Mira Zizan
15 years ago
's finals are just around the corner! 6 days to go! Wake up, Mira! *slaps herself on the face* Haha..
latest #7
15 years ago
Ubat belajar heheh
15 years ago
Adlan.K wants
15 years ago
to slap mira_z too can ah? hehe
Mira Zizan says
15 years ago
nonofarahshila: Apa dia ubat belajar? Hehe.. Ye la. I should stop plurking kan. T_T
Mira Zizan needs
15 years ago
to run away from Adlan.K before he has the chance to slap her! Haha..
Mira Zizan says
15 years ago
myadlan: Eh, my link isn't working! Camne nak link kan eh?
Adlan.K thinks
15 years ago
the link is working.. ok.. now you can run but you cannot hide..
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