NorthLandar فکر میکند
13 years ago
که چون ثلورک فارسی دارد من خواهم فقط فارسی حرف زد
latest #7
Reverie گفته ها
13 years ago
why Farsi?
NorthLandar گفته ها
13 years ago
because SL doesn't support it, unfortunately, but I do. :-P
Reverie گفته ها
13 years ago
What has sparked your interest in the language?
NorthLandar گفته ها
13 years ago
I knew it before, but I don't like romanizing it as much so never attempted it in SL
Reverie هست
13 years ago
curious to know how you learned Farsi (but you don't have to tell me if you don't want to)
Polly Paperclip
13 years ago
No, but you have to tell ME.
CoyotePacə گفته ها
13 years ago
well, that seems fair.
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