My dear Aries readers, have hope. Saturn goes direct for the first time since Jan 26 on June 12. Finally, your career will start to zoom!
Everyone is feeling tension as we edge closer to June 15, full moon eclipse. Little things are rattling you. Still, you're in a good zone.
Late Cancer asks about eclipse. If you are born near July 1, you are in the eye of that eclipse, so hunker down, secure the hatches + wait.
Not surprised 1 little Cap hates her job. I think right now Tiger Woods does too +he is Cap. It's time to reinvent, so slowly move to new.
If you get married on the July 1 eclipse, your lifestyle will be very different from the one you both had before it.Let us know!
A little fish says she feels scattered. Sounds right. The eclipses set up lots of static and nervous energy. That's why I say, take it slow.
It's great for Virgo's dissertation! If anyone can ace this, it's you! You've Jupiter in ninth house, ruling (among other things) academia!
When you read all posts, you see how unsettled we all are tonight. That's common when an eclipse is coming. We're like jumpy little birds!
Taurus w. Aquar. rising has been offered dream position, will you be there a long time? YESSSSS! You are setting up the next 12 years now!
Yes it is true that if you are Aquarius you can feel the Cap forecast, as your chart may splay out like a Cap. Consult an astrologer.
What we see here from the posts is that everyone, no matter what their status, is in a state of flux and feeling a bit unsure.
As the saying goes, "When in doubt, do nothing." Take time to think until you feel more sure. When something feels right you know it!
At times you have to take the offer because if you don't, it'll fly away. if you find you don't like results, you can make changes later.
Life is too short to spend in a job you hate, an apt. that's too small, a relationship that tears you down. Open the door to a new life.
The month prior to your b'day is very quiet and even "boring" because you are supposed to meditate about how to plot out yr new b'day year.
The little Lions are roaring tonight. They say things could be better. Finally your finances are looking up and your career aspects sizzle!
Taurus, it is all sweetness and light! What you sow now will bear grat fruit by the middle of 2012 and beyond.Get busy!
Last thought tonight (will be back tomorrow on my Eclipse Watch series of posts): Taurus, Virgo+Caps are in fantastic shape due to Jupiter!
Reader asks,"How to open door to new life?" Take a risk, join a club, make a friend, travel near/far or cut hair! Try 1 new thing.
Hey, I am going to start doing that too. Ha ha!
thank you