13 years ago
holidays are ending and i cant online after holidays..i have no choice but to FREEZE MY KARMA...
latest #12
Violet x) says
13 years ago
Haiz ...:-(
lynnkhye323 says
13 years ago
i freezed it..
Violet x) says
13 years ago
Same same here [said 3rd time]
lynnkhye323 says
13 years ago
Phoebeooi says
13 years ago
how to freezed it ? O.O
Violet x) says
13 years ago
Phoebeooi: right up got the My Account
lynnkhye323 says
13 years ago
go to my account
Violet x) says
13 years ago
there got karma freeze .but need minus 0.5
Phoebeooi says
13 years ago
wuuu. Thanks.
lynnkhye323 says
13 years ago
phoebe:u need to freeze it too??
Phoebeooi says
13 years ago
yea... school reopen seldom online le. wait until next holiday la. haha.
lynnkhye323 says
13 years ago
ya lurr
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