you will enjoy the company I am sure!!
It's a fantastic place. Full of amazing artists (Deb & Franni are good examples), delightful troublemakers... funny folks... good convos...
friends , lots of friends!!!
Oh, and the best app for Plurk is Plurka.
i have that one on my xoom, PlurQ free on my phone
I DLd Plurka already- see how efficient I am!!
I'm a scrapbooker and I crochet.
Do some cross stitch and a bit of embroidery, but it's been a while
i do a lot of different things for hobbies but i work with polymer clay
Cool! I've been thinking of getting into beading because you know, I need something else to obsess over and take over space in my house!
oh boy that is another addiction
haffina taught me to bead around a cabochon
Oh, how neat! That must be pretty
I'm not a hooker! I don't get paid for my work! I am just a hobby yarnist...
hooker = person who crochets kind of like knitter = person who knits.
I know, I was attempting to be funny. (note to self- try harder)
I usually get stabbed with a "J" hook when I refer to Trina as a hooker.
It could be worse, she could use a M or an O
I prefer to try not to make women stabby
Bahahaah! I heard Teresa say that the other day and it totally cracked me uP!
perfected the art of making women stabby. Now I don't even have to try.
Well, then you must set another lofty goal. lol
AZJazzyJ: I try to shoot for cuddly, it has advantages
That's true. We all love a cuddler! lol
Beige is totally cuddly, he appreciates my assets and he flirts with me. Needless to say this old lady ADORES him.
And Jeff, why Trina doesn't dig in deeper with that J hook we will never understand.
Beige is extremely appropriate and
gundo appreciates gentlemen who make his wife smile.
AZJazzyJ: there are all these photos of me snuggling various women, mostly taken either by my girlfriend or the other women's husbands