13 years ago
[Event 2] walks into the store, her Litwick on her shoulder and her Banette walking beside her. She was out of Pokemon food again.
latest #25
China is
13 years ago
giving the Spinda that follows him some food before noticing the girl with the ghost types/
13 years ago
sees him and smiles as her Banette, Giedrius, wanders over curiously to them.
13 years ago
's Spinda flinches and hides behind Yao while Yao himself smiles at the Banette. "Hello, aru!"
13 years ago
watches with a suppressed smile as Giedrius bows, offering his 'hand' with a "Banette!"
13 years ago
shakes the hand of the Banette. "Nice to meet you, aru." He takes out a pecha berry from his pocket. "Would you like some?"
13 years ago
nods when Giedrius looks back at her, who then eagerly takes the berry with a "Banette!" At this, she steps forward. "Ah, hello."
13 years ago
stood up from his crouching position and waves at the woman. "Hello, aru!"
13 years ago
isn't sure what is up with the 'aru', but smiles pleasantly, before nudging Giedrius. "What do you say?" He blinks up from his munching and
13 years ago
thanks him with a "Banette!" before returning to his munching.
13 years ago
"Your Banette is very healthy, aru" The Spinda (that's technically not his) was still hiding behind him, cowering in fear.
13 years ago
grins. "Ah, thank you. I grew up taking care of them, so it's fairly easy." Seeing her Litwick, Karolis, staring curiously at the Spinda,
13 years ago
she speaks up. "Um, did we do something to frighten your Spinda?" Oh, poor thing... She didn't mean to scare it...
13 years ago
looks down at his Spinda and ten back to Sofija. He tries to give a reassuring smile. "He has no battle experience, aru." He picks up the_
13 years ago
Spinda and gently pats it on the back. It calmed down immediately and started twirling around absentmindedly after being placed on the_
13 years ago
ground again. "See?" It could just be the Banette but mentioning that would probably be rude.
13 years ago
smiles slightly at this, glad that they hadn't really scared him as Karolis pipes up with a "Lit!" randomly. "Great, I would hate to scare a
13 years ago
Pokemon." Absentmindedly reaching down to pat Giedrius, she asks, "Are you a trainer, then?"
13 years ago
"Yes, although I aim to be a gym leader." He looks at Giedrius, then Karolis. "What about you, aru?"
13 years ago
smiles, reaching up to pinch out Karolis's wick, which she has lit on fire. Ignoring her pouting Pokemon, she speaks up. "I'm a coordinator,
13 years ago
specializing in Ghost Pokemon, though I do have two Normal."
13 years ago
"Oh, really?" He now knows two coordinators. "How many ribbons do you have, aru?"
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Oh, four. I just need one more, and I've completed the set for this region." Returning the question, she asks. "How many badges do
13 years ago
you have?"
13 years ago
"All of them, aru." He tries not to make too much of a fuss about it. It's not like he'll go and challenge the league.
13 years ago
smiles, impressed. "Wow, good job! You must be pretty good!" That was cool that he had them all!
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