she goes on about how she hates gay people
how bad is it that I was like "wait the people she's outing are really fucking cute though"
this sounds like a troll..... :T
Since you're a nasty little fuck, I'll write to you like you have my friends and family.
You think your way of thinking is right, but sadly you idiot, you are wrong.
I don't understand why people like you even join websites like this, you're just looking for attention and it's funny
that you even try to defend yourself. How about you take your own 'self help advice'
and just ignore gay people in general. Don't write about us, and we won't send you little messages that make you feel
the slime you are. I won't be careful when I slip your name into conversation on some choice websites.
Enjoy your day you truly ugly human being. Oh and btw, you're really ugly.
so wait is she outing girls that werent out on tumblr or is she like
crawling tumblr for gay blogs and being like HEH STOP
woooooooooooow can she go die in a fire now?
wait yeah that seems to be what she's doing ew
that sucks but also i basically went to her blog and was like "okay she hates gays and....all of these girls are really hot"