YiinYen says
13 years ago
okay , i'm new here . what is FANS for ?? :-o
latest #9
devil★yu says
13 years ago
adding karma .....
YiinYen says
13 years ago
only that ? won't it better if they just add that person ?
devil★yu says
13 years ago
yea if the higher karma u have more things to unlock
YiinYen says
13 years ago
ouh . okay , thanks :-)
devil★yu says
13 years ago
np :-D
devil★yu says
13 years ago
and can i ask u something? does my profile pic look pervertic cos my friend say i look like a pervert in tat pic ==
YiinYen says
13 years ago
haha . a litle bit . LOL
devil★yu says
13 years ago
omg !!! ==
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