hunnybuns asks
13 years ago
has anyone taken up Philosophy? What do you think of it and why did you take it?
latest #10
13 years ago
Philosophy celebrates & notes the insights gain fr deep thinking. I found it hard as a young student as I was unable to grasp the meaning of
13 years ago
what was expounded. It needs a certain level of maturity of thinking which I had not at that time. The great philosophers were on a diff
13 years ago
plane to me & I found them too abstract and the reading far too complex for my simple mind to enjoy. Today I enjoy it thoroughly.
hunnybuns says
13 years ago
ah! that might just explain it. it's compulsory for all of us to take up philosophy here but the thing is we really dont have time for it
hunnybuns says
13 years ago
as it's completely in russian. and also the fact that it's not the usual understanding required.
hunnybuns says
13 years ago
though they do cover many different philosopher's thinkings and insights which i'm sure will be interesting if we could comprehend better
hunnybuns says
13 years ago
in english. oh and also if the profs put in a lil more effort to make it more interesting. what a pity :-(
13 years ago
ThebProfs assume that the philosopher's thinking itself is interesting & wouldn't dilute w/ their own much more shallow understanding of it.
13 years ago
For example Descarte's "I think therefore I am". U can't explain that in lesser words w/o it losing its power & elegance.
Archnemesis™ says
13 years ago
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