13 years ago
so I ban once by accident. Now I'm getting banned frequently. Very mature.
latest #159
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Guess I won't be going back to tc anymore. No lie.
13 years ago
Aw come on, Jeff was just fucking around. :/
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Won't take much since it's inactive most of the time.
JeffyPoopFace says
13 years ago
you mad bro
13 years ago
Jeff you're not helping -___-
BuBurf says
13 years ago
It was only inactive because of a certain reason....
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Only time it's active is when Stapey's on. Frankly, she's not fond of me atm anyway.
13 years ago
Cause Stapey wasn't the- oh..
Gizmo says
13 years ago
13 years ago
JeffyPoopFace says
13 years ago
Cause all we do is win win win no matter what
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Bros and family b4 hoes, huh Jeff?
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Not butthurt or anything. Just a little shocked in the faith I put into some of you.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I son't get butthurt. I just give up on talking to some people.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
13 years ago
Some of you? :/
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I blocked them.
13 years ago
I see..
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Anyways we're leaving now so lates. If people ask, tell them I left.
13 years ago
Mkay, later.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I already blocked the tc page for me, so won't coming anymore.
13 years ago
Alrighty man, I guess I can't convince you otherwise.
13 years ago
...Jeff says hi btw. = u=
Gizmo says
13 years ago
tell him to fuck off.
★haisu says
13 years ago
gizmo ;A;
Gizmo says
13 years ago
phone plurk is gay. fucking with kin aint cool.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
fucking with kin to help a chick he hasnt even met irl yet.
13 years ago
He says he was just kidding, and people fuck with him all the time.
13 years ago
And that you're not being mature cause you say you want to FSU all the time, but when someone fucks your shit up you get mad.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I don't want to FSU anymore. It was a phase and now I'm over it.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
The way I see it. I'm being mature by leaving a hopeless case alone.
13 years ago
But what was hopeless? I don't get what was the issue here.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Michelle just ruined the relations in a family. My cousin will keep trying to FSU as long as she remains pissed at me.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
And so I leave the case alone, knowing she'll keep hatin. Even though I've already resolved to change.
13 years ago
She says she's not pissed at you. o__o;
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Jeez. Plurking a phone is a bitch.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Psh. She only says that to keep appearances. I can show you the last private plurk she sent me yesterday if I wanted to.
13 years ago
What good would that do, though? She says she's not mad at you. And why would she even be mad for?
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I'm not mad. I just give in to making light of myself with them. I will always remain a kid to toy with to them.
13 years ago
But they definitely don't mean any serious harm with it. Unlike some fuckers on CL. They're just joking. And come on now. It's Jeff.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Even if I'm maturing everyday even if it's slowly, he will always put me down.
13 years ago
Jeff is like...the dean of FSU.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Even so, there's a limit to much you can fuck with someone. He crossed my line.
13 years ago
True, true, but he's family. He'll still be family for the rest of time. And getting banned from tc? That's just small, man.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I don't see him much anyway.
13 years ago
Try having an entire online community ridicule you and bash you for no good reason, and no matter what you say it doesn't mean shit.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Oh well then. I ain't changing how I see things.
13 years ago
Jeff says, and I quote: "I'll see your bitch ass at Christmas LOL".
13 years ago
I'm sorry to hear that...
Gizmo says
13 years ago
If they find a way to contact me and redeem themselves somehow, then I'll do something about it.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
It's not too hard to ignore someone in front of their face irl.
RangleGoose says
13 years ago
At least you're getting lots of karma, no?
★haisu says
13 years ago
^ goose, wut
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Like ignoring bullies when they throw insults around.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Lol karma.
13 years ago
Welp I think I'm done mediating here. It's starting to give me a headache.
Tertels says
13 years ago
Oh Joseph just pipe it, you're really going to get pissed of at Jeffrey for teasing you? THATS WHAT BIG COUSINS DO! Get over that. -
13 years ago
He's family, of course he gets to be a D-Bag and of course you get to be one too. Dont go blocking everyone because they pissed you off.
13 years ago
Ban Hammer is no reason to get in a tiff, you know he loves you like a bro, cuz he dont have one.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Messing with family he barely knows and sees isn't really someone he can call his brother.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
He's got other cousins nearby his place, so it should be fine.
RangleGoose says
13 years ago
I live further away from my cousin and see him less often than you see Jeff (I'm assuming) and he's messing with me all the time..
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Once or twice a year average.
13 years ago
Ambush Logic. Also, I wouldn't debate her. She used full first names.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
He don't really know me or my buttons so I'd really appreciate if he learned some consideration.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
He seems to mess a lot with someone he doesn't know or see frequently. Even if we are family.
Tertels says
13 years ago
It doesnt matter man, if he doesnt know your buttons then just tell him that hes pushing your buttons -
13 years ago
If wants to play mess, then you can play mess too, but blocling communications thats just too much
13 years ago
& im pretty sure thats common with every family
13 years ago
What Turts said.
Tertels says
13 years ago
& just cuz he has other cousins closer to him, doesnt mean he loves them more than you.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I need him to act his age as my role model. What he's doing is messing with someone that actually looks up to him.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
To entertain a group of people. In response to the fact that one of his online friends has a grudge against me.
Tertels says
13 years ago
Thats happened to all of us irl one way or another where an older cousin or older siblings gotta look macho in front of his or her friends -
Tertels says
13 years ago
and who cares if one of his irl friends hates your guts or has a grudge, they dont matter at all, because they dont know you. Their opinion-
13 years ago
13 years ago
about you or what you do doesnt even matter. It should never matter because you dont have to be friends with them.
Tertels says
13 years ago
You dont have to be friends or be liked by other people, because no matter what, someone will have a grudge or just hate you -
13 years ago
always. Thats just how life goes. But if you really look up to Jeffrey, then You have to be the one to strike the conversation first. -
13 years ago
Because you have to get shit done first.
13 years ago
Listen to this logic. It is good and sound logic. Family is forever.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better
Tertels says
13 years ago
Mates of State - Get Better
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
So you're saying because of Jeff you're leaving us behind? Seriously, he was just fucking around. Even if he crossed the line. I would 00
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
Understand if he WASN'T family, but he was just trying to bug you. He got a reaction, too.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Yup he got his reaction. Now I might never come by tc again cuz he left me bitter memories.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
All for entertainment. I'll bet he's talking shit right now.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
If you never come back to tinychat, people will be sad. Don't let one thing someone does turn you away. Haters gonna hate, man.
Tertels says
13 years ago
fuck reactions this is all heat of the moment, what, older people cant fuck around too? they wanna fuck around and kid around too
Tertels says
13 years ago
d you were just talking shut awhile ago
Tertels says
13 years ago
aying his business and shit
Tertels says
13 years ago
saying *
Tertels says
13 years ago
Tertels says
13 years ago
shit* wtf, i cant type when im mad D:
Tertels says
13 years ago
Bitter memories? say what now? what are you, a king? no you're not.
Tertels says
13 years ago
you're a kid
Tertels says
13 years ago
we're all kids
Gizmo says
13 years ago
He was the person I looked up to. He should know better.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
It's like when Bieber slapped and refused that one guys request for an autograph.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
But I bet that one guy is over it now.
Tertels says
13 years ago
21 year olds still need to grow up too, 21 doesnt mean you're an adult, he's still a kid too
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Then I'll wait till he can grow up and apologize.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Throw some of that pride for kindred.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
Please, he won't apologize. You just have to ignore the fact that hes acted like a complete douche at the moment. Maybe hes going through--
Tertels says
13 years ago
You grow up and speak to him about it instead of pussy footing around and wanting him to come to you [sorry if i sound too mean .___.]
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
something and this is his way of letting it ou.
Tertels says
13 years ago
cuz not everyone is going to come up to and kiss your ass, if you want results, you have to get them yourself
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Already have. More than once.
Tertels says
13 years ago
Then keep pushing it
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I've spent too much time showing surrender and taking the initiative. Tired of it.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
Then just ignore him. If it keeps going on, then just tell Sieg to take away his mod powers. He's obviously not fit for them if he acts --
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
like that cotuniously.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
^fail spelling. orz
Tertels says
13 years ago
the ignore game isnt going to work
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
Then tell Sieg about it :/
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I might see him tomorrow at a convention anyways. Might.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I'm not planning on hiding or ignoring him.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Depending on what he has to say about this, I'll think about reconsidering.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
^I guess. If it gets really bad, tell Sieg. I don't think he would stand for this.
Tertels says
13 years ago
if i were you, i woulda just waited for awhile and put the ban hammer on him back instead of rage quitting :-P
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Psh. I wouldn't stoop to his level.
Tertels says
13 years ago
Gah, you're stubborn (gfuu)
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I promised someone that I was going to stop being that way. Too bad she hurt me too.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
There's only so much shit I can take before I snap.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Venting isn't really an option for me either cuz I'm the usually type that's too considerate hates troubling people.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
type it in word. LIKE ME.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
He calls an online friend a sister and enthralls her by making me look bad. Then he dares to call me his little brother. Bs.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
What do you think my older brother does :l
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
You CANNOT leave TC because of Waltzy joking around
13 years ago
13 years ago
You know good and well I have better motivation than that to leave
13 years ago
And I'm still right here.
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I will admit one thing. I'm still a kid. A super fucking sensitive one at that.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I had walls too. They just crumbled over the constant bashing.
13 years ago
Then you build stronger walls. You find the cracks and you fill them with new knowledge and wisdom.
13 years ago
And trust me on that.
13 years ago
I used to cry everytime I got angry.
13 years ago
And I got angry A LOT.
13 years ago
Now, I can't recall shedding literally more than 5 teardrops this year.
13 years ago
(Not counting yawning. I don't have THAT much willpower.)
13 years ago
C'mon son
13 years ago
Please don't tell me that you're gonna leave cause of this bullshit.
13 years ago
Jeff was just fucking around and being Jeff as always, like said before.
13 years ago
Even if he banned me repeatedly I wouldn't be all mad, I'd get his ass back.
Tai-po is
13 years ago
there REALLY a need for a long-ass discussion about this? Really? Just come back, make up like family does, and just forget about it.
13 years ago
Not even I hold grudges, against ANYONE, no matter what I do or say. And I say a lot.
13 years ago
I got fucked with constantly on CL, and I never left. The only reason why I left was because Ari and I use this now. Not cause of the bs.
13 years ago
So, sorry to be mean, but tough love:
13 years ago
Pull up the big-girl panties and grow some cojones. Stop bitching and get over it, and come back to TC.
13 years ago
We're all still part of the FSU brigade, even if we don't do shit.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
We'll see. Jeff ain't the only one I'm tired off.
13 years ago
Might as well bring it all out now. What else is the problem?
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