13 years ago
['20s] Gil sighed tiredly, tugging his sleeves upward as he grabbed a cloth and began cleaning glasses. Hearing a distant shouting, he
latest #134
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whirled around to see two drunkards arguing. Rolling his eyes, he barked at them to beat it before he called the bouncer over to give them
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the bum's rush. Piping down, the ossified morons stumbled out of the joint. Heaving another sigh, Gil stared blankly at the doors, watching
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as more cats filed in. "All thanks to get damn Lovi," he smirked fondly, awaiting the brunet's arrival. It seemed like he wasn't the only
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one getting the jitters for the sheik.
13 years ago
[For Lovi <33 o//u//o]
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Of course, Lovino was just fucking around in the back. He liked seeing the crowd impatient, waiting for him. He liked having control over
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the crowd. Tonight, he'd be playing a solo gig, his bandmates out of town for the night. Putting down his now-empty glass, he slipped onto
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the stage in the back of the speakeasy, offering the crowd a sly smile before beginning to sing.
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had his back turned as he heard the entire bar dry up. An elegant voice sang, lulling the patrons into a euphoric trance. 'And there he is,'
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he grinned, eyes closing to lose himself in the silky voice.
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He sung all the tunes he knew and then some, but even he could get tired, and the brunette eventually left the stage with promises to sing
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even more the next time his group performed. Lovino sidled over to the bar, finding himself a seat and sliding onto it, careful not to allow
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his dress to ride up.
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'And here's my cue,' he internally chuckles at the routine he and the singer had setup. "And what can I get ya, doll?" he smirked, watching
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as other barbarians fought over who would sit next to the dame.
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He huffed softly, rolling his eyes at the commotion. It was pesky; they weren't much use except for some mild petting and a bit of an ego
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boost, honestly. "Mm, something strong." Not that he hadn't already had a few *something strongs* already that night.
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"Will do, dollface," he turned his back to the brunet, filling a clean glass with dark liquid before turning back around to- well, what do
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ya know? Some poor ol' sap is tryin' to talk Lovi up. Smirking, he slid the drink to the singer.
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"Don't call me that..." he intoned for what had to be the hundredth time, rolling his eyes-- eh? He blinked and glanced at the male that had
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slid next to him, frowning a bit as the customer chatted him up. Looked like he'd need that drink more than he'd thought he would, sipping
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it the second it arrived.
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continued tending to the other patrons, all the while keeping an eye on the star. He felt his fingers twitch as the man slid just a tad too
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close. Shaking his head to gather his bearings, Gil continued serving drinks, watering many of them down.
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He wasn't even expecting it; he had allowed the man to continue his flirtings, giving back a little to appease him, and next thing he knew
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he was being groped, eyes going wide and cheeks red.
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slamming his towel down, he storms over to the pair. "Oi, don't take any wooden nickels. Just hush up and scat, take your drugstore cowboy
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somewhere else before someone gets hurt," he threatened, forearms leaning on the wooden bar top. "Got it?"
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Blushing as the disgruntled patron started to argue with Gilbert, he averted his gaze to the ground. Though it was sort of nice to be argued
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over, listening to the conversation closely.
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"Scram, ya drunk. You're a worthless struggle buggy, go take a hike before I get someone ta take ya for a ride," he growled, eyes narrowing.
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After a few curses, the man finally left, Lovino looking pleased. "What, I can't look after m'self?" Didn't mean he wouldn't fuck with the
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barkeep's head a bit.
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kept his eyes narrowed, although the harshness was gone. "Then why didn't ya?" He snorted, wiping the bar down before serving another
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watered drink.
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He huffed, rolling his eyes. "Because my self-proclaimed savior jumped in before I could think." The Italian nursed his own drink, adjusting
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his hat when it began impeding on his vision.
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rolled his eyes and shook his head. "If I hadn't you'd be draggin him into the john by now. And besides, he wasn't that much of a looker
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anywho." Gil excused himself again to tend to new patrons.
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Lovino looked a bit offended by that comment. What was *that* supposed to mean? And to think, he'd planned on offering the damn albino a
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reward. He slipped away from the bar when Gilbert drifted away, grumbling under his breath and irritated his buzz was gone.
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collected the rubes on the wooden top before returning to- oh, now where the hell did dollface disappear off to? He really wished he could
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go look but he was pulled back by a raunchy - and completely spifflicated man. "Put a sock in it and scat," he sighed, pushing the man
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towards the door. Where on earth did Lovi go?
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It figured that Gilbert would have pursued him. He'd had enough of being hit on by drunks that didn't know his true gender, and had tucked
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away backstage, curling up in his favorite armchair and sipping at alcohol straight from the bottle.
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...20 minutes pass and he had yet to see sign of his dollface. "Oi, take my shift, I'll be right back," he orders his coworker. He ventures
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out onto the floor before weaving around the masses of people. "Dollface!" He called out, looking about. He hoped the saucy brunet hadn't
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been taken home by another deadbeat. Again.
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He yawned and sprawled out, content and completely unaware that he was being looked for. He picked up a book to read, but frowned when his
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vision was too blurry to read the words, tossing it away with a huff.
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heard a chanting begin and simmer amoungst the patrons. They were calling her out of sing an encore. 'Well, that solves my problem,' he
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thought was he made his way back to the bar.
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Lovino growled softly; the chanting was too loud not to hear it in the speakeasy. Just one song, to appease the crowd... He slipped onto the
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stage, picking out the number he'd sing and starting it up.
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[[Pronoun gender confusions are not appreciated 8|]]
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[ifdgifg s-sorry ;n;]
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[[Teasing ;w;]]
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heaved a sigh or relief, which was quickly thwarted as he saw the other begin to sway and slur. Great, Lovi had too much to drink already.
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He wasn't *that* drunk! Or at least, Lovino didn't think he was, but it was obvious that he was fairly corked. He finished the song, giving
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a gleaming smile to the crowd at the applause, and stumbling off stage.
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fought back the urge to run over to the brunet, seeing him stumble down the steps and saunter over to the bar. "'ello again dollface, no
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more drinks for you tonight."
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He growled softly at that, brows furrowing. "What, pissy 'cause the bank's closed? C'mon, I want another drink," the male whined inelegantly
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at the bartender, eyes narrowed and pouting.
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"Not in the slightest, *doll*" he purred, knowing that he abhorred the pet name. "But no one needs ya to be missin' again. Especially the
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band." He handed the Italian a glass of water instead.
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The glass of water was promptly tipped over, Lovino stomping a foot and whining harder. "I *mean* it!"
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"You really gonna throw a fit right in the middle of the bar, doll? You're not 3 years olf ya know," he chuckled, wiping up the mess and
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re-cleaning the glass.
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Lovino growled and stormed off, clearly irritated with the German. Well, if he refused to serve him, then he'd just find another juice joint
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that would probably be *more* than glad to serve him.
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sighed, tossing his towel back in the bin and retiring for the day. He managed to locate the singer, several blocks from the joint. "Oi,
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you've had enough for tonight," he kept a firm grip on the male's arm.
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Lovino cursed and whined when Gil caught him, squirming in the hold. "What are you, my *mom*?" He rarely got this drunk...
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"Someone's gotta look out for ya," he mumbled, leading the dame back to his car. "Don't need anymore bimbos to be trailin' after ya,"
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he nearly hissed.
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He whined and squirmed as Gilbert dragged him to the car, trying to escape. "It's n'ne of your beeswax!"
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"It is my beeswax if ya go missin', you're the best thing our joint's got," he easily dodged the brunet's flailing limbs. "'Sides, you need
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to stop bein' such an owl."
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It took a bit, but somehow Gil managed to force him in the car. "I can do what I want. Y'don't *own* me!"
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felt his blood *boil*. Of course he didn't own the dame, or else he wouldn't have the other being seen in such a revealing outfit. "Pipe
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down," he mumbled, getting in the vehicle.
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Lovino growled and kicked the vehicle dashboard, which was a bit painful in his heels and made the brunette wince. "I hate you! Pig! You
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don't even know what fun is!"
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rolled his eyes as the singer threw a fit in his seat. He put the car in drive and began zooming down the street. In no time, they rolled up
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to Lovi's swanky house. "And here we are dollface, time ta go"
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He pouted, refusing to get out of the car. He was stubborn normally, and being drunk didn't help it.
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sighed. "Come on doll, do you want me to drag ya in?" He turned off the ignition. "Get a wiggle on, my breezer can't sit here all night."
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He simply stuck his tongue out at Gilbert, and stuck up his middle finger for good measure.
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bit back another sigh as he exited the car and rounded the front, opening the passenger door. "Come on now dollface, the sooner you get in,
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the sooner I'm outta your hair."
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He was almost considering it, but the nickname ruined it. "No. Fuck you."
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pursed his lips in annoyance. "Would you rather I drive ya back there to be someone else's baby?"
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He stood up, probably to do something stupid, but he wobbled and fell on the other before he could do anything.
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caught the ossified man before he could greet the floor with his face. "...Dollface?" He eased the car door closed and began to walk Lovi to
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his door.
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He was trembling weakly, and Lovino suddenly didn't feel good in the slightest, the world spinning around him. "Mhn... Gil..." he whimpered
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out weakly, body spasming as he tried not to puke.
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"Oi, don't upchuck now, we're not that far away," he pressed his palm to Lovi's forehead worriedly. He internally kicked himself for givin
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the other such a strong drink.
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He whimpered and nodded, eyes shut tight because if they were open, everything spun too much and Lovino wouldn't be able to stop himself
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from spilling his stomach contents.
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They had gone through this routine so many times that eventually Gil got Lovi's house key and made a copy for himself. He opened the door
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and the duo staggered in. He slowly laid the other on the couch before going to fetch some water.
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It seemed neither Amelia nor Alfred were home, all the lights in the house shut off. He curled up on the couch with a pitiful noise, stomach
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churning as he clung to a blanket.
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placed a glass of water on the coffee table and covered the other's forehead with a damp towel. "Just relax and don't turn too much," he
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He didn't think he could drink the water without getting sick, so he ignored it, making a soft noise of recognition to the words.
Gil was
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reluctant to ask but, "so, are ya gonna be fine on your own?" He was waiting for the other to say he should scram already.
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His bottom lip jutted out and he reached out, tugging on the other weakly as he stared up at him with doe eyes. Even though Gilbert brought
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him home whenever he was like this, he'd never asked the other to stay before.
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stared at the other in shock. "...Ya know what, I'll scram before your roommates get back," he shook his head, believing that the tugging
Gil was
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only playful.
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The Italian looked a bit wounded, and shrunk back at the bartender's words. Lovino was perfect at playing the strings of people's hearts.
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As much as he wanted to stay, he really couldn't stand the thought of being Lovi' thing. He didn't want to be just another sap who
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got played by the dame. Patting the brunet's head, he began taking his leave.
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"Please Gil? I'm scared and cold," he whimpered. Lovino was too messed up to actually *do* anything.
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glanced down at the pleading man, sighing as he easily gave in. He didn't have the heart to refuse. "Ya still got enough energy to move to
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your bed?"
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"If you carry me..." he mumbled softly, intoxication-hazy eyes half-lidded and staring up at the albino.
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snorted, rolling his eyes. "Lazy," he mumbled, holding out his hand for the other to take. After a moment, when he did nothing, Gil sighed
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and leaned down, putting his arms around the brunet and slowly lifting Lovi.
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He made a soft noise of happiness and clung to the bartender when he was lifted, burying his face in his chest. "Mhnn..." he groaned out,
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fidgeting slightly.
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shifted Lovi in his arms, walking up the stairs with ease. He kicked the brunet's door open and trudged in, placing the male into his bed.
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"Anythin' else I can do for ya?"
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He looked up at the other and pouted, brows furrowed. Gilbert knew what he wanted.
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gave Lovi a wary look. "You know I'm not gonna," he sighs, looking away as he stuffs his hands in his pockets.
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[[/Out of school in 25 minutes! Wait for me! <3]]
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[/will do! ouo <33]
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"I won't let you leave if you won't..." he mumbled, lower lip wobbling and eyes watery as he tried to manipulate the other into doing as he
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wished. It was something the Italian was used to.
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