For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death.
For see what earnestness this godly grief has produced in you, what eagerness to clear yourselves,
what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what zeal, what punishment! At every point you have proved yourselves guiltless in the matter.
因為依著 神的意思憂愁,就生出沒有後悔的懊悔來,以致得救;但世俗的憂愁是叫人死。
你看,你們依著 神的意思憂愁,從此就生出何等的慇懃、自訴、自恨、恐懼、想念、熱心、責罰(或作:自責)。在這一切事上,你們都表明自己是潔淨的。