Jellyfish says
13 years ago
I really shouldnt have went to the grad party. I could have avoided some hurt feelings. This is a great start to my summer off.
latest #15
Gizmo says
13 years ago
I spiked the drinks at the last senior grad party I went to.
Gizmo says
13 years ago
asswipes were out and all over the place by 11:00. My friend made out with someone other than her bf.
Jellyfish says
13 years ago
I did nothing. I cried once and almost cried 7 times. Highschools going to be the shittiest shithole ever. I hate the school I'm in now, tbh
Gizmo says
13 years ago
Highschool will be how you make it to be. You let other people affect you, it's your loss. Take it in by stride. Live it.
Tai-po says
13 years ago
There's hardly anyone who doesn't want to do high school all over again. Sometimes it's the best time of your life. Other times it blows.
Tai-po says
13 years ago
The best you can do is stop giving a care and do what you want to do. I should probably follow my own advice as well.
Tertels says
13 years ago
High school really is the best time of your life, no doubt about it. Middle school you think you know who you are but --
Tertels says
13 years ago
when you graduate, you're going to be a new and grown up individual, & you're gonna look back and look at the lessons youve learned on your-
Tertels says
13 years ago
own. You'll see, make your life good with what you already have. You'll go far.
Tai-po says
13 years ago
^ that +10000
Tai-po says
13 years ago
I know, cause I'm doing the same right now.
13 years ago
^Another 10k for that.
13 years ago
Be one of the ones that learns from this time.
13 years ago
Don't be one of the ones that become worse. I think Tertles understands where I'm coming from there.
Tai-po says
13 years ago
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