13 years ago
[au]He had tried many times to sleep; he tried different positions, effectively making Lovino kick him off the bed. He normally could take a
latest #187
13 years ago
siesta, but today he just couldn't. So he decided that he'd take a walk instead. Leaving the house, he let his mind wander until after a
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while he found that he wasn't far from Feliciano's house. He hadn't seen him in a while and decided he'd go visit. Once arriving, he knocked
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on the door, a giant smile on his face. "Feli~??"
13 years ago
[[For Feli~!]]
13 years ago
There is some crushing sound coming from the small house, probably from Feli knocking down something on the way to the door, and the small
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foot steps that is so rapid and excited that it is unmistakenly Feli, " Antonio Nii san~" Once the Door is opened, Antonio found himself
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with an armful of Italian , very excited and cheerful Italian.
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He almost lost his footing when he was attacked by the smaller Italian, but he corrected it and hugged him back. He pulled back, an airy
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look on his face. It'd been a while since he had seen the hyper Italian; too long. "How are you doing~?? I heard crashes, are you alright??"
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"vee~ It's alright, I got plastic vase after they comes up, so I just spill some water on the ground but no vase breaks anymore~ " Pushes
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Spain inside his small but warm house, decorate with some of the painting that Feli did but mostly, the wall is covered with Pictures,
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past and present filling every space on Feli's wall. After letting Spain sits down comfortably on the sofa, Feli goes to get some tomato
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juice, letting his cat, Pasta, to do the host duty.
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He looked down at the cat, but didn't reach out to pet it. Sometimes cats didn't really like him. The atmosphere of the small house was
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nice, making him feel right at home. Some of the picture were new since he'd last been here. A majority of them held Japan and Germany,
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but that was normal.
13 years ago
Pasta stares at him, sniffing the small sense of Romano linearing on his cloth. He nuzzles uncertainly against the big man, sniffing as much
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of Romano scent as possible. Even not showing it, Pasta reflect his remaining owner, Feli's thought, they miss Romano after he moved away
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with Spain.
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Surprised by this act, he reached down slowly to pet the cat. Maybe cats did like him after all! He'd have to try again with that angry cat
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in his neighborhood later. He scratched the cat behind his ear, feeling the soft fur. He was oblivious to any scent that was on him...other
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then possibly tomatoes.
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Pasta let the big man pet him, purring just a little. But he moves away as soon as Feli arrives the room with treat and tea on a tray.
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Feli places the tray on the coffee table and toss a random biscuit for Pasta, who catch it with and run away with a flash. "vee~ Why the
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sudden visit, Antonio Nii san? Did Nii chan kick you out of the house?"
13 years ago
It was slightly sad to hear that one of the only reasons that he would come visit Feli. "N-No! Lovi and I were taking a nap, but I couldn't
13 years ago I came to visit you instead of trying!" he left out the fact that he did get kicked out of the bed for not going to sleep. "What
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have you been up to Feli? Any new paintings??"
13 years ago
"Ve~ That's cool~ I like Antonio Nii chan coming over sometimes~ I am not working on any new painting right now. Just sewing up the costume
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I promise Kiku for the anime con." Smiles happily at Antonio, " veee~ Then I guess Nii chan settle down quite well in the new house. It's
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hard for him to fall asleep in unfamilar place. I guess Antonio Nii san just need to get use to the new house as well~"
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He nodded, agreeing. It was a little different..."Is an 'anime con' a festival or something?" he asked, never really hearing the term
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before. But if a costume was being made for it then it must be some sort of festival. And if Feli was going to one, then maybe he could
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tag along-he loved festivals!
13 years ago
"ve~ SOmething like that, it's like a festival or gathering for anime lover. You get to see a lot of pretty drawing and beautiful costume as
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well~" There is an excited flash on his face as he talks about it, " Kiku and i are definitly going. We are trying to talk Germany into
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doing it as well~ But he says it's for kid. " pouting cutely at the memory of Germany shaking his head at the notion of cosplay
13 years ago
"Aw, well I'm sure he'll be upset when he finds out how much fun you guys had." He smiled. "Do you think I could go? Sounds pretty fun~" he
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cooed. Maybe he could get Lovi to go along with them. He liked art...sometimes. "What does your costume look like?"
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He is not sure if Antonio understand what is an anime con, but sure, more people, more fun~ " veee~ It's an traditional Japanese costume
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for Kiku, with bell and ear~ FOr me...vee~ I don't know yet. I can't pick any character, they are all so pretty that i can't choose."keeps
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smiles but from the small frown on his bow, one can see how much he had worried over it.
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Seeing the slight upset behavior in the other was a little unsettling. "I'm sure you'll figure something out! If you need any help, I'm here
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for you!" He said. He really didn't know what anime was, but he didn't understand a lot of Japan's culture, so he wasn't going to question
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it, he could offend someone.
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The frown quickly disappear from the encouraging words," ve~ Thanks, ANtonio Nii san, you are the best~~~" nuzzles happily against the
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taller man, acting the same when he is nothing but a chibi colony. "Oh, but if you and Nii chan are coming with us, you will need a costume
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as well~~~ veee~What would you guys want to be?"
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He thought for a second before realizing he knew nothing about anime or anything. "I don't know...I've never really watched any 'anime'...
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Who do you think we should be Feli? You seem to be the expert~" he said, his arms resting lightly on Feli's head like when he was little.
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smiles and lowers his head a little, so Spain can be more comfortable, happy that he still receive pet even when he is so big now, "ve~
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How about Mario and Princess peach?" Or The tomato man and the Princess tomato.... Feli adds that in his mind.
13 years ago
"You mean...from that video game?" He asked. He knew about it a little bit, because of Gilbert, but not enough. "Hmm..." he tried to imagine
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Lovino in a big pink dress and smiled. "That would be adorable! But I'm not sure if Lovi would like it...he likes dressing up but..." maybe
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he shouldn't of brought that up. Lovino would be angry if Feli knew about that.
13 years ago
"ve? Dressing up? Like pretty up himself? Nee chan always dress up fashionly." Lucky for Antonio, Feli is dense, so the topic passed on
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without rising any trouble, "I am sure he will be alright. It's like ve~ the maid dress when we are little~ vee~' His eyes goes soft when
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he remember those carefree days of youth. "And Antonio Nii san was so much younger back then."
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laughed. "I hope I don't look too old now. You and Lovi were so cute back then!" He smiled. Though thinking about Lovino in a dress similar
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to the maid dress he used to wear made him intrigued by the idea. "Maybe we should do that~ I'm sure Lovi will like it." He hoped.
13 years ago
Titles his head and think about it, it's not too much of the problem, Romano is attached to his old maid dress as well, "veee~ That will be
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great~ Nii chan will looks so cute in it~ but what about you, Antonio Nii san? Are you going to be a maid as well?"
13 years ago
"M-me!? A maid??" He hadn't really thought about wearing a dress. Actually, he hadn't thought about it at all. "I'm...not sure Feli...I
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don't think I'll look good in a dress..." he laughed nervously. He was sure he'd get laughed at if he ever stepped outside in a dress.
13 years ago
"ve~ Nonsense, everyone can look good in a dress as long as the cutting is right,ve~ As long as you have no leg hair, do you have leg hair,
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Antonio Nii san?" Remember Francis Nii san... very furry body when he was out in one of his "The words should become one with me states"
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had never really thought about whether his legs were hairy or not. He pulled his pants leg up to inspect it, seeing a few hairs here and
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there. "Its not much, but I guess it's still noticeable." Since the hairs were dark, they showed up on his skin.
13 years ago
"ve~ IT's not a lot, this will be easy." Quickly run into the bathroom and comes back, with a very nasty looking eyebow chip, " It will hurt
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only a little, ve~"
13 years ago
"W-wait, Feli! I think I'll be fine! You don't have to do that really." He said, growing scared of what might happen. He could handle pain,
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but those clips looked pretty scary and harmful. "I c-could just wear normal clothes!"
13 years ago
"ve...but but but Nii chan will be sad if it is only him cosplaying, Spain Nii san should cosplay as well~~~" keep advances toward Antonio,
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"Ve~ Don't worry, Germany used this to tear off Francis Nii san's hair when he goes out of hand. It hurts a lot, but there is no blood, so
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it will be alright~" There is a big cheerful smile on Feli's face....very big and cheerful smile.
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grew more terrified, eying the too cheerful smile. "Um...well, maybe I could be a m-male character?" He yelped. Hopefully that would stop
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the Italian from advancing towards him with the sharp object.
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'Ve~ THAT WILL BE AWESOME~ IT's so hard to find someone tall enough to cos the male character~" A small devious smile flash for a moment
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before Feli went to put the chipper away, "vee~ Then how about... veee? An knight? Would Nii san want to cos as an knight?"
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let out a sigh of relief; as long as no one was getting hurt today he was happy. "A Knight? Sure...I wouldn't mind being a Knight. But does
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that mean I have to wear all that metal?" He remembered the medieval era, and shuddered at how heavy some of the clothing was. "And do I get
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to save princesses?" He was almost getting excited, forgetting about the ordeal from before.
13 years ago
"Uh... more like? Ve~ Remember when Gilbert was still in his wondering period. we could do that one, armour suit is too
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much to make...[ooc: totally agree...]... Gilbert looks so cool in it, so I am pretty sure Spain Nii san will looks great as well~' smiles
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at him, not sure if there is that many princess for him to save in the anime con.
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nodded, understanding. "Well then, I can help if you need me to. I'm...good at making some...stuff." he trailed off. He didn't say that most
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of the stuff he made ended up broken after a while. But the thought that he would look good as a Knight made him perk up more.
13 years ago
"vee~ It will be great, if Antonio Nii san can make your own weapon with foam paper. Wood and metal are banned already. Ve...sigh..."Feli
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sighs as he remember how Kiku's beautiful wooden sword has to taken home b/c it is made of wood.
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That was pretty sad. "But I already have an axe I could use..." he said, pouting at the idea that he couldn't take it with him. "Why would
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they take it away from me?" He said in disbelief.
13 years ago
"They says it's for safety use. I heard that once time, someone says an fake weapon and thought it is a real and calls the police, so
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from now on, all weapon for safety reason, must be" His curl drops a little in disappointment as well.
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Looked just as disappointed, but tried to lighten the mood a little. "Well...a fake weapon could be just as cool. How do you go about making
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the outfit, Feli? And what character are you going as?"
13 years ago
[go out shopping with mom, later]
13 years ago
"ve~ I can't decide~ Kiku is going as a cat ear girl. I am just helping them to make the costume now~" titles his head, going back to the
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dilemma of which character to cosplay agian
13 years ago
"Do you have a list? Maybe I could help you decide?" though he knew nothing about anime, so it probably wouldn't be much help. He just
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really wanted to help the smaller Italian as best as he could.
13 years ago
"ve~ Sure, Some of the them are Kiku's choice." He takes out his notebook and shows Antonio a bunch of anime pictures that host different
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kind of character, but most of them are centre around...priest...maid....priest...maid....
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looked at the different pictures, scratching his head. " either want to be a priest or a maid...?" He thought that a priest would
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work...but he enjoyed the maid idea. Feli in a maid outfit would be adorable.
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nods his head, " Kiku says those two are the easiest to maintain, since he will need a lot of help in his kimono." He loves the priest idea,
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but it seem hot....with all those layer of clothing.
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thought for a moment. "...why not do the maid idea?" he asked randomly, blushing slightly at the idea of the other in the dress.
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"The dress is a bit short..." point to the maid dress, which are just covering the character bum...with Feli usual bouncing step...he better
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wear safty pant.
13 years ago
"Hmm...that's true...We wouldn't want to put you in that..." he said. Though he did think of Lovino in it...Shaking his head to get his
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thoughts back to normal, he coughed slightly. " could always make it a little longer?"
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"Kiku will get angry and says that I did not follow the original." has a small worry face. He had suggested it before, but KIku, contrast to
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his gentle personality, had be really stubborn of the lenght of the dress.
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"That's sad to hear..." Who knew Kiku was very strict about his designs. "...Then maybe you could just wear it...but wear long stockings?"
13 years ago
"ve~ That will be a good idea...Uh, let me see, Character with long stocking." Feli clicks at the keyboard, and finds a maid, wearing losely
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fit blouse, short skirt, but a colorful and long stocking....probably to draw attention to her lovely leg.
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"That's a pretty picture! You could do that one?" And he thought all the colors would suit Feli's personality.
13 years ago
"ve~ Alright, if Antonio Nii san says so." Feli smiles, ve... it just feels like such a short shirt, but if Antonio Nii san says it's
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alright, then it should be alright. "vee~ Nii san, Nii san, how about picking a maid dress here for Romano?"
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blushed a little, thinking about it. "N-no...wouldn't we want to wait for him to pick what he wants?" which wouldn't end well. He could see
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it now; getting headbutted into oblivion for even suggesting it.
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"Usually Nii chan will be too shy to do it, it's better to help him pick everything, make it and ask if he will wear it~ veee~" keeps on his
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innocent smiles, but you can see a hint of mafia forceness in it.
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oblivious to the hint, still imagining Roma in a maid outfit. " are his brother...if you say so...Which one should we ask him to
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wear?" he asked, turning back to the options. If he had a complete choice, and Feli wasn't there, he'd pick the shortest one available.
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"Uh... pink one with lots of a christmas present..." Feli puts out he most girly one possible....the character drawing has
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tons of sparkle and flower around her....
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"You...think he would wear this?" It was adorable, but pretty hard to picture Romano wearing it. "I think he'd get pretty angry...maybe you
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should ask him to wear it?" if he did, he could see Romano attacking him and then never talking to him ever again. "He loves you..."
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Nods, but he comments with a small sad smiles," ve~ Not as much as he loves you. "
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looked at him surprised. "What are you talking about? He loves you so much! He's...just not used to expressing
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it..." He rarely heard the small Italian say 'I love you'...
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"ve...but he always call me idiotic brother and pushs me away. When he moves away, there is no good bye, but a notes." vee... he had
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accepted it and pretend nothing had happen, but the house... just seem to be bigger and quieter and without ROmano
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"He doesn't mean it when he says it!" his face fell, he didn't like seeing Feli like this. He pulled the other into a hug to try and cheer
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him up. "He's just...really shy!"
13 years ago
"Ve..I certainly hope so. Ve... " Nuzzles into Antonio's chest, rubbing his cheek against it, "did Nii chan do this a lot to you? Your shirt
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smells like him." grabbing his shirt and sniff.
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"Hm?" he looked down at his shirt. "No...not a lot...But I force him into hugs a lot and he struggles..." he never really noticed that he
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had the others scent on him.
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Sniffs hard and nuzzles his cheek against Antonio's chest more, "veee~ He must like you to do that." has a little jealous pouts on his face,
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hugs him tighter, but not enough to hurt him. "Well he has a weird way of showing it...Feli..when's the last time you hung out with Romano?"
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[ah, if Romano bug in now... Spain will be murdered...]
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"ve... like... centries ago...
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" titles his head, can't really count the date,but they had been so busy since WW1....with new friends and old friend...
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They never really spent any quality family time together...
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jumps back slightly from the Italian. "Wha-? But that was so long ago!" His face fell, feeling sad for Feli. The first think he was going to
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do when he went back home was make Romano hang out with his brother...though he probably wouldn't listen.
13 years ago
"....Talks about it... Ni chan starts to notice you as a country of passion starting WW2.... what did you do ?ve?" says it with a just
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curious voice~
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"What did I do...? I-I didn't do anything..." he looked away blushing. He just tried to help out was all...he didn't *always* mean to take
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the southern Italian for himself...And he didn't think that anyone would actually notice.
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"ve~ I am just curious. Nii chan and I are the country of lover, but you make him blushes so easier...So veee~ Tell me~~~"
13 years ago
"I'm not...doing anything too different...He blushes a lot already..." he left out all the touching he would do...
13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
[XD It's okay~]
13 years ago
"ve? Really? But it's a different blush, when Nii chan starts to talks about Antonio Nii san, he would blushes in just like the
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way when Hungary san talks about Gilbert~ Kiku says that kitty love."
13 years ago
"K-kitty love? Well I mean...I don't think I'm doing anything diff-wait...Lovi talks about me?" He blushed at the Italian in his arms.
13 years ago
"Ve~ Off course? Mostly complain, but he was blushing, so that just mean he is just hiding something~ That's what Kiku says too~~"smiles at
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the red face Spainard
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didn't know how the two had figured that all out. He avoided the gaze of the happy Italian, his face turning more red. It was nice to hear
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that the older brother had been talking about him. "Maybe...he's just shy...not hiding anything...?"
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There is a small devious curve on the corner of Feli's lips, "ve~ Maybe, maybe not~ But Nii chan seem happy when he is with you."
13 years ago
[[Rage... rising.....]]
13 years ago
[jump in and kick your brother A-- to the moon]
13 years ago
[[Pretty much :/ Why is he getting up on my man]]
13 years ago
[? Getting up on your man? We are just talking]
13 years ago
[[*You're hugging him*]]
13 years ago
[Feli get sad and Antonio is comforting him]
13 years ago
[[:/ Whore.]]
13 years ago
[kick Nii chan for dirty thought.... me no whore]
13 years ago
13 years ago
[It's not... feeling up will be molesting him, and I am far from it =3=]
13 years ago
[[You're *too close*]]
13 years ago
[=3=... inche closer, rest his head onto the crook of Spain's shoulder,]
13 years ago
[[sdkifdeik /Brb finding machette]]
13 years ago
[[No fighting! /stands in between brothers]]
13 years ago
[kiss Antonio's cheek and innocent smile, "ve~ I like Antonio Nii san~" ]
13 years ago
[[-Trembles with anger, lips pursed together- Well... if that's how you two feel... at least I know now.]]
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[[-obvious to his anger- Yeah..I don't want anyone hurt...]]
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[[/Screams in anger and hurt, kicks and runs off]]
13 years ago
[[-confused- Did I do something wrong...?]]
13 years ago
[sigh....Nudge Antonio to chase after Romano]
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[[/nods and chases after]]
13 years ago
[sweat.... uh... better go home and set up anti-Romano/mafia defense... or better. go to Kiku house]
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