Benjamin shares
13 years ago Here's your sand castle mi amour. I know it's not perfect. Next time I will do better. <3
latest #12
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
nice one!
13 years ago
Do you look it Nessie? I can make a big one for you too. (:
TiaEgypt says
13 years ago
Bravo, love! *applause*
13 years ago
Do you like it dear ? I am really sorry. That's my limit.
Nessie Cullen
13 years ago
well, that looks good. It's not worth of time just to make one for me. *grins*
TiaEgypt says
13 years ago
BenjaminofEgypt I love everything you do Benj! :-))
13 years ago
Oh thank you guys. <3
TiaEgypt says
13 years ago
You're like the Prince of Persia ;-)
13 years ago
No. I'm not. -_-
TiaEgypt says
13 years ago
You're my Prince of Persia ;-)
13 years ago
I want to be your Romeo.
TiaEgypt says
13 years ago
Then I'll be Juliet.
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