Evelin has
13 years ago
heard that Sofija has been spotted in this world, so she is out looking for her sister. It had been 4 months after all.
latest #126
Sofija was
13 years ago
confused, not really sure what was going on, until she spotted a familiar face, one that it had been forever since she had seen.
Sofija says
13 years ago
13 years ago
smiles upon hearing the familiar voice and turns to see the other. "Sofija!" she says excitedly. Don't mind the hug. She's glad to see one_
13 years ago
of her sisters finally.
Sofija is
13 years ago
ignoring her compulsion to be strong, and throws her arms around her sister joyfully.
Sofija asks
13 years ago
"What's going on? Everything is so confusing..."
13 years ago
takes a step back slightly release her grasp. "Ah, well... I think we are in parallel world where all the nations are the opposite gender."_
13 years ago
Yep, that about sums it up.
Sofija is
13 years ago
dumbfounded, and can only stare at her sister for a moment. "...Really?" Evelin was always the more grounded one, so she wouldn't doubt the
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other, but it was just surprising. "...So there are alternate versions of us, as well?" The thought of a male her, along with her sisters,
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wait, no, brothers here, running around is very discomfiting.
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, I've met only the male Latvia though. A bit concerning due to how long I've been here, but... I'm so glad I finally found you._
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I've been so worried."
Sofija says
13 years ago
"As was I! I didn't know where you vanished off to, and so many other nations were going missing, as well..."
13 years ago
chuckles slightly. "I almost thought Miss America had been correct, all those years ago, about aliens invading us."
13 years ago
hesitantly laughs as she thinks of her pets for a moment. "I wish I at least had some explanation though. I don't think anyone knows what_
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cause all this." She thinks for a moment. "I have to ask. Is our sister still back at home? I've yet to see her."
13 years ago
nods, frowning worriedly. "Yes, she is... She must be so worried!" She could just think of the smallest sister freaking out and trembling
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in fear, all alone. "I hope Poland takes care of her..." She had asked her dear friend, worriedly, to watch her sister if anything happened
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to her, and had considered asking the reserve of her sister, but decided against it, seeing as it was Latvia and all.
Evelin is
13 years ago
extremely worried now, but she tries not to let that show. It's probably obivous though. "I hope Poland will take care of her too. Though I_
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rather see both of them get here soon..." It bothers her she can't even call Latvia.
13 years ago
13 years ago
nods, biting her lip somewhat nervously. "Agreed..." She thinks of something, and blinks worriedly at her sister. "Are R-Russia and
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B-Belarus here? I don't want them to be terrorized by the two..." As much as Poland would be unafraid, she probably couldn't do much.
Evelin thinks
13 years ago
a moment. "I think Miss Anya is here." She swears she can just feel her around sometimes. "... as for Mister Belarus... I haven't seen him_
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in a while..." Which could be bad cause if Anya is here and Belarus is not who knows what Belarus might be thinking...
13 years ago
pales slightly, hoping desperately that he would not try to attack her friend and sister. "Oh dear... I hope he finds his way here... Even
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if I would be much happier not to see him..." At that last sentence, she glances around, fearing that Belarus or Russia would jump out of
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the shadows, ready to attack her for her slight.
13 years ago
nods in agreement as she hopes that maybe nothing bad will happen. She tries to think of something good, which at the moment was a bit hard.
Sofija is
13 years ago
satisfied that neither Belarus nor Russia is going to attack her, at least at this moment, and smiles at her sister. "At least we've got
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each other right now, right?" And Latvia and Poland have each other as well, she silently tacks on.
13 years ago
nods managing a smile. "Yes, that's good. Anyways, how long have you been here?"
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Just a few days, but I'm not sure exactly how many." She had been quite confused, when she first arrived, having not been in that area at
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all, but thank goodness she had found her sister, or the other way around.
13 years ago
"Well, it's good it hasn't been too long. Have you found a place too stay yet?"
13 years ago
smiles somewhat sheepishly. "I'm staying in a hotel currently... But now that I know what exactly is going on, I'm sure that I can find
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something a tad more permanent."
13 years ago
nods. "Well, I'm sure you will find something. I'm at my... well my counterpart's house right now if you need any place to stay."
Sofija thinks
13 years ago
that maybe she could ask her counterpart, then, but resolves to only use that as a last resort, considering it might be kind of creepy.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"I think I'm fine." She shakes her head, but smiles. "I'll come over if I can't find anyplace, though."
13 years ago
nods. “Okay then.” She didn't think that it would be too creepy. Then again her counterpart is exactly at the house any it seems.
13 years ago
smiles, hugging her sister once more. It was just so good to see her again, after those months. While they had gone longer apart, before,
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they had known where the other was, and this time, she had just vanished. Thank goodness she had been safe...
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missed the other as well. She really wished she didn't just vanish like that, but it has been nice here. It's not too different from home.
Sofija asks
13 years ago
"So how has it been, here in another world? Is anything very different?" She was curious, after all, she thought as she released her sister.
13 years ago
"For the most part, it's actually been rather pleasant here. There are small details. Something moved to another area, but it's overall_
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the same. The counterparts are nice enough, and it's been rather interesting to meet them."
13 years ago
nods in response, mulling over the other's answer. "Hm, I suppose it won't be too different from home, then, especially once everyone
Sofija is
13 years ago
13 years ago
(That's suppose to be "is here", btw, not Sofija is, but I'm pretty sure you could've figured that out. Silly Plurk...)
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, it would probably be nicer once everyone is here. Though I'm not sure if everyone will get along."
13 years ago
smiles at that, giggling softly. "It's bad enough with all of the arguing nations, but two sets of them?" She shakes her head slightly,
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trying to imagine that thought. "I'm surprised this world hasn't been destroyed yet."
13 years ago
smiles. "I think though the two sets of those who will stop the arguing holds the world together. But what's more interesting is that not_
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everyone know who is who and that can end up a bit...well..."
13 years ago
nods, understanding what her sister is saying. "I ran into Mr. Eng-, Mr. Arthur, earlier today, and I didn't realize who he was." Glancing
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around, she leans in, whispering the impolite comment, but being unable to hold it in. "He has such large eyebrows!"
13 years ago
raise an eyebrow at that. "I haven't met him quite yet, but really?" she says quietly.
13 years ago
nods, smiling slightly. "They're huge, and I'm not exaggerating." Not that she was one to exaggerate, but still... "His cooking looks just
13 years ago
as bad as Miss England's, as well." Why were they such awful cooks? Why? At least they kept trying, though, that was certainly admirable.
13 years ago
can almost imagine the eyebrows, especially if they were anything like her pet's.
13 years ago
_"Just as bad? Thanks for warning me then." Yes, if only they knew trying might not be enough for them.
13 years ago
nods, smiling and leaning back. "You're welcome." She displays her basket, showing the goodies inside, her chocolate chip cookies and
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Mr. England's scones and Spotted Dicks. "See? No one should have to suffer through that."
13 years ago
looks in. "Oh my. At least the cookies look nice. Though you probably made those right?"
13 years ago
smiles, nodding. "Yes, I did. Would you like some?"
13 years ago
nods. "Yes, I would love some."
Sofija gives
13 years ago
her a packet, smiling softly. "You can just ignore Mr. Arthur's food, I'm afraid it's all mixed together."
13 years ago
smiles back. "Yes, I was sort of planning on it." Even Sanna's worse cooking still looked better than the scones. "I'm sure I'll enjoy the_
13 years ago
cookies though."
Sofija hopes
13 years ago
that if she and Mr. Arthur do get together to cook, she could help him with it. It would probably be better for one of the gourmet nations,
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though, which she is definitely not one of. "I hope you do," she tells her sister, feeling pleased that the other likes her cooking.
13 years ago
nods as she lightly wonders if her pet may like the other food in the packet. "We do need to catch up. It's been four, rather long months."
Sofija is
13 years ago
in agreement with her sister's idea, and says so out loud. "Yes, definitely. It feels like forever, doesn't it? Even though we've been
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separated for longer..."
13 years ago
nods. “It has felt that way. At least when we were separated before, there was a chance of contacting or seeing each other. I don't know_
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anywhere that provides parallel world calling or mailing yet.”
13 years ago
laughed softly at that, smiling at her sister. "Did you happen to have your cell phone on you went you got pulled here? We couldn't find it,
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so we assumed you still had it." It had made them worry all the more, knowing that she had her phone but was still not responding. "I have
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mine, so we'll be able to contact each other now."
13 years ago
pats her pocket with her phone. Why wouldn't she have it? It was a part of her in a sense. “Jah, I never leave home without it. Your number_
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probably works now too since you're here. I've tried several time to call it before. I kept on getting that silly 'this number is not_
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available at this time' response, and my texts always came back to me.”
13 years ago
nods, completely unsurprised that her sister has it. "That's what happened to us, as well. I tried calling both Latvia and Poland the other
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day, and got those as well." She suppressed a sigh, pushing those thoughts away.
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hums almost wishing for one of though Sci-fi shows she watched were true. Then again, she was in a different world. "I see. At least the_
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phones work."
13 years ago
smiles slightly, agreeing. "I'm glad you're optimistic, Evelin." At least their phones worked, at least they had each other, at least,
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at least, at least. That's all that seemed to keep this world from being an unknown and semi-frightening place, but oh well.
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nods with a smile. "I try to be. There are many positive things."
13 years ago
decides to take a quick lesson from her sister, and evaluates the situation, realizing that, well, it's not too bad. Returning the smile,
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she speaks up. "Yeah, there are..." Pushing away any sort of melancholy thoughts that came to mind, she shifted slightly in her stance,
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before speaking up once more. "I think... I'm going to find a place to stay. Do you want to come with?" Her sister could help, but it
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really didn't matter if she didn't want to.
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nods. "Sure, I wouldn't mind."
13 years ago
grins, delighted. "Thanks, Evelin!"
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smiles. "You're welcome." Spending time with her sister sounded nice anyways.
13 years ago
(Urgh, I dunno what to do! *looks up how to buy a house or apartment)
13 years ago
(Time skipping always works if you want to bypass a few things.)
13 years ago
(Ooh, yes, can we do that? To after she's gotten a house?)
13 years ago
(*nods* Sure, just pick a spot where you want to start from.)
13 years ago
smiles, pleased as she surveys her new house. It looks remarkably like her own home from the other world, except that it was a normal color,
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not that bright pink that Poland had painted it when she was bored. Turning to her sister, she speaks up. "Thanks for coming with me!"
13 years ago
nods. “You're welcome.” It definitely was nice to find this place, and it did look rather similar to her sister's house at home.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Well, come on in, then!" With that, she enters her home, smile still adorning her face. The inside doesn't look like hers, but it's still
13 years ago
rather nice.
13 years ago
follows the other inside. “It's nice.” Though it probably could use a bit more to make it Sofija's home.
13 years ago
nods at her. "Yes, but it'll take some time to get used to." As would this world, though the house more.
13 years ago
“Yes, though at least you can place things where you will remember them, and you'll definitely have time to get used to it.” It didn't seem_
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like they were going to leave anytime soon.
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smiles, agreeing. "True, that would make it almost the same." She did wish that the last sentence wasn't true, as she did love her world.
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does like her world too, but it's what they have to deal with for now. She nods. “A few things that are something you would have. It would_
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all work out rather nicely.”
13 years ago
nods in agreement, before yawning. It had been a rather long day. "I think I will head to bed, Evelin. Do you want to stay, or should you be
13 years ago
getting back?"
13 years ago
“I think I should head back. Got to check on a few things at home.” And she doesn't get to bed until later in the evening anyway. A walk_
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back home probably would be good for her.
13 years ago
smiles at her sister, pulling her in for a hug. "It was nice to see you again."
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hugs the other back. “It's great to see you again too.”
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releases her, smiling. "I'll call you, alright? Be careful getting home."
13 years ago
nods. “I'll make sure to call you too, and I will be.”
13 years ago
grins at her sister. "Good, Evelin. Good-bye!"
13 years ago
starts heading off. “See you later, Sofija.”
13 years ago
waves at her, willing to wait and watch until she's gone.
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