Ioana says
13 years ago discovered my DA account...
latest #18
Ioana says
13 years ago
and alsoooo she has seen all my drawings...hell
Amber|珀 says
13 years ago
oAo... her reaction is...?
ginnysherbert says
13 years ago
>.< It really bothers me about when parents find things like that
GermanPanda says
13 years ago
.__. Not good things for her to be seeing, I take it?
Ioana says
13 years ago
kansie well, she said that she likes my drawings...and i was so freakin' embarasssed, 'cause i've been keeping this a secret...
Ioana says
13 years ago
...for like...a few years...or something...
Ioana says
13 years ago
GinnySherbert yes it bothers me as well...and...aaargh it's so embarassing!!! X-(
Ioana says
13 years ago
GermanPanda well, it's not like there are forbidden stuff on there, but i've been keeping a secret the fact that draw anime/manga...
Ioana says
13 years ago
...then post them (some of them) on DA...
ginnysherbert says
13 years ago
My mom would be...disturbed by some of the things on my dA...
Ioana says
13 years ago
lol why? i checked them out and they look really good
Ioana says
13 years ago
it's true, i haven't checked all of them, just a few
ginnysherbert says
13 years ago
Mainly just what I've written. She'd probably think it's a a little strange at least XD
Ioana says
13 years ago
lol...i must read them!!!xD
ginnysherbert says
13 years ago
Haha! Be my guest, go ahead and read if you want! :-D
Ioana says
13 years ago
Thank you!:-D
GermanPanda says
13 years ago
^^; I haven't really done much on my dA account, so there's not much to see..
Ioana says
13 years ago
the same here...i only have a few drawings:-D
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