Ichigo Ichie
13 years ago
I'm so loving Teru! but he looks so old with his hairstyle now.. :-(
latest #8
(◕ ω ◕)
13 years ago
ehhhhhhhhhhh well yea sort of anw speaking of do u peta/fanmail him~?
Ichigo Ichie
13 years ago
no..i don't know how to fanmail..do you know how?? *sparkling eyes* please teach me!
(◕ ω ◕)
13 years ago
yes yes i do but i didn't send a fanmail 2 him yet XDDD cos i don't know wat 2 say XD yes i can teach u~~
Ichigo Ichie
13 years ago
waaaa~~~! maji desu ka?! teach me onegai!
(◕ ω ◕)
13 years ago
iyo~ but i kind of 4got hao 2 ahahha matte~ i'll teach u later~
Ichigo Ichie
13 years ago
hai.. :-D
(◕ ω ◕)
13 years ago
okay here's d link but its in japanese so u need 2 translate it XD
Ichigo Ichie
13 years ago
uhm..doko ni??
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