13 years ago
[P&M continued] Antonio tried not to look too suspicious. He *was* about to walk into a bar that *was* involved in illegal activities. He
latest #229
13 years ago
wasn't in full regalia, but he did have his gun on him that would make anyone nervous. He opened the door to the bar and his eyes
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immediately searched out his lover. He was excited to see him again, especially working. He looked adorable...
13 years ago
[[For that naughty little Finnish criminal <3]]
13 years ago
Tino was
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laughing along with a customer as he served him. Tonight was a very good night, lots of customers after his two day absence, some were even
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tipping him they were so glad he was back. He was making money for sure! He looked up when he heard the door, smiling a bit wider when he
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saw who it was, blushing just a little.
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avoided making eye contact with anyone else there, his eyes only on the man behind the counter. Seeing the light blush on the others face
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made him smile. He walked over to the bar and sat down, the smile never leaving his face, as he waited for Tino to come over.
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And he hurried right over after he served someone else, smiling widely. "Hey there~." He leaned on the bar.
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leaned forward, trying hard not to get too close in public. "Hello, how's work going~?" he asked, his eyes looking around at everyone.
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"Good! No problems, just lots of thirsty customers." He was very pleased so far.
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smiled and how happy the other seemed and nodded. "That's wouldn't mind serving me would you?"
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"Of course not. I believe that's part of our deal, no?" He smiled, getting a glass. "Beer or...?"
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"Nope, I'll take your hard stuff..." he smirked, resting his elbow on the counter and his head in his hand.
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nodded, filling the glass up before bringing it over and setting it on the counter. "Here you go then!"
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"Thank you very much~" he said, taking a sip and looking around at the other patrons of the bar. He didn't really like them...
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Most of them were a bit shady. But hey, some of what he was serving was illegal, it attracted shady types. Someone at the other end of the
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bar was yelling for Tino. "Ah, I'll be back." He grinned, hurrying over to the guy who was yelling.
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watched Tino rush over to some weird guy out the corner of his eye. His lips were pulled into a straight line in annoyance; he wasn't
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getting any attention and it was making him angry...
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served the other man, and filled up a couple more glasses, slipping out from behind the bar to carry them over to the pool table.
Antonio was
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happy for Tino, in that he was getting a lot of business, but he wasn't liking the way others were able to get his attention. He was
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becoming very jealous. He finished his drink in the hopes that he would come back over.
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noticed and hurried back for the bar, giving a bit of a squeak when someone along the way grabbed his ass. He whirled around and backhanded
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the man without thinking, going very red.
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stood up immediately when he saw the hand make contact with Tino's ass. His glare was trained on the man. He was happy that Tino slapped
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him, but he wasn't satisfied. He started over towards the man, his eyes hard.
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THe man stood up, threatening Tino about being hit. Tino backed up a little, and looked relieved he saw Antonio approaching.
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stood in front of Tino, glaring down the man. "Do you have a problem?" his voice deep with anger. His hands clenched in anger, wanting to
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just punch the guy in the face.
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retreated to back behind the bar. The man just rolled his eyes. "What? Trying to be the night in shining armor so you can get some?"
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"No, I just want to beat your ugly face in..." he wasn't going acknowledge the guys comment. He also didn't want to start too big of a fight
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in case other cops got called and saw him here.
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"Oh yeah tough guy? You look like you couldn't hurt a fly!"
Tino was
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still behind the bar, but yelled to them. "You know the deal! If you fight I'm gonna throw you out!"
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continued to glare down the other male, feeling the need to beat the living daylights out of him. But he didn't wanting to upset Tino.
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The other man huffed and just sat back down in his seat. Apparently he wasn't too keen about being thrown out.
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didn't move just yet. He knew never to turn your back on anyone shady. He wasn't about to let his guard down.
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Tino frowned a little. The other guy flipped him off. "You're not worth getting kicked out over."
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"I'm not worth it? And you think you're any better?" he snarled, his lips curling in disgust.
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"Do you wanna take this outside?" He growled, standing back up.
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felt every alarm go off about following this guy outside to fight, but he was too mad to think straight. "Lets..."
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The man smirked. "Let's go then." He turned and went outside.
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followed him outside, his hands clenched into fists. Once outside, he stood across from the thug and grinned. "Any handicaps I
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should know about before I beat you?"
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He snorted. "Before I kick your ass, you mean?" And he lunged at the other, swinging his fists already. Though he was very intoxicated.
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had only one drink so he wasn't too intoxicated. He easily dodged the fist, moving forward and aiming a punch at the others ribcage.
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The man was easily caught offgaurd, the fist connecting, making him wheeze and cough. He was swinging wildly trying to hit Antonio anywhere.
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[[/sleeps for now. I'll be on after work tomorrow <3]]
13 years ago
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got hit a few times by the guys wild swings, but he quickly latched onto the arms and turned the guy around so he wouldn't be able to use
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them; one of the perks of going through the police academy-knowing how to take control of a situation.
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The man struggled against him, shouting vague insults the entire time, people were starting to come outside of watch.
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knew the other guy was bigger, but at the moment he had the upper hand. He spit out some blood that filled his mouth from an early punch.
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The man attempted to kick at Antonio's legs. The group around them began to chant and cheer.
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knew that if there was chanting, it could attract other attention. He folded his arm back almost to the point that it could break. "You want
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to give up?"
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The man whimpered. "F-Fine!
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pushed the guy away from him and wiped his mouth of blood. "Now get out of here..."
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The man spat on the ground before he turned and stumbled off. The crowd was obviously disappointed
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didn't care much for what they thought. He turned back towards the bar and walked in, ignoring everyone. He could just flash his badge, but
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he'd get in trouble for being at the bar...
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Some people left, some people came back in. It got a lot quieter though. Tino had a new glass waiting for Antonio.
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walked over to Tino, a few scraps, but still smiling. "Sorry...didn't mean to cause anything..."
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smiled, handing him the glass. "It's fine, really. Thank you."
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nodded, his smile faltering a little. "No need to thank me...he shouldn't be touching you..."
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"Heh. Happens all the time, really. I
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'm a bit used to it..." He admitted.
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stopped and stared at Tino, his mouth slightly open. "...You're used to it...?"
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"I get grabbed a lot. Remember how I said no one hits on me when sober...?" He frowned a little. "It sucks, but..."
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turned to glare at many of the other patrons of the bar, his anger rising. He didn't like how Tino was fine with this...
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"It comes with the job, really. I hit 'em and they usually fuck off after that."
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turned back to the smaller male, his eyes slightly wide at the way he explained it. He smirked, taking pride in the fact that Tino was his.
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blushed a little. "I'm really glad I gave you a chance, though." He was very happy with the other, even though it had been about a week now.
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((only been^))
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his smirk grew more, leaning closer to him on the bar. "I'm glad you did too~"
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wanted to kiss him, but he wasn't sure if he should... "I'm going to close soon, I think, after that. Everyone's getting really drunk
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anyways..." He probably would be serving much more..
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[[/wants to get Tonio drunk <<]]
13 years ago
[[xD wish about to be granted]]
13 years ago
nodded, humming out a response. It took him a second to register the glass in front of him-in
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his anger he didn't notice it right away. He picked it up and chugged most of it down, trying to forget the earlier events.
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looked a little impressed. "I'm going to start the last few drinks, okay?" He grinned before he moved back down the bar, serving a few more
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people, before starting last call.
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finished his glass, and set it back down. He normally could hold his alcohol, but the drink Tino made was causing his head to spin.
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came back with another glass, people finishing their drinks and starting to leave. "I just have to do a bit of cleaning and we can go."
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"All...alright." He said, stretching the word out and grinning. His cheeks were flushed slightly. When he saw the new glass he picked it up
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and started chugging.
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hustled the last few people out and locked up, starting to clean, humming a little to himself.
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finished what was probably his third drink of the night and turned to watch his Finnish lover walk around the bar. His cheeks fully flushed.
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smiled to the other as he set up the chairs before stepping back behind the bar. "Three enough? You're my only customer left~"
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"I...can handle a...another." he slurred out, his words not completely connecting like a normal sentence. He rested his head in his hand and
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smiled at the other, his eyes clouded slightly.
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would normally cut someone off by now, but it was his, well, boyfriend. So he didn't mind pouring him another glass. "Have to give me a kiss
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for this one, though~."
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stood up and leaned over the bar to get closer to the other male. He missed his mark a little due to the alcohol, kissing the corner of his
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mouth instead of his lips.
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chuckled a turning his head and kissing the other gently, setting the glass on the bar. "There you go, hun."
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sat back Dow and picked up the glass, downing some of it. He licked his lips to savor the flavor, looking up at Tino. "Did I ever tell you
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h-how good...this is?" He slurred out.
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chuckled a little, drying some glasses and putting them away. "No, you haven't."
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"Well...its....*really* good..." he said, downing the rest of the glass.
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"Glad you like it!" He took the glass and washed it, wiping down on the bar. "Can you even stand?"
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nodded slowly. "I can...s-stand just fine!" he countered. Using the bar as leverage, he stood on his feet. He was able to stand there
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without leaning or anything, but he still had a firm grip on the bar.
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came over to him. "You shouldn't drive. My apartment is close, we can go there tonight."
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leaned closer to him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder. "Oh you're place~ I wouldn't mind going t-there..."
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grinned, putting an arm around the other, helping him out the door, starting for his apartment jut a few blocks away. "If you can even get
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up the stairs." He chuckled,
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tried to keep most of his weight off the smaller male. He was also enjoying having him so close, so he nuzzled the top of his head.
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smiled, putting in the code at the front door, slowly going up the stairs. "It's a few floor." Three to be exact.
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" many...?" his eyes were lidded just a little, his face still flushed slightly. He could make it, it just might be rocky at first.
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"Three. We can make it!" He smiled, taking it very very slow. All the way up to his apartment door. He unlocked it and stepped in. It was a
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tiny one room apartment.
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looked around at his surroundings. "This is...very nice..." he slurred, not completely getting a grip on how his mouth worked.
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Tiny, one room, nice...? Not really his choice of an adjective. But sure. He tugged him over to the couch. "Stay here." He then opened the
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couch, a big foldaway bed.
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nodded, sitting down like a child being told to stay still. He continued to explore the room, liking the cozy feeling of it all.
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watched the other a little as he made the bed, sitting down on it and pulling his shoes off. "Ready to sleep?"
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flopped onto the bed and crawled towards the other, wrapping his arms around the others waist. In his drunken state, his fingers ran
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underneath Tino's shirt, tracing his skin. "*Si~*"
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blushed, feeling his fingers hot on his skin. "Ah....W-well we should get undressed then..."
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"S-should I help you?" He purred out to the best of his ability, still pretty drunk. His accent was coming into his voice a little. He
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lifted the others shirt up slightly.
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"If you want." He was already stripping Antonio/ Maybe if the other was drunk enough...
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grinned, his hands fumbling with the waistline of Tino's pants. He wasn't as smooth as he normally is...
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just hoped that he wouldn't wouldn't be too drunk to fuck. He easily strips the other's pants and underwaer off.
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growled in both frustration and lust, leaning up and attacking the others lips. He finally got his pants off, after some struggle.
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eagerly returned the kiss, moaning a little into his mouth, helping kick his pants and underwear off.
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reached down and took a hold of his cock, stroking it to life. He moved to lay over Tino, laying him back on the bed.
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moaned louder, arching a little into the other's hand. He wondered what the other had in mind for tonight.
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wasn't going to go easy on the others tonight mostly because his judgment was clouded. He lifted one of Tino's legs up and put it on his
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shoulder so he had better access to his entrance. Removing his hand from the others cock, he pressed three fingers to his lips. "Suck..."
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opened his mouth and happily obeyed, sucking on the offered digits, sliding his tongue over them, making sure they were good and wet.
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ripped the fingers from the others mouth and trailed them down to his entrance. Without warning, he pushed one in, probing deeply.
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gasped and gave a bit of a squeak. That stung a little, but nothing he couldn't handle. "Ahnn.."
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leaned down and started sucking on the others neck, groaning deeply at the tightness around his finger. He wasn't getting anywhere with just
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one finger so he pressed the tip of another finger at his entrance, preparing to push it in as well.
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let out a small sigh to relax, so the second finger wouldn't meet too much resistance. He moaned at the attention to his neck however.
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continued to suck on the others neck, pressing the second finger in and started to scissor them apart, stretching him.
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rocked his hips a little, moaning quietly. The stretch wasn't too painful, pleasurable even
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continued to push the fingers in and stretching the hole, searching for that one spot that would make the other see stars.
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gasped and gave a weak, pleased, cry when the other did find it, body tenses for a moment. "Oh there!"
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grinned and pressed harshly into that spot, abusing it over and over. His own cock was making him impatient.
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whimpered softly, thighs twitching faintly. "A-Antonio..please..."
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groaned out at the sound of the other, his cock twitching. He pulled his fingers out, and lined his cock with the hole and started to push
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in. He wasn't going to hold back, and he'd apologize later if he hurt the smaller male.
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whimpered softly, biting his lip. Ah, it stung and hurt a little..
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reached down and started stroking the others cock, trying to alleviate any pain. He kept pushing in, taking deep breaths at the feeling.
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wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders, holding tightly onto him, gasping shakily and moaning softly.
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stopped, fully seated inside the other. The walls around his cock driving him crazy. If he didn't get the okay to start moving, he'd hurt
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the other more.
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panted against the other's shoulder. After a moment he shift a little, insided squeezing tighter around Antonio's dick. "O-Okay.."
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immediately shifted his hips so that he was half-way out of the other before pushing back in again. "G-God....Tino...!"
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moaned, clinging tightly to the other, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck. "Oooh..."
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wanted more friction, so he pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into the hole, hitting his prostate head on.
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which pulled a full pleasured scream out of Tino. His nails dug into the other's back as his own arched.
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lowered his body so that his chest was rubbing against the others, still driving his hips in and out if the tight hole.
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gasped and cried out at nearly every thrust, his cock aching and leaking precome he was so hard. It wasn't too long of this hard pace that
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he whimpered against the police officer's ear. "T-Tonio...I'm close..."
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squeezed the others ass as he kept thrusting into it. He was close too, but he wasn't able to vocalize it. "Nghn!"
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gave a weak, strangled cry as he hit his climax, his inner walls convulsing and clamping down on the other's cock as he came in several
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thick streams onto his stomach.
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cried out deeply as the walls around his cock tightened. It forced him towards his orgasm, coming deeply into the other and groaning loudly.
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collapsed back against the bed, panting, body covered in a thin layer of sweat. "Oh my god.."
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collapsed over the smaller male, trying not to crush him under his weight. He rested his face in the crook of his neck, kissing the skin.
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panted heavily, still holding onto him, feeling like his heart might burst of of his chest. "God I love you..."
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"I love you too..." he sighed out against the others neck. He rolled onto his side, arms still around him.
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shifted a little as he felt the other slide out of his well-fucked hole. He snuggled up close, pulling the thin sheet and blanket over them.
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sighed out in content, moving closer for warmth. He was going to wake up with a major headache tomorrow...but he was okay with that.
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soon fell fast asleep snuggled up next to the other. Tomorrow would be interesting for sure.
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The next morning, Antonio rolled away from Tino, holding his head. He opened one eye before closing it quickly, groaning quietly.
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shifted beside him, still mostly asleep but slowly waking up.
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burrowed his head into the pillow under his head, not noticing that Tino was waking up beside him.
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rolled over, wrapping one arm around Antonio's waist, nuzzling the back of his neck.
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sighed at the feeling of the others cool skin against him. He would of rolled over and held him if his head wasn't killing him.
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"How bad is your hangover?" He asked with a chuckle.
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"'s not that bad..." he whispered. If he spoke any louder his head would start ringing.
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"Do you want some aspirin?" He asked, trying to speak just as softly.
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nodded, pouting like a little kid who wanted some candy.
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smiled a little, slipping out of bed. It was a moment before he came back with a few pills and some water. "I should have cut you off..."
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shook his head, accepting the offered items. He swallowed the pills and took a sip. "It's your job. I could of stopped drinking at any
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time. Plus it tasted too good to stop..."
13 years ago
smiled a little at that. "Well, good! Go ahead and rest, I'll make breakfast, okay?"
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smiled at the sound of breakfast, his mouth full of a foul taste from all the alcohol last night. How Tino could kiss him was beyond him...
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kissed his cheek before he slipped away from the bed, going to the 'kitchen' part of the one room apartment.
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rolled over to watch the other flutter around the 'kitchen', a small smile on his face. It seemed a little weird to feel used to this.
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hoped the other didn't mind his home. It made it obvious he was rather, well, poor. He hummed a little as he cooked, making eggs and oats.
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burrowed under the blankets more, liking the smell wafting through the air. "I really do like your place...its very cozy..."
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blushed a little, looking over to him. "Really?" Well...that was nice of him!
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"Mmhmm..." he mumbled into the blankets, getting more comfortable. The medicine was starting to take effect, his head wasn't throbbing much.
Tino was
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very pleased his cheap apartment seemed nice to his lover. Soon the food was ready and he brought the plate and bowl over to the bed. "Here
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you go! The coffee's still brewing."
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"I don't want to eat this in the bed..." he moved to pull the covers off, forgetting that he was naked.
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blushed a bit at that. "I-it's fine, really! Not like it's an expensive bed or anything.."
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"...If you're sure..." he said, taking a plate from the other, he took a bite of the food, chewing it slowly and savoring it.
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smiled, a little nervously, and went got his food, sitting on the bed as well. "Is it okay?"
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nodded, his mouth still full of food. But he then paid the price when his head throbbed a bit due to the shaking. "It's really good..." he
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groaned out after he swallowed, holding his head.
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frowned a little. "Do you have work today..?"
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thought for a moment, taking another bite. In his hungover haze, he couldn't really remember. "I don't think so...I wouldn't of gone out
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drinking if I did..." that seemed like a good enough reason.
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nods, a little relieved. "Okay. You should just stay here and rest up then okay?"
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smiled at his lover. "You're too good for me..." he said softly, running his fingers through the others hair. He leaned over and placed a
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light kiss on his forehead.
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blushed bright red, shaking his head. "I am not...." Antonio had a good job, a nice house, and was overall a good person. Tino was a
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criminal who had just pennies as pocket change. In his mind, at least.
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stared at the other in disbelief when he said that. "Why would you think that?" Antonio looked past the 'criminal image'.
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"Besides barely making it by breaking the law?" He asked, smiling weakly. "I'm nothing special."
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leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the others forehead. "You shouldn't be too hard on yourself..."
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blushed a little. "I'm not. Just honest. I'm lucky having you..."
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sat his plate aside for a second to wrap his arms around the others waist. He rested his throbbing head against Tino's shoulder trying to
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pull him closer. "Honest...? I'm just lucky to have *you*~"
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moved closer, smiling softly. "That's awfully sweet of you, you know."
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"Well...that's just the kind of guy I am..." he said, smirking, but still hiding his face in the others shoulder.
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smiled, pressing a little kiss to the top of the other's hair. "Mm, I love you.."
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couldn't help but smile wider at this, leaning his head up and pressed a kiss on the others lips. "Love you too..." he mumbled out.
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returned the kiss, smiling still. How he had managed to get such a wonderful man, he had no idea.
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pulled back from the kiss, smiling still. "So, what is it that you have planned today...?"
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"Ah...." He thought for a moment before he shook his head. "No actual plans..."
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"Really? Well now you do have plans." He said, moving closer. "Now we can be together all day. Whether we go out or *stay inside* is up to
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you!" He said excitedly.
13 years ago
thought about it for a moment. "Stay in, then. at least to help with your hangover!m
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"That is true...though I think its getting better." That was a lie; he still felt pretty bad, but he wasn't going to say that aloud.
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smiled, kissing his cheek. "Well, then we don't have to take it *too* easy, right?"
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leaned in and rested his forehead against the others, smiling wide. "No, we don't..." he pressed his lips lightly against the others.
13 years ago
smiled in return, sliding his arms around the back of Antonio's neck as he returned the light kiss.
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