(^-^*)/コンチャ! Kanra is heeeeeeere! ~ <3
Helloooo Setton-san~! Tanaka-san!
Booooored! Things have quieted down in Ikebukuro since the Dollars wiped out the Yellow Scarves, huh?
( ゚ Д゚) Eeeeerily quieeeet~! こわい~!!!
I'm not sure it is good to say you are home alone Kanra-san.
I think he's on about the chat. It is quiet today..
I hope the slasher doesn't come find me! That would be scary!
(You know what's funny? We're real life people pretending to be characters from DRRR!! pretending to be people online! INCEPTION)
(hahaha! We must go DEEPER)
I haven't seen the slasher around lately, now that you mention it. Is it gone?
I dooon't knoow. The attacks seemed to have stopped after the yellow scarves disappeared. I wonder if the two are connect?
Today my roommate convinced me to go to the beach.
Ooooooh, a romantic tryst?
Yes, but he found this ugly looking crab!
A boooy? Aaaah! Setton-san, I don't know if you are a girl or boy? (#^.^#)
Do I imagine Setton-san in a bikini, arms wrapped around a half-naked man, or is it lBL? OMMMMMMGGGGG
Oh no Kanra-san is having perverted thoughts!
Having perverted thoughts doesn't compared to acting upon them, huh, Setton-saaaaaan?
But I am not having perverted thoughts about my roommate.
Kanra-san is being silly.
( ゚ Д゚)Aaaaah, my feelings are hurt~!
I can't tell when you are being serious though.
‘A`) Hmph! I think Tanaka and Setton just like making fun of me!!!!
I think Kanra-san is just very sensitive.
Hmmmph. I think Setton-san is sensitive about his looooove liiiife. So secretive, Setton-san!
But my love life is private!
Anyway. Tanaka-san how is Ikebukero treating you?
Nice deflection, Setton!
Tricky, tricky!
Oh, things are going well.
(Think I better go. I have to get some stuff done before I sleep. ouo/)
OY! Before I go, maybe we should meet at the beach sometime, Tanaka! Maybe we'll catch a glimpse of Setton ^_~ in his/her trunks/bikini!?
Ah please don't say embarrassing things before leaving!