Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
reading a manga about a very forward Chinese lady and her girlfriend. She wished the Chinese ladies she knew were more like this >w>
latest #109
Mei is
13 years ago
not a Chinese lady, though! She's Taiwanese, and that's okay!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
looks over at her and looks her up and down. Taiwan can still speak Chinese... and she thinks it would be hot if Mei said naughty things to
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
her in Chinese. Oh, how naughty~! Soo's face gets a bit red and maybe she has a bit of a nose bleed.
Mei has
13 years ago
read mangas like that! With boys and girls, girls and girls, and boys with boys...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
covers her cheeks and watches Mei now, mind in a very clear naughty place. If she's read them she knows how to be a pervert right?
Mei is
13 years ago
not so innocent and naive, huh. She just doesn't majorly care most of the time.
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
leaning really close know, face a little hidden by her hands. "So Mei!" she says, voice sly. "You'd grope me and say naughty things right?"
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
a bit starry eyed and more than a little red.
Mei is
13 years ago
confused. "E-eh?! Why?!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
throws her arm around her and nuzzles her face against her chest. "Cause if you said naughty things in your language in my ears and gently
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
caressed me just right I'd swoon in your arms and just be starry eyed forever! Make me soon!" She gets herself worked up easily.
13 years ago
isn't that sure. "I don't know, Sopo Yeon... I haven't done such things during sex, you know!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
looks up with big pleading eyes. "That's okay! I don't mind! Just this once....! It'll be cute!" ;///3///;
13 years ago
blushes a lot. "I... I don't even know what kind of naughty things I could tell you! I can't think of them... not a single one!"
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
about this very intensely before saying, "Tell me in Chinese that you want to make me wet and dirty!" She turns to press her back against
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
Taiwan's chest, pulling her hands around her-- she had to attack from behind right, for the whispering and molesting to work right!-- And
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
she grabs Mei's wrists to pull her arms around her, placing one hand on her thigh and the other on her breast. "Say it and squeeze!"
13 years ago
almost letrs out a loud squeak when her girlfriend does that! W-what a weir request!
13 years ago
But mayb this is a challenge... so she decides to try. And so her hands move a little hesitantly but in the way that SY requested.
13 years ago
"I-" Yi, Yongsoo and Hong Kong would die laughing if they knew! "I want to make you wet... and dirty..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
turns absolutely beat red and gasps, shivering at it the voice next to her ear. She turns and looks up at her, starry eyed. She does
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
practically swoon against her, turning enough to clutch at her top. "M-Mei...!!" she murmurs. Her heart was hammering so hard now *///A///*
13 years ago
would facepalm if she could. She still wasn't sure of this and felt so odd...
13 years ago
"I-I'm doing what I can, but I'm not sure..." And she almost pouts at that.
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
absolutely delighted now, even if she's too unsure to do anything else. "Y-You... that was so cute..." As promised, she's a blushing, swoony
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
puddle of a maiden now. *////w////*
Mei thinks
13 years ago
SY's concept of cute can be so weird sometimes!
13 years ago
"Uh, Yeon... I don't think I can poull it off. I-it's so not me!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
just beams up, blushing and shivering. "Oh that's okay. D'ya me to feed you grapes? Or rub your feet? Or a massage? Really! Just anything!"
Soo Yeon was
13 years ago
more than a little wrapped around Mei's fingers now.
Mei is
13 years ago
a little sweaty, she DID go to work in the morning. "Take a bath, maybe? Both of us?"
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
a bit bashful now but she nods, still glued against her chest. "Let's do that then. I'll shampoo your hair for you!"
13 years ago
nods. "Thanmks, I think I need it... it's so long, after all".
13 years ago
smiles and pets SY a little before she goes to the bathroom. First they should get cleaned up, and then they can soak for a while!
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
surprisingly well behaved after getting that little fantasy fulfilled and follows Mei like an adoring puppy. "Yes baths are relaxing."
13 years ago
chuckles and starts gathering what they need. Shampoo, sweet-smelling soap, sponge, hair combs...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and helps her the best she can. "I-I'll help you undress!" she murmurs, moving close but still blushing and starry-eyed.
Mei is
13 years ago
ready with their bath stuff. "Okay.. take my clothes off, please?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and comes close, cheeks all pink and starts to undress her, face getting steadily redder as she gets more clothes off. "Your skin
Soo Yeon is
13 years ago
gorgeous Mei." >//w//<
13 years ago
blushes as she allows SY to take off each piece of clothing. "I- I take good care of it! The bath stuff I get are so nice..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
leaves a chaste little kiss between her breasts worshipfully as she tosses the rest of the clothes away. She smiles and rubs Mei's arms.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
"You're perfect," she murmurs, admiring her.
13 years ago
allows self to laugh softly and cuddles her sort-of girlfriend a little. "You're cute too..."
13 years ago
then pats SY's back and starts undressing her to return the favor
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles when she cuddles her and hugs her back, delighted. She lets Mei undress her, blushing and her breath catching. "N-not as cute as
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
you though."
13 years ago
chuckles and keeps taking SY's clothes off. "We're both cute, and that's enough okay?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles at this and moves to kiss Mei's cheek. "it's more than enough for me yeah?" She helps her get her clothes off, blushing happily.
13 years ago
laughs, and she lets the hot water run in the stall. "It's a little tight in there but I think we'll manage!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins. "I don't mind being close to you." She slips inside and smiles invitingly.
13 years ago
takes the shampoo, sponge and liquid soap, and follows. "Okay... could you start by helping me wash my hair, Yeon? Please?
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
beams and nods, taking the shampoo from her and squirming close. "Get your hair nice and wet!" she says with a hum before popping the s
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
shampoo open to pour some onto her hand.
13 years ago
does so, dunking her head under the shower spray and closing her eyes. Ah, it feels good!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
grins and waits until she's ready before moving to massage the shampoo into her hair, lathering the soap up.
Mei is
13 years ago
docile, enjoying the attention SY gives her and how she cleans her uo.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles. "you look very nice all wet like this. It's like you're shimmery!" She massages eagerly, fingers gentle on her scalp.
Mei is
13 years ago
a little red, but she ain't sure if it's the blush or the hot water. "Nice to know..." and she scoops a bit closer so SY can clean her well
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
laughs softly and starts rinsing her hair before she takes the soap to start cleaning her body. Her hands would pause here and there, clear
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
that she was admiring her.
13 years ago
doesn't mind her doing such stuff, smiling as she allows SY to get her very clean and all. Feels nice, real nice!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and watches her, blushing and adoring her even more. She's so infatuated with Mei, and it really shows.
Mei is
13 years ago
kinda aware, and basks on it. But she doesn't want to just take it... "Now it's your turn! Let me get you clean!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at her delightedly and giggles when she says this. "O-okay!" She blushes and squirms. She was more used to giving a lot of attention
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
(even if it was unwanted sometimes) and not very used to getting it quite the same way.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
So it embarrassed her a little >//u//<
13 years ago
laughs and starts cleaning the other girl up, very carefully and slowly. Starts returning the favor by getting her hair wet and then--
13 years ago
washing it - a woman's hair is very important, after all!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
giggles a little when her fingers brush over her neck as she works through cleaning her hair. She is basking in the attention, humming in
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
delight. "Thank you!" she chirps softly.
13 years ago
"you're welcome!". And she hugs her briefly before rinsing it off. Then she works on cleaning SY off, sliding the soapy sponge where needed
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
hugs her back, loving the way their bodies feel together. She shivers and smiles as Mei cleans her, watching her and squirms a little. >u<
13 years ago
works and works on her, doing it happily and even humming a little. Feels so nice!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
gasps and shivers and blushes, loving all the touching. it made her feel so special and happy. finally she does move in for a quick light
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
kiss on the mouth for all her hardwork!
Mei is
13 years ago
kissed! Kinda kisses back... and almost slips on the wet stall floor. "Eeeep!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
catches her, dragging her close and startled. "Don't fall! Did I startle you?"
13 years ago
sighs. "N-no! Don't worry, it's okay! Really..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and holds her up, hugging her close. "I won't let you fall. I'll protect you."
Mei is
13 years ago
hugged! It feels good, so she hugs back. "Thank you..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and kisses her cheek gently, her fingers coming up to bury into her hair. Her voice drops a bit. "I really like you Mei," she
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
mumbles, hugging her close. "So don't worry."
13 years ago
keeps hugging the other girl, listening to SY's voice. Kinda wonders how many times she has said that...
13 years ago
then smiles, deciding it's fine. "Good..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
hugs her tighter, burying her face against her neck. She was smiling. "Y-yeah." >//u//<
13 years ago
lets her do so, then remember the other half of the bargain. "Let's get out of the stall and get the hot bath ready, huh?"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and finally pulls away, tilting her head. "Okay. Let's do that then. We can cuddle."
13 years ago
stops the running water and gets out, waiting for SY to do the same...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and steps out, humming happily.
13 years ago
works on getting the bath hot and nice, since she's the host and all!
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles and watches her, coming close to rub her back, just to be touching her. She was.... staring lower though.
13 years ago
cannot see that, only feel how the other girl touches her. She lets out a tiny moan of approval at her massages. "Mmmm..."
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles gently at this and kisses between her shoulder blades. "I'll give you a massage after huh? You'd like that?" And she'd get to touch
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
her freely without being called a pervert....! Not that she minded that really, but she wanted Mei to think she was great!
13 years ago
looks up as much as she can, then nods. "It's okay! And now the bath's ready, let's get in!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and steps into the bath, arms out. "Come and cuddle with me. Maybe I'll steal steamy kisses!"
13 years ago
smiles and slowly steps in. "Well, it's way to hot to do a lot inside... let's just relax and enjoy it!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nods and smiles. "I'm not going to do anything too naughty. Just steal kisses!" She settles down into the water. >u<
Mei has
13 years ago
a rubber band and slowly ties her hair up as she gets inside. "We'll see about that...". But she's chuckling as she says so.
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "We will I guess?" She's pulling her down into her arms, trying to get the girl to hurry. *w*
13 years ago
does so, once her hair is in place! "Aw, the water's hot and perfect!"
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
cuddles the girl back against her, humming. "It's perfect definitely," she mumbles blushing and happy.
13 years ago
just curls up against SY, sighing happily and making self comfy...
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
gently strokes her arms under the water, liking the touch and the closeness and the intimacy
13 years ago
and so she curls even closer, she likes this too... and the hot water may make her a tiny bit sleepy
Soo Yeon
13 years ago
nuzzles her face against Mei's shoulder, feeling a bit sleepy herself. It was the best sort of feeling though!
13 years ago
agrees! They're sleepyt cuz they feel well, not for illness or anything, and that's good... =3
Soo Yeon thinks
13 years ago
it's true! It's the best place, to be comfy with someone awesome in your arms.
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