Louise is
13 years ago
staring at a small pamphlet she held in her hands, one for learning to dance. She knew that dancing wasn't important as a nation, but ti was
latest #114
13 years ago
_a small desire that she had wanted to do.
13 years ago
looks up at America and offers a small smile, holding out the pamphlet for him to look at. It was dancing lessons for swing and lindy hop.
13 years ago
would like to learn them, but doesn't have a partner to go with.
13 years ago
wouldn't mind at all. It would give her something to do, and she did want to learn those dances because of the Swing Kids during WW2.
13 years ago
wouldn't mind taking a class, but if Alfred was willing to teach her she wouldn't say no.
13 years ago
fiddles with the pamphlet before murmuring, " America... would you mind teaching me to swing and lindy hop?"
13 years ago
smiles softly and murmurs, " Danke... I have wanted to learn since my people first started dancing it."
13 years ago
thought and murmured, " I think there's a practice area we can use for it. Though it's mainly used for weapons than dancing."
13 years ago
stands and brushed herself off, gesturing for Alfred to follow her.
13 years ago
leads Al to the area to work in, murmuring, " This is the area... do you think it'll be good enough?"
13 years ago
nods and rubs her hands together, murmuring, " Good." She didn't know how to approach this, since she still wasn't entirely used to a male
13 years ago
13 years ago
nodded and murmured, " So... what do you want me to do?" She shifted and crossed her arms under her chest, comfortable like that.
13 years ago
blinked and murmured, " You mean stretch?"
13 years ago
smiled and stretched out, murmuring, " Okay." She was ready and waited for Al to explain the first steps.
13 years ago
moved off and grabbed a cradle for it, setting it up efficiently. She gestured to it, murmuring, " This should work."
13 years ago
watched and tapped her foot to the beat, trying to copy it and hoping that none of her family saw this.
13 years ago
flushed and decided to relax for once, listening to the song and imitating, stumbling a few times but getting back into the groove.
13 years ago
blinks and adjusts, head tilted to the side a bit, resisting the urge to ask.
13 years ago
blinks and retries the steps, smiling and pleased that he was getting the steps down properly.
13 years ago
looked up before taking his hands, unused to major contact unless from Italia or her inner family.
13 years ago
nodded and blushed a bit, following Alfred's lead and enjoying this.
13 years ago
followed and kept her posture that was good for her previous steps. She smiled softly and was pleased.
13 years ago
smiled and was pleased, murmuring softly, " Thank you... so much."
13 years ago
giggled very quietly and kept dancing with Alfred, enjoying herself and wondering if maybe she could dance with Italia to see if she/he
13 years ago
_would teach her any dances.
13 years ago
smiled and murmured, " I am a quick learner. And you're a good teacher."
13 years ago
smiled back and kept dancing with him, enjoying herself.
Louise was
13 years ago
also having fun, a smile staying on her face.
13 years ago
followed Al into the spin and murmured, " Danke... I don't really smile much. Only Italia and mein schwester has ever really seen me smile."
13 years ago
blushed a bit and ducked her head briefly to hide her smile. He was a very sweet nation, and she wondered why she couldn't have this with
13 years ago
_her version of America.
Louise was
13 years ago
blushing a bit, but was enjoying the dancing. She shifted a bit when the song was done, hoping to do some more.
13 years ago
blinked and blushed, murmuring, " Ja... I would love another dance."
13 years ago
nodded and followed Al in the dance, giggling a bit at how much fun it seemed.
13 years ago
Meika liked this kind of dancing, remembering the past and the Swing Kids in her land. She wanted to do them justice, and learning swing was
13 years ago
13 years ago
would be pleased at the compliment. She looks at Alfred and quietly murmurs, " Teach me a lift?"
13 years ago
shrugged, murmuring, " Any... you pick."
13 years ago
blinked and murmured, " All right... go through it with me?"
13 years ago
nodded a bit nervously and briefly tightened her grip on Al's hands before relaxing. She hesitated before placing her trust in him, doing
13 years ago
_the move with Alfred.
13 years ago
shivered a bit before nodding, a bit nervous as to the near miss.
13 years ago
nodded and went for it, trusting Al to keep her safe.
13 years ago
smiles and laughs, absolutely delighted it worked. She briefly hugs Al in excitement before pulling away just as fast.
13 years ago
blushed a bit and murmured, " Danke... It is a good thing."
13 years ago
ducks her head a bit but murmurs, " Do you want to try anything else?
13 years ago
nodded quietly and murmured, " I don't know many swing dances. Just show me and I will learn."
13 years ago
watches quietly, tapping her foot along to the beat of another song.
Louise feels
13 years ago
a tiny laugh creep up and giggles quietly, murmuring, " I suppose... just try another one? For fun?"
13 years ago
smiled softly and took his hands, ready to start dancing again.
13 years ago
immediately picked things up, forcing her memory back to one of her swing kids. She was able to pick things up from her people and was using
13 years ago
_that skill now.
Louise was
13 years ago
having a good time, just enjoying the fact that she could trust America to keep her from falling. Which was a very ironic statement.
Louise was
13 years ago
truly having fun and wished that other nations could enjoy this as well.
13 years ago
wouldn't mind setting up a ball every so often to let nations unwind.
13 years ago
doesn't know how to go about offering the idea. It would sounds odd coming from her considering how most think she's all about working.
13 years ago
would prefer that since it was more of a thing he could suggest.
Louise is
13 years ago
thankful that he will.
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