JuraShepherd says
13 years ago
Now that I've tried (and failed) to make deviled eggs, I think I'll appreciate them a lot more at picnics. Geesh!
latest #9
13 years ago
what went wrong?
13 years ago
what's deviled eggs? is that like curried eggs?
JuraShepherd says
13 years ago
I couldn't get the eggs peeled with out messing them up. ...and yeah, I bet it's the same as curried eggs
Coyote Laughs
13 years ago
My trick for peeling eggs is to gently rap them on a counter, then put them down and roll them under my hand
Coyote Laughs
13 years ago
You can also try the dutch trick - using a needle to prick a hole on one end and boiling them
JuraShepherd says
13 years ago
thanks! I think I'll give it another go sometime :-)
Coyote Laughs
13 years ago
also, simmer the eggs, don't hardboil them
StellaStapleton says
13 years ago
I agree! best to boil the water first..then put the eggs in..make sure you don't put too many eggs in the pot if you do that though.
StellaStapleton says
13 years ago
boil the water first, then put the eggs in and take off heat, I meant to add
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