they would be more fair to others. =( School system, wae you no change back to the old system? D:
to go for Prize giving for getting the highest for English Sub. =(
I should have gotten higher for my first test, then all this won't happen. T.T
never get to go Prize Giving Day. D: Finally this year is my chance to go for the highest in Eng, but then my genius classmate got the same
mark as I did, and we're BOTH the highest but now she's the one that gets to go because her first test is higher than mine. =( Not entirely
unfair but they should put in consideration that she already has 9 highest sub exclude english. I don't even haveeee any! D:
This ALWAYS happens. =.= Last year I got 1 mark lesser than hers, the year before, we were the same mark but she got it. then the year bfore
that, I got 1 mark lesser than hers! WAE IS THIS HAPPENING TO MEEE? D:
And the SADDEST part is that, at first I did get higher than her, 92, while hers was 90...! but but but
she checked my paper and told me that tcher calculated wrong! D: And being that honest girl I was, I told the tcher and so he corrected it
And now we're BOTH 90...and now she get's to go to the Prize Giving Day. =((
I don't blame her! I should have studied harder. TT But this is so..depressing.
The old system was way better. A student could only have 3 highest subject. If she gets more than that, the prize will be given to the 2nd
highest. D: But now the system changed and they allow students to get more than 3 highest subs for prize giving. =(
Genius classmate, wae you so genius? 10 highest subjects. OTL.
says 2011-06-21T16:36:42.000Z
waduh jangan sedih cheer up lah
don't be too hard on yourself
your parents are proud of you and i'm sure your teachers are too