting reactions.
13 years ago
almost feels as if his brain had short circuited, blushing even darker as he feels fingers upon his leg. He stays a bit stunned
13 years ago
in the spot though. "I-I....do...?" he asks, overwhelmed and thinking why would the demon pick him of all people for this
13 years ago
anyways?? x.x He didn't have very high self esteem in this.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and tilts his head. "Of course you do. Very interesting Matthew. You blush over everything and fidget. it's adorable.' He felt like
Yong Soo
13 years ago
he was a cat that had caught I very flustered bird. He moved a little trying to catch Matthew's lips again as his hand stayed steady, though
Yong Soo
13 years ago
his fingers started to knead gently at the skin beneath his fingers.
13 years ago
hums in surprise at the kiss, gasping a little at the massaging on his leg. He pulls back a little, bright red still. "B-but I'm not...
13 years ago
...I-I mean, I don't...I haven't....." Nope, he didn't have the courage to say it.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him as he pulls back, arching a brow. "Don't worry," Yong Soo mumbles softly. "I know well enough for both of us." He pauses and
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs. "I've been at this for a very long time, Matthew," his voice silk. "I'll make you feel amazing."
13 years ago
flushes darkly still, though unable to help but be caught up in the look on his face and the way his voice sounded. He
13 years ago
hesitates still, but was starting to give in. "O-oh, I'm...n-not doubting you...." >////<
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles dashingly, tilting his face up. "Ah, good. Because I'm being quite honest with you Matthew." He realized that he was winning now. He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
turned Matthew's face in his direction. "Kiss me. I wish I could share with you the sort of thrill I get just from being kissed." He winks.
13 years ago
reluctantly lets his face be tilted like that, glancing down to the demon's lips. He blushes, licking his own lips in nerves as he looked
13 years ago
back up at him. He's entirely embarrassed now, but after a moment of hesitating, he finally leans forwards and presses his lips to Yong's.
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
feeling incredibly good about his deviousness now, having talked the shy boy into kissing him. He kisses back, bringing a hand
Yong Soo
13 years ago
up to cup his cheek while he gently starts to deepen the kiss.
13 years ago
leans into the hand slightly for reassurance, parting his lips for the other. He figured he...might as well enjoy it.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums in delight against his mouth and slides his tongue inside his mouth. It's a bit thinner and a bit longer than a human's but not all
Yong Soo
13 years ago
that different enough to be weird for a human to kiss him. He slides that hand into his hair and slides it around to cup the back of his
Yong Soo
13 years ago
head, taking control of the kiss very nicely.
13 years ago
timidly lays his hands on Yong Soo, mostly to support himself. He moans softly as the other takes over and he feels that tongue in his
13 years ago
mouth, pressing his own back against it a little unsure.
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
the innocent ones. They're so cute. He likes that his hands are on him now and he pulls the boy closer, rubbing his back with one hand as
Yong Soo
13 years ago
the other slides down over his body.
13 years ago
makes a soft sound of surprise as he's pulled closer, his face a bit redder now. He shifts a little into the hands, unable to deny that it
13 years ago
did feel good...
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums and keeps caressing his skin carefully, sure that the boy was quite enjoying his attentions. His tail comes to curl around his waist.
13 years ago
startles a little when the tail wraps around him, obviously unused to that. He breaks from the kiss for a breath of air, blushing.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him, arching a brow. "Does the tail scare you Matthew? The horns or the wings? I can hide them for you, if you'd feel more
Yong Soo
13 years ago
comfortable arounnd me."
13 years ago
hesitates a moment before slowly shaking his head, trying not to insult him. "I-I uhm... t-they are just... different..."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
tilts his head and nods. "I know that it's different. I'll hide them from you if you want."
13 years ago
flushes still, not sure how to respond. "...w-which ever you like b-best is okay...."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs and slides his tail up Matthew's back before pulling it around to slide the tip up along his skin. "I want you to enjoy your time
Yong Soo
13 years ago
with me Matthew. Are you still scared?"
13 years ago
shivers as the tail winds its way around him, blushing still. He reluctantly shakes his head, unsure anymore what he felt past
13 years ago
confused. After all, Yong Soo had already promised he wasn't the type to eat him, r-right....
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles, looking pleased that he wasn't frightened anymore. "Do you want me to take you to bed now?" His fingers played along his thighs. "Or
Yong Soo
13 years ago
would you like that massage first?"
13 years ago
flusters still at the hands on him, shifting a little in his seat. "...a-a massage might be nice... i-if it's not any trouble..."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and stands, pulling him up with him. "Come on this way then." At all points he maintains contact with him.
13 years ago
stands and follows him, blushing still and half trying to cover himself as they walk.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
gets a large towel, turning to dry him off with firm but kind hands. "You're cute Matthew." He murmurs, admiring his body.
13 years ago
squirms a little uncertainly with Yong Soo drying him off. "I-I could do that..." he blushes at the compliment. "O-oh uhm... t-thanks..."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and shakes his head, pecking his lips gently. "I have it handled. Lie down on the futon here okay?"
13 years ago
blushes a little again at the kiss,nodding shyly and laying down as he was told to. He laid on his stomach, assuming that was how he wanted.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and drives himself off before moving to straddle his waist, still awkwardly nude but he figured Matthew should get used to it
13 years ago
crosses his arms in front of himself to lay on, blushing when he realized the demon was still nude as he straddled him. He wasn't sure
13 years ago
that was something he would get used to very fast.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and starts to massage at his back, fingers working at his shoulders first. He had learned in Korea a long time again and he
Yong Soo
13 years ago
had had a lot of practice over the years on how to use his hands.
Matthew is
13 years ago
a little surprised at first, how gentle and calming his hands were. Slowly but surely, he started to relax, despite the thought of who was
13 years ago
sitting on him, and he lets out a small pleased sound as Yong Soo get ones really good spot.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at how he relaxes under him. He was very good. When Matthew makes that little sound he knows that he found a good spot, grinning
Yong Soo
13 years ago
admiring his back and skin.
Matthew is
13 years ago
melting like putty in his hands. He hadn't had a good massage before either; never could afford it. This was like heaven... despite being
13 years ago
from a demon.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
can feel him melting underneath him, smiling and loving how he is so completely in his power. He gives him a thorough massage.
Matthew is
13 years ago
nearly falling asleep as Yong Soo continues, humming softly and happily.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
moves his hands away and rolls him over, looming over him. "Are you going to fall asleep under me Matthew?" He asks, smiling.
13 years ago
rolls over, letting his arms flop out to his sides. He blushes a bit as he looks up, quickly reminded how few clothes there was in this
13 years ago
equation. "...s-sorry...." he answers softly.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and he shakes his head. "Don't look so scared of me Matthew. I want you to enjoy me." His fingers are in his hair and he is
Yong Soo
13 years ago
grinning. "I'm going to kiss you again Matthew," he murmurs as he leans down. "I can touch you too?" he asks quietly, tail moving.
13 years ago
blushes a little darker at how he asked first (and of course the topic..) but slowly nods. "Y-yes... that's okay..." /////
Yong Soo
13 years ago
Smiles at this and leans down, gentle with the shy human, kissing him slowly as his hands run his body.
13 years ago
hums softly as their lips meet, face still red as he hesitantly kisses him back.
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
gently caressing his chest now, lips soft and pliant. He was so cute.
13 years ago
squirms lightly with the touches, a little bleary still from the massage, but enjoying it.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pushes his tongue into his mouth and hums eagerly. He wanted to take this boy.
13 years ago
parts his lips with an embarrassed hum, his hand hesitantly coming to gently hold onto Yong Soo's shoulder, just for an anchor of corts.
13 years ago
Yong Soo
13 years ago
hums and starts to play with his nipples, kiss becoming more insistent. He wanted to hear nice sounds in that cute voice.
13 years ago
lets out a soft whimper as he does so, trying to return the kiss best he can. He arches slightly into the hands on him.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
catches his tongue, sucking on it happily. He moved to settle himself down between his thighs, letting their bodies mold against each other.
13 years ago
gasps, shivering a little despite the sudden body warmth. He pants a little for breath, shifting a bit under him now.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at how he shifts beneath him and moans gently into his mouth, already getting hot from the contact.
13 years ago
lets out a quiet sound of pleasure, trying to hold himself back. He...may or may not be worried about being good enough to please him. >///>
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
already pleased with him! He loves that sound and moves from his mouth to kiss along his jaw, kisses open mouthed and wet.
13 years ago
tilts his head back as Yong Soo does so, letting out a little shuttering breath with each kiss. He lets one hand hesitantly bury in the
13 years ago
demon's hair, trying to avoid the horns though.
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
the way he reacts, glad that Matthew is having fun. He nips at his skin softly. He loved the fingers in his hair and he tugs at his nipples.
13 years ago
moans in surprise with the teeth on him and the tugs, arching against him. His fingers tighten a little in his hair, biting his lip.
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
this sound and moves slowly down his chest now, leaving kisses as he goes. "Do you like this~?"
13 years ago
pants a little, looking down to watch him leave kisses, blushing red. Instead of trusting his voice, he just nods a little shyly.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at this and arches a brow. His wings stretch out a little, distracted by him. He hasn't thought about how this looks to Matthew and
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
simply enjoying him. He takes a nipple into his mouth, humming happily.
13 years ago
gets a little flustered again at seeing his wings spread out like that, feeling small again. He gets quickly distracted by the mouth on him
13 years ago
though, arching into it with a moan.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nibbles on his nipple, fingers sliding down his hands over his ribs, enjoying his moans. He moves to the other nipple as he takes his hips
Yong Soo
13 years ago
in hand and grinds down agianst him.
13 years ago
squirms a little under him, obviously hot and bothered even with just the attention to his chest. He cries out as Yong Soo suddenly grinds
13 years ago
down on him, arching his hips back against him.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
gasped when he reacts so well-- it was very nice to have an awake and willing and wanting him instead of his typical dreaming partners. He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
bites gently at his nipple and grinds down again, loving the sounds he makes.
13 years ago
writhes a bit under him, trying to hold back his voice by biting his lip, embarrassed. He gasps still though, unable to help but grind up
13 years ago
against him again.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pauses and looks up the line of his body, eyes a naughty red. "Please let me hear you~" he murmurs, nipping at his nipple before sliding
Yong Soo
13 years ago
further down.
13 years ago
whimpers a little at the look and the nip, fingers grasping at the futon. "S-sorry..." he pants out, unable to help but watch him.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles devilishly at him, his tail sliding around to curl around his wrist. "You like this don't you? To experience me in like this. You
Yong Soo
13 years ago
are experiencing me in a way most people don't get to, you know." His long tongue dips down into his belly button.
13 years ago
startles a little when the tail winds around his wrist, flushing darker and gasping when he feels the demon's tongue in his belly button,
13 years ago
and squirms a little. "...I-I am...?" he asks, remembering that Yong Soo had said he fed off of pleasing his partner.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
nods and laughs gently. "For most people I am nothing more than their favorite wet dream with their favorite celebrity. I feed them whatever
Yong Soo
13 years ago
dream lover they want to be and when they wake up I'm gone. I want you to see me, Matthew," he grins. "I want you to see me while I'm
Yong Soo
13 years ago
pleasing you." He tilts his head and his eyes flash as he grinds down against him. "I can change forms for you if you want though. I can
Yong Soo
13 years ago
even become a woman for you, if you prefer." He gives him a pout. "But only if you want that."
13 years ago
flushes as he listens, confused as to how he had ended up like this. He gasps and lets out a moan as Yong Soo grinds on him again though,
13 years ago
again caught in the look in his eyes and distracted. "I-I... b-but why..." he flusters, squirming a little. "O-oh uhm....i-it's okay.... I-I
13 years ago
don't mind..." he answers quietly, embarrassed somehow more now knowing he had the choice.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
laughs gently as his hands move to the boy's thighs, massaging them. "Why? Because I like you. Because you had such an instant cute reaction
Yong Soo
13 years ago
to my embrace, I guess. And you smelled so sweet maybe?" He moves down just enough to exhale a warm breath over his crotch. "Would you like
Yong Soo
13 years ago
to go to my bed now Matthew?"
13 years ago
bites his lip again, squirming a little with the hands massaging his thighs. "A-ah.. o-oh...." he answers, unintelligent but obviously
13 years ago
overwhelmed. A shivers runs up his spine at the breath on him, gasping. He shifts a bit, nodding again, embarrassed. "....o-okay.."
Yong Soo
13 years ago
enjoys how overwhelmed he is, adoring that confused stammering and that adorable expression. "Let's go make ourself acquainted then." He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles and helps him up. "My bed is very comfortable.
13 years ago
takes his hand, stumbling to his feet, embarrassed at the obvious arousal he had now and half trying to cover it. "O-okay..." he
13 years ago
repeats timidly, following him.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
smiles at him, tail still wrapped around his wrist as they walk. He is looking back at him, admiring his arousal rather clearly. He likes
Yong Soo
13 years ago
his effect on Matthew. He motions for him sit on the bed.
13 years ago
lets himself be lead by the wrist, blushing and looking at the ground as they go, clearly embarrassed. He glances up when they enter the
13 years ago
room, nodding timidly and gently taking a seat.
Yong Soo loves
13 years ago
how timid he is, but he's still pretty forward, lips already on his mouth again, hands sliding over his thighs happily. He'd been teasing
Yong Soo
13 years ago
Matthew for so long now, and he was finally ready to stop teasing him in favor of more fun.
13 years ago
hums softly as Yong Soo starts right back in, groaning softly at the massaging and returning the kiss. The hand not restrained by his tail
13 years ago
comes up to cup the demon's face, gently.
Yong Soo is
13 years ago
a bit startled by how gentle that hand on his face is and his kiss turns instantly more passionate, liking the sweetness rather a lot. He
Yong Soo
13 years ago
starts to move to push him down so that he could climb on top of him.
13 years ago
gasps against his lips at the sudden increased passion, letting himself be pushed down with a small sound. He realizes then that his legs
13 years ago
are still dangling off the edge, and breaks from the kiss a moment, panting. "S-should I move back," he mumbles softly.
Yong Soo
13 years ago
breaks from his lips, rather breathless too. He laughs, cheeks turning a sheepish red. "Get comfortable Matthew." He reached for the lube.
13 years ago
((/new plurk))
Yong Soo
13 years ago
(( yes. =w= ))
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