13 years ago
got a new necklace while looking around today. She really liked the shape and all the beads.
latest #336
13 years ago
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
it looks pretty cool~
13 years ago
agrees. There were some other necklaces that were nice too. Small beads are great to make complex-looking necklace.
Dorthe wonders
13 years ago
if she could check it out with her something. A girl could never have enough jewellery to be happy.
13 years ago
13 years ago
guesses the other could if she wanted too...
Dorthe hopes
13 years ago
she wasn't intruding or anything though! She was just bored. Really bored.
13 years ago
doesn't really mind. She was rather bored too. It's why she started looking at jewelry.
13 years ago
knows that feeling quite well. " So~ Anything else in mind lately?"
13 years ago
“Not much really. Things have been a little slow as of late.”
13 years ago
hums. " Really? Must be cause of the good weather." She nods to herself and laughs.
13 years ago
“Does seem like a few things like slowing down in good weather... At least it's good for looking at stars.”Which she seems to be doing a_
13 years ago
lot of lately.
13 years ago
nods. " Ja, star gazing is great these days. I'm thinking of taking my boat out for some of that." She grins.
13 years ago
nods lightly. “That sounds nice.” A bit different at least.
13 years ago
shrugs. " I could take you out to star gaze of you want." She smirks.
13 years ago
pauses half in a thought before shaking her head slightly. “No, I won't want to trouble you.” Though she does kind of want to...
13 years ago
stretches. " Ah, no worries! It's decided then~ We'll go star gazing after shopping." She winks.
13 years ago
pauses again before nodding. “Okay then.”
13 years ago
smiles. " Ja. You looking for anything in particular today?"
13 years ago
"No, not really. Just looking around."
13 years ago
tilts her head. " Hm~" Her eye catches a necklace from the window. " What do you think about that one?"
13 years ago
looks at it. "That one looks rather nice. The fleur-de-lis is rather nice on jewelery."
13 years ago
nods. " Ja but it doesn't seem to fitting." She pouts.
13 years ago
"Maybe a different charm could work. Silver-colored jewelry is always a good type though."
13 years ago
nods. " Well, it's technically not for me..." She laughs nervously.
13 years ago
hums. "Who's it for then?"
13 years ago
smiles a little awkwardly. " Just a birthday present for a friend. A guy friend..."
13 years ago
raises a brow. "Really? And who, may I ask, might this guy friend be?"
13 years ago
blinks and reddens a bit. " Ohumhe'sjustacertaintulipcountryyouknowNetherlandsandyeah." She said it in a rush and smiles awkwardly again.
Evelin was
13 years ago
able to catch most of that surprising. “Really? Netherlands, you say?” She manages to smiles a bit. It wasn't hard to figure this out. “You_
13 years ago
like him?”
13 years ago
shakes her head quickly. " Nej Nej, just a friend. I insist!"
13 years ago
hums. "Of course. Though your acting a bit weird for him to a be 'just a friend'."
13 years ago
covers her face to hide her blush. " Just help me out please...I'm not good at this stuff..."
13 years ago
kind of thinks it's cute how the other is acting as she knows. "Sure. If you do want to get him a necklace, usually slightly longer cords_
13 years ago
are better. Darker colors too."
13 years ago
nods as little as she tries to recover. " I see...I wasn't really sure what to get him in the first place..."
13 years ago
"Do you know what he likes then? A necklace could be good though depending on what you get."
13 years ago
tilts her head a bit. " Well him being a bit of an enigmatic person I guess. He does like his flowers and his rabbit." She nods.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
about that for a moment. "Maybe something more like that could work..." She points over to another necklace she sees.
13 years ago
nods a little. " That looks nice but seems a bit dark..." She tried imagining it but shook off the thought.
13 years ago
"More of a light gray then would be nicer?" She really didn't know what the male Netherlands looked like, so she was guessing a bit.
13 years ago
nods. " Maybe." The female Holland was actually quite similar minus a couple details.
13 years ago
tries to think of the woman then. "Maybe more cream colors would work better."
13 years ago
nods and looks around. " I hope it works for him..."
13 years ago
"It should as long as it's not a really bright shade."
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
for a bit. " Let's keep looking I guess." She nods.
13 years ago
agrees trying to see if she could find anything.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
actually quite happy she found her. She didn't know who else to ask about helping her with the task.
13 years ago
guesses she is glad to help. Now only if something would show up that could be a good gift.
Dorthe hopes
13 years ago
they are able to find something. Then again, there was an entire month to search.
13 years ago
A month? Well, that probably would help. Maybe they could find something almost right, and the other could find something similar somewhere_
13 years ago
else later.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
a bit confused by what she means...
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
she was trying to say get ideas now and then find the actual gift later.
13 years ago
(Though the plurker may have just been distracted and went the long way about writing things.)
13 years ago
totally understands that part. So it means that now she had to think of the perfect gift.
13 years ago
((No problem xD))
13 years ago
agrees. Now what to give a mysterious guy who liked flowers and rabbits. She laughed a bit as she looked at a few cell phone straps though._
13 years ago
They were kind of cute... Though maybe not exactly something to get. Even if they were bunnies.
13 years ago
...would fawn over how adorable they were but it was really awkward for a guy getting something like that.
13 years ago
guesses she agree with that.
13 years ago
looks around. This was a lot harder than she had thought it would be...
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
'the perfect gift' might not be the easiest thing to find.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
going to try her best and consider it a challenge then~
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that might be a good way to think of it.
13 years ago
continues to look around. She was thinking of getting him a music box...but it would seem pretty random.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
why she wanted to get a music box?
13 years ago
13 years ago
thought it seemed cool...
13 years ago
doesn't think it sounds like a bad idea. A music box could be a nice gift.
13 years ago
doesn't know where to get one though.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
thinks one could get them online and at those stores that sell knick-knacks.
13 years ago
doesn't really use her computer much unless it involves work or watching videos online.
13 years ago
|They could at least look up a place that sells music boxes. She could do it from her phone even.
13 years ago
didn't know her phone could do that! She pulls it out her new phone...the one she had to replace her old one with after a dunking incident.
13 years ago
nods. "There is usually a feature somewhere if you have it. Make sure the wireless is on though."
13 years ago
blinks as she followed her instructions. "...like this?" She was pretty surprised at the functions on her phone.
13 years ago
"Mm hm. Just online and go to some search engine and type in what you are looking for."
13 years ago
pressed a couple buttons on the touch screen. " I just put in like music box into Google." She blinks at the first entry. " Wikipedia?"
13 years ago
"You probably want to be more spefic and use 'music box dealers' and maybe click the 'maps' link at the top. I don't think Wikipedia would_
13 years ago
be helpful at the moment."
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods and goes according to her instructions again. " Oh. There's a lot."
13 years ago
"Just find one that looks good then. And we'll find out where we need to go to."
13 years ago
pouts. " Are these legit though? I heard a lot of weird things about being scammed and what not."
13 years ago
“Well, it's a bit harder to be scammed this way. Scamming is usually using false information to obtain money. Since all we are doing is_
13 years ago
finding places to walk over to, the most likely way we would get scammed is placing an false order at the store we go to. Usually, the_
13 years ago
worse thing to happen is we just find a place that doesn't exist or isn't in a good area.”
13 years ago
nods a little. " I see...oh this one isn't too far from here! There's even a picture of the store." She nods.
13 years ago
"Okay. Lead the way then."
13 years ago
awkwardly follows Google Map cause that's what cool people do. Not really buuuut she stops at a store that looks weird.
13 years ago
follows slightly behind. "Is this the place?" she asks.
13 years ago
looks up from her phone to the sign and then to Evelin. " I think so."
13 years ago
(wondering: good kind or bad kind of weird?)
13 years ago
((I actually have no idea...let's go with good. Cause it sounds nice? :'D ))
13 years ago
hums looking in the windows seeing a person or two. "It seems open."
13 years ago
((Awesome. Though now, I'm imagining one of those stores with the weird things in the window and/or the shop's pet cat.))
13 years ago
((Whatever works for us? I think o A o ))
13 years ago
nods and opens the door for them. " Let's check it out I guess."
13 years ago
walks in. It was sort of an interesting little shop. "This seems to be a good place." A little dusty here and there though.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
right behind her and takes a glance around. " I wonder if they have something nice..."
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
a place like this probably would have at least interesting to see. "Could be possible. Maybe we should look to see where they may have_
13 years ago
music boxes."
13 years ago
nods. " There's still plenty of others we could check."
13 years ago
looks around trying to find book-sized boxes. "Mh hm. Just a process of elimination."
13 years ago
agrees. " Yeah." She checked a couple but the sound wasn't very nice...
13 years ago
frowns a bit at the sound. Maybe they should try the next one.
13 years ago
checks the next few but frowns as well. " Seems a bit off even for my liking..."
13 years ago
nods. "Probably be good to find the next place then."
13 years ago
shrugs and checks her phone again. " The next one's a bit farther from here but still within walking distance."
13 years ago
hums. "Well, that's good then."
13 years ago
walks out of the store holding the door for her. " I wonder if there are places that you can make them from scratch."
13 years ago
follows. "I'm not sure if they have places like that, but you could find those DIY kits for making songs. Could probably make a box around_
13 years ago
tthe instrument too."
13 years ago
blinks. " Really? I've never heard of such things."
13 years ago
nods. "I haven't really tried it, but you can find them. They use a slips of paper it seems to make them produce songs. Though it's also_
13 years ago
possible to buy the instrument itself with a song on it already."
13 years ago
just stares at her. " ...That sounds really long...and hard."
13 years ago
nods. "Probably is. Unless there is a guide or something."
13 years ago
rubs her neck. " I think a custom made one would be a good idea but I don't think I'll be able to DIY myself."
13 years ago
"You probably could find other ways to get a custom one as well. I don't know other ways though."
13 years ago
nods a little. " Tak, I'll see what I can do then."
13 years ago
nods a bit in agreement. "Okay."
13 years ago
puts her phone away. " You hungry or anything?"
13 years ago
“A bit.” She really hasn't eaten much today, but then again, it's rather usual for her.
13 years ago
hums a bit. " You wanna grab some food to eat before we head to the harbour then?"
13 years ago
nods. “Sure.”
13 years ago
nods as well and stretched. " Uh, you like anything in particular?"
13 years ago
"No, not really."
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
of a good place they could eat. "...What craving am I having now...?"
13 years ago
just follows not minding where ever she may be taken to.
13 years ago
takes them to a fast food restaurant. She hasn't eaten hamburgers in a while.
13 years ago
guesses a hamburger sounds pretty good.
13 years ago
nods and orders for them both.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
why she is ordering for both of them.
13 years ago
wanted to thank her for helping her out. So why not?
13 years ago
guesses that she'll accept the thanks then... and will thank her for the food.
13 years ago
finds it no problem seeing that they were friends right?
13 years ago
|... Yes, no problem at all.
13 years ago
brings her the food and seats at a table nearby.
13 years ago
sits down across from the other before looking at the food for a moment and taking one of the hamburgers.
13 years ago
digs in happily. " Hope you don't mind me." She laughs.
13 years ago
shakes her head. "Not at all." She take small bites of her food.
13 years ago
nods to that and continues to eat. " Have you seen Fin lately?"
13 years ago
nods. "Not too long ago, and I'll be seeing her next weekend too."
13 years ago
tilts her head curiously. " Really? Do you mind telling her I said hi then. I haven't seen her for ages!"
13 years ago
nods. "Sure. I'll make sure that I remember that if I can get that in."
13 years ago
grins. " Tak! I seriously owe you one." She laughs.
13 years ago
smiles a bit before taking another bit of her hamburger.
13 years ago
hums and finishes her food quickly. She liked hanging around another girl.
13 years ago
isn't as quick to finish her food. She never really ate fast anyways.
13 years ago
didn't mind. They had plenty of time to relax, she was just hungry. That's all.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad not to be rushed then.
13 years ago
stares out the window looking at her own reflection. Maybe she should trim her hair or something.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
the other's hair is fine unless she's worried about split ends or her hair in her eyes. Though it reminds Eve she'll probably have to trim_
13 years ago
her bangs again soon.
13 years ago
usually just clips her hair to the side to avoid it getting in her face. She just wondered if it was too long.
13 years ago
doesn't think it is. (Says The Former Miss Rapunzel.)
13 years ago
...just wonders how long Evelin's hair used to be then...
13 years ago
|... The longest was around her ankles, usually it was a bit past her knees. It wasn't til recently that she had short hair.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
quite surprised by that. Even she couldn't grow her hair that long...her own achievement was down to her butt.
13 years ago
doesn't know why she's surprised. She already had it down to her thighs when they first met in the 1200s. Then again to the ankles was a bit
13 years ago
extreme. It took decades to pull that off.
13 years ago
gets surprised and wowed really easily. Seriously. Anything can be really surprisingly to her...
13 years ago
laughs a bit inwardly at that as she talks the last few bites of her meal.
13 years ago
hums a bit while waiting. The weather was really good today~ It made her really bubbly.
13 years ago
finishes up. "Should we get going?"
13 years ago
nods and takes her tray for her to toss out the garbage. " Anytime~" She grins.
13 years ago
gets up then ready to leave.
13 years ago
leads the way. " Let's walk off the food and then head to the harbour. It's pretty nice out."
13 years ago
follows. "Alright. Sounds pretty good."
13 years ago
nods. " So any place you want to go walk around?"
13 years ago
"Somewhere with a few plants maybe. Doesn't matter much though."
13 years ago
taps her cheek thinking. " How about the park then?"
13 years ago
nods. "Sure."
13 years ago
smirks at that and continues walking towards the park. " Hm~"
13 years ago
follows a step behind the other.
13 years ago
nods as they reach the park nearby. She inhaled the air and heaves out a happy sigh. " Not sea air but it's still good~"
13 years ago
nods in agreement. The air around parks was rather nice.
13 years ago
takes a glance around. There were some children on the playground and some other people but overall it was like any other typical park.
13 years ago
takes an interest at looking at the plants.
13 years ago
smiles at that. She stares up at the sky for a bit.
13 years ago
admires how the flowers look this year. It reminds her of something, and she wonders if the flowers she pressed came out well.
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
the flowers from everywhere came out to be pretty nice. Even her tiny garden grew to be very nice.
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad all the flowers seemed to be so nice then. Flowers were so delightful~
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
so too even though they had a tendency to remind her of someone.
13 years ago
would guess that someone would be a certain Dutch man then? Just a guess though.
13 years ago
...thinks she's too good at this guessing game...
Evelin has
13 years ago
always been good at guessing? Or she just was able to narrow down easily.
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
that ability to guess things right was still pretty amazing...
13 years ago
|So, the 'someone' was the Netherlands then?
13 years ago
reddens again...it was.
13 years ago
smiles a bit. And did the other like him?
13 years ago
would insist they were friends...even though Evelin was on the dot again.
13 years ago
really wouldn't believe the other's insistence. She thought it was nice that the other likes someone.
13 years ago
finds liking someone just awkward...she didn't have a single clue about that kind of stuff!
13 years ago
doesn't think she really needs to know much about it. It's really something someone needs to find out by oneself anyways.
Dorthe has
13 years ago
been trying to find out herself...but she's absolutely clueless. England's advice was not helpful either.
Evelin wonders
13 years ago
what kind of advice England gave?
Dorthe was
13 years ago
called 'Love Sick'...whatever that means.
13 years ago
|“Love Sick”? That was a bit more like desiring to be loved or something like that... Kind of a weird way to give advice if that was it
13 years ago
13 years ago
still needs to get back at the Brit for insulting her cooking.
13 years ago
... is trying to get past the fact that England insulted someone else's cooking.
13 years ago
should pay him a visit now that she's reminded of that. She could bring her sword or borrow Den's axe.
13 years ago
... doesn't think that would be a good idea quite now. Maybe later?
Dorthe will
13 years ago
still make a visit in the future. Just not anytime soon since she promised to take Evelin sailing.
Evelin is
13 years ago
okay with that then.
Dorthe will
13 years ago
still remember to get back at that damn Brit though...oh hey those kids look really cute play tag.
13 years ago
might be laughing at that nice display of short attention span theater but only inwardly. Kids are cute of course, so it was bound to happen
13 years ago
13 years ago
thought kids were always so adorable...
13 years ago
agrees with that.
13 years ago
would love to have kid but she didn't think nations were capable of that.
13 years ago
doesn't think it's impossible. Just not exactly easy to accomplish.
13 years ago
guesses that would make some sense. There was Greenland and Scania that could be technically her kids.
13 years ago
would guess that would be one way then.
13 years ago
shrugs a little at that thought. She did miss them though.
13 years ago
guesses that they were not here yet then.
Dorthe hopes
13 years ago
they could manage without her. She had been worried about how they were doing.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
they probably are fine. Since many nations were gone, someone had to think of something to keep everyone okay.
Dorthe hopes
13 years ago
so too.
13 years ago
doesn't think worrying too much would do anything either. It never seemed to work for her (no matter how much she may worry). The best thing
13 years ago
to do was to hope for the best.
13 years ago
guesses that she is right. " Should we start heading to the harbour?" She looks over to the other.
13 years ago
nods lightly. "Would be good to get there soon."
13 years ago
smiles. " Alright~ To the harbour then." She laughs.
13 years ago
smiles lightly ready to follow the other towards the harbor.
13 years ago
leads the way. She was kinda happy everything was within walking distance.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that it's rather nice. Being able to walk from place to place was pleasant especially on a nice day.
13 years ago
agrees with that. It allowed her to relax and enjoy the other things in life.
13 years ago
does think that too. It was hard to enjoy some things when one is moving past them quickly in a bus... It did interest her every once and a_
13 years ago
while though: the blurs out the window of a moving vehicle.
13 years ago
thought that was pretty cool to watch once in a while. Yeah Dorthe gets amused too easily...
13 years ago
doesn't blame her. She was rather interested easily.
13 years ago
shouldn't mention the time she had fun with a colouring book Netherlands had in his house...
13 years ago
|… Maybe that would be good not to mention.
13 years ago
just shrugs and sees the harbour up ahead in the distance.
13 years ago
pushes out the thought of why Netherlands had a coloring book at his house when she sees the harbor too.
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
it'll take a long time to explain it...so she doesn't bother. She could smell the nostalgic salty air on the other hand.
13 years ago
could smell it too. It was kind of comforting.
13 years ago
smiles at that and looks over to the other female. " This is my kind of air~" She laughs.
13 years ago
nods in agreement.
13 years ago
hums a little as they approach the docks.
13 years ago
follows rather closely now a bit excited.
13 years ago
leads her over to her sail boat. " Well, here we are. You need any help climbing in?"
13 years ago
shakes her head a bit. "No, I'm fine." It wasn't like she hasn't been in a boat before... though she might still have trouble anyways.
13 years ago
nods and hops into the boat, doing the usual checking procedures and keeping an eye out for her.
13 years ago
gets up onto the boat slipping for a second but otherwise fine.
Dorthe was
13 years ago
nearby and nods lightly. " The wind is good today~" She smirks as she checked the wind.
13 years ago
nods. "That's good," she says as she sits down.
13 years ago
smiles as she finishes up with the preparations before raising the sails.
13 years ago
spends the time waiting just looking out at the water. It looked so nice.
13 years ago
hums as she takes the boat out of the harbour towards the sea, slowly picking up speed.
13 years ago
looks over as the harbor slowly becomes distant.
13 years ago
laughs as she watched the harbour pretty much disappear not long after. " Gotta love sailing~"
13 years ago
nods lightly. "It's nice to be out on the water."
13 years ago
lets the boat drift around a bit as she leaned on the railing. " Ja, I just find it so invigorating~!"
13 years ago
smiles. "I find it to be a place to be rather content. There are so many pleasant memories out here."
13 years ago
chuckles at that as she gazes out to the water. " There are and I would never forget any of them."
13 years ago
nods in agreement. "Yeah, good memories shouldn't be forgotten anyways."
13 years ago
shrugs a little. " I like remembering them both. Good or bad."
13 years ago
hums a little not exactly sure that she agrees. There was a bad memory or a few that she rather forget.
13 years ago
nods as she continues to stare out into the sea. She had always been an odd one to remember all sorts of things.
Evelin has
13 years ago
a rather good memory too, but she wishes she didn't sometimes.
Dorthe wonders
13 years ago
why is that. Having a good memory is a good thing in her opinion.
13 years ago
|Again, she rather not remember somethings or more like not remember certain details.
13 years ago
won't bother her about it then. She was just a tad curious~
Evelin is
13 years ago
grateful that the other would bother her about it.
13 years ago
wouldn't poke into someone's business unless it concerned her about it...or Norge.
13 years ago
understands that.
13 years ago
seats herself on the railing and just watches the scenery after. There really wasn't much to say.
13 years ago
really doesn't mind not talking as she waits for the stars to come out. It was really nice and calm.
13 years ago
waits for the sunset. It was one of her most favourite things to see while sailing.
13 years ago
|The sun reflecting brilliantly] against the sea... Yeah, it probably be one of her favorite things to see out on the water too.
13 years ago
13 years ago
sighs a little. If she brought her viola, it would've been even more amazing. Then again, she didn't want to make it awkward for the other.
13 years ago
wouldn't have mind. She does love music. It would have actually been rather lovely to hear.
13 years ago
just hums a bit then, hoping it suffices. She'l bring her viola next time if that's the case~
13 years ago
guesses it does a might be humming along a bit. She'll be glad too hear the viola then next time.
13 years ago
wasn't the best at the viola but she was taught it from one of her bosses a long time ago, so she just plays it once in a while now.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that it nice that she plays it anyways even if it isn't the best. It's good just knowing how to play and to still play any instrument. Or to
13 years ago
sing too. Any music was rather wonderful to her.
13 years ago
could sing. She didn't think she was the best but she loved to sing.
13 years ago
rather loves singing too. It's amazing what voices can do.
13 years ago
think's it's pretty awesome too.
13 years ago
|Especially with all the variations between singing styles and singers~
13 years ago
remembers how different it was back in the day compared to the present. It has really come a long way.
13 years ago
agrees with that. Most things seemed to have come a long way though.
13 years ago
nods a little. Too much time has passed though...it seemed like a big change in a blink of an eye.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
it seems that way when looking back. Everything seems so much more condensed when thinking about the past.
13 years ago
heaves a content sigh as she watched the sun beginning to set. She was glad it was something never changed.
13 years ago
watches too. The sun shining across the surface of the water was a pleasant sight.
13 years ago
could never find any words to describe the sight. It always left her baffled and speechless no matter what.
13 years ago
turns her head looking at the darkening sky following the sun.
13 years ago
smiles as she saw the moon appearing.
13 years ago
looks down back to the sun looking at all the colors. It was nice how clear the ssky was.
13 years ago
Dorthe was
13 years ago
really glad she went sailing today. She could've missed all this!
13 years ago
agrees with that.
13 years ago
stretches as bit as she watches the sun slowly dive into the horizon.
Evelin is
13 years ago
watching out to see the first stars show up. It was almost dark enough.
13 years ago
smiles a bit looking out for the stars as well
13 years ago
spots one shining weakly due to how it wasn't quite dark enough yet.
13 years ago
waits patiently for the other stars to appear. She preferred to stargaze when all the stars were visible.
13 years ago
just looks at the one star for a while waiting to see when other would appear around it.
13 years ago
hums a little and decides to grab a beer from the storage while waiting. " You want any?" She raises the bottle to show her.
13 years ago
nods slightly. "Sure."
13 years ago
hands her a cold one before opening her own bottle and taking a swig.
13 years ago
opens her bottle to take a drink. Not exactly what she was used to drinking, but it was good.
13 years ago
shrugs. It was Danish beer though~
13 years ago
just doesn't drink much beer. Though, she does rather like it all the times she has had it.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
glad she's okay with it then~
Evelin is
13 years ago
glad too. She hasn't had a drink in a bit anyways.
Dorthe has
13 years ago
other things besides beer if she wants.
13 years ago
winders what she has then.
Dorthe has
13 years ago
pop and juice in case she went sailing with the younger nations like the Icelands.
13 years ago
... will stick with the beer then. (And not mention that she is the same age as the Icelands.)
13 years ago
knows Thora likes beer but she is for sure Eyvindur doesn't drink.
13 years ago
knows that male Iceland doesn't drink... However, she still wonders why he saw him one time at a bar...
13 years ago
never heard about him being at a bar...
13 years ago
just saw him there once. For what reason? It seems he just likes going to random places.
13 years ago
wouldn't stop the kid from drinking if he wanted to though~
13 years ago
hums to that and goes back looking at the stars.
Dorthe wonders
13 years ago
if she could recognize any constellations...
13 years ago
can recognize a few so far.
13 years ago
remembers just the big dipper the best...cause of the Northern Star.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
that is definitely a good one to remember.
13 years ago
couldn't remember the last time she forgot about that star. It was by far her favourite.
13 years ago
doesn't really have a favorite star, but the Northern Star was surely the most memorable.
13 years ago
still thinks that pretty awesome though~
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