柯雅期 shares
13 years ago
latest #7
Thinker says
13 years ago
It is pretty cool
柯雅期 says
13 years ago
Indeed! It was very funny that Reuters thought it is their new Windows phone! lol
Thinker says
13 years ago
By the way.. They said we can buy N950 (N9 with keyboard) with a developer program. How does it work?
柯雅期 says
13 years ago
Mysterious "N950" is not N9 with keyboard, but a leftover from an earlier program, with similarities to N9 though.
柯雅期 says
13 years ago
I am checking the conditions for N950... they make just a handful of them, at least so they say now.
柯雅期 says
13 years ago
Register here: www.developer.nokia.com/... and they might send it to you for free. That is the only way to get an N950.
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