NorthLandar asks
13 years ago
شما می توانید زبان فارسی صحبت کنید؟
latest #8
Reverie is
13 years ago
thankful for online translators, otherwise I wouldn't understand a word of it
NorthLandar says
13 years ago
;-)شاید اید بگیرد
Reverie asks
13 years ago
Maybe I should learn Farsi? (Is that what you mean?
NorthLandar says
13 years ago
just about :-D I'll make sure I plurk some in english too, or maybe post in both.
Reverie asks
13 years ago
Are you fluent in Farsi or using a translator?
NorthLandar says
13 years ago
I speak it, not like someone straight from Iran but I'm decent.
Reverie says
13 years ago
من عاشق موسیقی است. شما چه است؟
NorthLandar says
13 years ago
من هم از موسیقی خوشم می اید. زودتر از الاً "سم تسوی" را تماشا کردم.
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