Hellatus says
15 years ago
Meg, Hendrickson & Ronald, Oh My! It's time for AYTG?IMDW.
latest #153
15 years ago
love this song!!!
Positively B
15 years ago
me too! But again, I don't care for the THEN, it gives away the whole ep!
15 years ago
15 years ago
I seriously wish they hadn't killed this chick hunter.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Love that perdition line from Castiel!
Positively B
15 years ago
me too, Zo, it really works
15 years ago
that line could have really been clunky but Misha did an excellent job with it
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
agreed...it didn't sound clunky or cheesy at all.
Positively B
15 years ago
trufax, Ophe
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
"groped by an angel" (LOL)
Ophe wishes
15 years ago
she could be groped by an angel
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
One angel in particular... ;-)
Positively B
15 years ago
oh yeah, me too
15 years ago
chuckleheads...idgets...I love Bobby's insults.
15 years ago
doods. Sorrry to be late to the ball. Where are we?
15 years ago
At Bobby's house
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I'm about 6 minutes in.
15 years ago
Positively B
15 years ago
Bobby just said an angel can snatch a soul from the pit, and dean has low self esteem
15 years ago
You're gonna get me some pie!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Sammy forgets the pie. Bad Sammy!
15 years ago
Well he got distracted by Lillith!Ruby
15 years ago
I'm going to have to watch the "THEN" part cuz I love that song!
Positively B
15 years ago
Dean, do you remember what happened the last time you sent Sam for food? And the time before that?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Go for it Katy!
15 years ago
Very true! Anytime Sam goes for food or says he is, then nothing good happens.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
(LOL) I (heart) Dean's expression when he goes "Where's the pie"
15 years ago
He usually falls on pie
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Clumsy boy.
Positively B
15 years ago
You... fell backwards onto pie?
15 years ago
Dean did not fall on pie. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP/dawn summers
15 years ago
These two deaths are like the gorriest I've ever seen on SPN. ewwwww. Rib cage!
15 years ago
Kripke must have laughed his ass off at this episode!
15 years ago
Oh, bobby. "ya think?"
Positively B
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
How can Dean sleep like that? Wouldn't his face get cold from the wind as the Impala is being driven??
15 years ago
point of order- are we watching the commercials or FF?
15 years ago
Sometimes Sam does go a little Captain Obvious.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
I edited out the commercials.
15 years ago
15 years ago
I don't have commercials so FF, I guess.
Positively B
15 years ago
Katy, mine don't have commercials
15 years ago
you want us to pause a sec so you can FF?
15 years ago
No, I'm good. I just saw Hendrickson.
15 years ago
Positively B thinks
15 years ago
if they were gonna put in the flashbacks, then we didn't really need a THEN, it's kind of redundant
15 years ago
agreed B
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
Nah, I like the whole idea that you can't save everyone idea/failed Hendrickson/ shtick. I'm the minority here, yo.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Damn...Bobby's house is big.
Positively B
15 years ago
well then, they should've left out the flashbacks. If people can't remember who those ghosts are, well, screw 'em
15 years ago
gorram stock footage.
Positively B
15 years ago
I know, Zo, it's like it grew a second floor overnight
15 years ago
And its painted red or got red wallpaper which a little bold.
15 years ago
But.. Dean and Sam needed rooms to stay in when they come to visit.
15 years ago
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Not to mention the stained glass window.
Positively B
15 years ago
and yet, they sleep on the floor in the living room
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
But katy...the sleep on the first floor..with Dean ON the floor.
Ophe loves
15 years ago
Nicky Aycox
Positively B
15 years ago
Nicki's so great (heart)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
She looks so different without the blonde hair..but same voice.
15 years ago
Because the upstairs was all messy after fighting the witnesses. *tin hats*
15 years ago
maybe he doesn't have beds in the upstairs rooms....just books.
15 years ago
Twin beds! *clutches tin hat*
Positively B
15 years ago
Ophe, that would be hilarious, it's just wall to wall books in all those rooms
15 years ago
bunk beds!!!!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
or artifacts.
15 years ago
With a Cindy Crawford poster
15 years ago
Barbarella actually
15 years ago
So, how come Dean didn't tell Meg that he totally understands being ridden by pure evil...
15 years ago
Not in the boys' room!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
:-o (lmao)
15 years ago
My TIN HAT is awesome.
Positively B
15 years ago
y'know, Meg's kinda got a point here
Positively B
15 years ago
Sam's so smart!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Sam's an artist.
Positively B
15 years ago
yes, Katy, your tin hat is the shiniest
15 years ago
as long as he doesn't have to do portraits
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
dee-monic panic room FTW!!
Positively B
15 years ago
Sam rocks the stick figures and symbols
15 years ago
So does Dean. *See Fred and the Water*
15 years ago
I so want more scenes in the panic room. I just adore that set.
Positively B
15 years ago
it's great how much it really looks like it's made of iron. Their set guys ROCK
15 years ago
Bobby IS awesome.
15 years ago
Jerry Wanek, right?
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Good thing he had that free weekend.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Uni-speak! \o/
Positively B
15 years ago
it's REVELATION, singular not plural! ARGH
15 years ago
apocalypse! everyone drink!
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
I was waiting for you to say that B
Positively B
15 years ago
it's a pet peeve
15 years ago
mine is the way Jared says library.
Positively B
15 years ago
can't help it though, I'm excited at the prospect of the apocalypse
15 years ago
there is another "r" in there dude!
15 years ago
It's a libary. If you're Jared Padalecki.
Positively B
15 years ago
it's the drawl, Ophe, he can't help it
15 years ago
I'm from South Carolina; I don't slur my 'r's. Time to get some speech lessons, Jare.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Quit picking on poor Jared.
15 years ago
It always pulls me out of the story.
15 years ago
He's pretty, rich and so therefore gets to be scorned a little bit.
15 years ago
true, poor might not be the most accurate word for him (LOL)
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
He can't be THAT rich.
Ophe loves
15 years ago
that Sam has no time for Meg's bitching
Positively B
15 years ago
kinda wants Meg to kick his ass, sorry
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
That would be amusing since she's so tiny and he's not.
15 years ago
15 years ago
He has a AmEx black. You have to charge 250,000 per year to maintain it. So, he gets scorned.
15 years ago
poor, poor Nancy
15 years ago
I would have adored Meg Masters kicking Sammy's ass. And I want Nancy to show up and whup some ass.
Positively B
15 years ago
how do you know what kind of plastic he carries, Katy?
15 years ago
Jared shoulda said "Whoops" there
Positively B
15 years ago
DUDE, pissed off ghost!Nancy would've been AWESOME
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Yeah...how do you know what kind of plastic he carries?
15 years ago
woulda been a bit harder to believe her being a badass though
15 years ago
these other three had some anger issues anyway
Positively B
15 years ago
not if the actress was any good
15 years ago
It's not my fault, back when Jared and Sandy broke up a TWOP poster who works with JP's brother used it as proof that he wasn't tellingtales
15 years ago
Nice catch Dean!
15 years ago
I just think some glue and salt woulda been a good plan for the ring o' salt.
15 years ago
Ok, Dean just came back from hell and you make him sleep on the floor?! WTF?!?!?!
Positively B
15 years ago
or double-sided tape
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Seriously Sammy...be nice to your older brother and give him the couch!
15 years ago
Also, how can they just push things through the ring o'salt? ARGH.
Positively B loves
15 years ago
the sound effect for when Cas shows up
15 years ago
Witnesses? Send back to rest.
Ophe loves
15 years ago
Dean's "oh shit. He might smite me" moment
15 years ago
Show me some respect, bitch!Dean
15 years ago
It's after he says "so help me I will kick your ass"
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
(LOL) Yeah Dean.
15 years ago
Lucifer sucks!
15 years ago
Or blows. Whichever.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
Love that line..."I dragged your out of hell...I can throw you back in."
15 years ago
Dean really has to get over this "there is no such thing" crap.
15 years ago
It's still bugging me not to know why the hell Dean is so important.
15 years ago
Because he's pretty and God knows we need the pretty here on earth.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
15 years ago
I can get behind that.
Positively B
15 years ago
still thinks it's because God knows Sam is key to Lilith's plan, and dean's the only one who can stop/save Sam
15 years ago
Sam shoulda brought Dean a cup of coffee.
15 years ago
Are we doing another tonight?
15 years ago
I hope its not that, B. I want him to be important in his own right.
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
We'll just have to wait and see how Dean fits into all this.
15 years ago
These were the only 3 that Anna mentioned to me but......
ZnowFrog says
15 years ago
(bye)And it's lights out for me! Good Night!
Positively B
15 years ago
g'night Zo!
15 years ago
night ZO!!
15 years ago
Crap! NPH is on SNL RIGHT NOW! Gotta jet! Love to y'all!
15 years ago
See ya!
Positively B loves
15 years ago
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