Sofija has
13 years ago
gone on a bit of a cooking spree today, and doesn't want to eat all of her chocolate chip cookies...
latest #70
England has
13 years ago
run into a similar problem with his scones and Spotted Dicks. Perhaps they could put them in packets and share them with the other_
13 years ago
_nations? He is *sure* that they would appreciate that.
Sofija thinks
13 years ago
that's a good idea, though secretly hopes that everyone else doesn't get food poisoning.
Sofija asks
13 years ago
"What are Spotted Dicks?"
13 years ago
had the smallest of smile on his face, pleased with the fact that she had not objected to the idea by stating that his food are 'weapons'._
13 years ago
_He inwardly snorted. Then again, this lady did not know him so perhaps... He shook it off. "It's a steamed suet pudding with dried fruits_
13 years ago
_in it."
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Oh, that sounds wonderful!"
Sofija wonders
13 years ago
if they should put their food in packets together, or distribute them separately.
13 years ago
nodded. "It is." He took out a few paper bags. "I suggest we put our food in packets together and give them. Variety is better, no?" He_
13 years ago
_said with a polite smile. "Oh. How rude of me. I have yet to introduce myself. I am Arthur, Arthur Kirkland." He held out a hand.
Sofija wonders
13 years ago
why he has the same last name as Miss England, and feels dread at the thought of her cooking, but pushes it away, hoping it's a coincidence.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"And I am Sofija Laurinaitis, a pleasure." she told him, shaking his head, before pulling out her chocolate chip cookies, preparing to put
13 years ago
them into bags.
13 years ago
maintained the handshake for a second before pulling. "The pleasure is mine." He thought for a moment. "Laurinaitis? Are you perhaps, the_
13 years ago
_female Lithuania?"
Sofija is
13 years ago
slightly surprised by this, and blinks at him, before nodding. "Yes, that would be me. I take it you are the male England, then?"
Sofija hopes
13 years ago
the two do not share the same cooking skills.
13 years ago
nodded in response to her question and placed a few of the scones and Spotted Dicks into the bags. He paused and held one up for Sofija._
13 years ago
_"Would you like to try one?"
Sofija thinks
13 years ago
of Miss England's cooking, as well as recognizing the, well, burntness, and knows that she must say no, but politely.
13 years ago
shakes her head lightly in response, copying Mr. England's actions. "No thank you, sir." She lightly smiled, hoping to not offend him. I
13 years ago
have eaten enough of my own cooking at the moment." She gestures to her cookies. "That's why I want to give them away."
13 years ago
sighed and nodded. "All right, then." He continued to pack, he had *plenty* to go around. He hoped that the other nations would enjoy it._
13 years ago
_"And there is no need for such formalities, just refer to me as Arthur if you would like."
13 years ago
smiles slightly, pleased that she had successfully evaded having to eat the other's food, at least for now, without offending him.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Ah, yes, Arthur, sir," she tells him, the 'sir' falling instinctively into place, before she forcefully pushes it away. "I-I mean, Arthur."
13 years ago
gave her a polite smile. "Much better." He said before resuming his work. "Who are you planning to give these to?"
13 years ago
returns the polite smile, thinking. "Well, I was thinking of giving them to my sister, Latvia, R-Russia, and B-Belarus," she tells him,
13 years ago
wishing she could add Poland to the list, as well as her own younger sister, rather than the alternate one.
13 years ago
noticed that she had stuttered when she mentioned Russia and Belarus's names. He kept his eyes to the packages. "That might be a problem_
13 years ago
_then. I am only planning to take a pack and the leftovers will be wasted..."
13 years ago
blinks at him, surprised slightly. "Don't you want to give some to your friends?" she asks, wondering what they could do with all the
13 years ago
leftovers, and thinking up more people she could potentially give them to. Both Americas, maybe?
13 years ago
did not really have much friends to begin with but well, he was not about to admit *that*. "I am planning to give the one I taking away..."_
13 years ago
_To whom, he was not about to say.
Sofija wonders
13 years ago
who he was going to give it to, but deems it impolite to ask, as she would not want to be questioned, if she was only giving it to one
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person. Nodding, she speaks up, voicing her thoughts from earlier, "I'm sure I could give them to more people, seeing as we have so much."
13 years ago
nodded as well. "That would be fantastic." He tried to think up of more people he could give these to. No other names except America came_
13 years ago
_to mind. Oh... There is Japan too. "I suppose I could take another one off your hands."
13 years ago
smiles slightly, nodding. "Oh, good," she tells the other, continuing her packing. Ukraine, either of them, and maybe one for America's pet
13 years ago
alien, and his pet whale? She didn't think Miss America's pets would be here, but perhaps Mr. America's would... Besides, she could always
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give them to nations she didn't know. It would be a perfect way to meet the other gender counterparts. "I know who I can give the rest to,
13 years ago
so we can use up all of the food."
13 years ago
i-is *not* envious that she had enough friends to give that much food to. "R-Right. That would be great. It would be a pity after all to_
13 years ago
_see our cooking gone to waste."
Sofija wonders
13 years ago
what is wrong with Mr. Arthur, as he had stuttered, but does not ask the impolite question, as they do not know each other well enough.
13 years ago
nods, smiling slightly. "Yes, indeed. I hope they all appreciate it." Inwardly, she worried if anyone would get food poisoning, or offend
13 years ago
Mr. Arthur, but decides that that is out of her control, unfortunately.
England thinks
13 years ago
that is just major bollocks. He had not put poison into the food whatsoever and he cooked it *well*. "I am sure they will." He hoped. He_
13 years ago
_finished packing the last of his scones and looked over to Sofija to see if she was done as well.
Sofija hopes
13 years ago
that is true, and merely smiles pleasantly, putting the remainder of her cooking in bags, and, feeling Mr. Arthur's eyes upon her, looks up.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"Oh, good, we're both done, then!"
13 years ago
chuckled lightly. "It would seem that way." He took two packets of it. "I suppose I should thank you for the cookies."
Sofija is
13 years ago
pleased, and smiles slightly. "Ah, you're welcome, and thank you for the cones and Spotted Dicks,
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I'm sure my friends will like them." Well, maybe... If they're drunk... But of course, she wouldn't say that! It was too impolite! Gathering
13 years ago
up the rest of the packets, she slipped them into the basket where she had kept the cookies.
England is
13 years ago
surprised at her words. He was very pleased. Though, if he had heard her inner words, he would have gone to a corner and sulk. But well..._
13 years ago
_"That is good to know. And I suppose, you are welcome as well."
13 years ago
smiles politely, nodding. "I suppose I will be off, then. We should do this another time, maybe, except do the cooking together as well!"
Sofija hopes
13 years ago
that maybe then, she will be able to see why both their cooking is so atrocious, and maybe help them improve it. Maybe. Unlikely.
13 years ago
would have argued that his cooking is not atrocious at the slightest and there was no way he could improve on his already *perfect*_
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_cooking. But well, as said, he did not know her thoughts. "That sounds wonderful. I will await that day. I had a great time with you,_
13 years ago
_Miss Sofija." He politely stated.
Sofija says
13 years ago
"I had fun, as well, Mr. Arthur." Nodding politely at him, she takes a step away, preparing to leave but unsure if it would be impolite to
13 years ago
do so. "I shall see you another time, then?"
13 years ago
gave her a bow as a gentleman should. "Of course."
13 years ago
curtsies slightly in return, having not expected that, but finding it very nice. "Good-bye, Mr. Arthur!" she told him, walking off to find
13 years ago
her friends. After all, she had a lot of goodies to hand out.
13 years ago
chuckled softly. "And a good bye to you too, Miss Sofija." He said before turning off to walk in the opposite direction
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