you do not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she could say the same?
verbumveritatis: for some reason that sounds like an insult. XD (i know it was not ill-intended)
MelonSoda, you're fine as you are
, no insult intended
DiePhantom do not! (to the infinite infinite infinite infinite)
I'm about ~ hmm. do I dare post this online? O.O LOL. I'm like.. ~105ish lbs.. or I /was/ last time I checked.. which was months ago.. x.x
4leefklovr: that's not too bad. im 5'0 and i weigh 82 lbs
holy moly, girl. YES. That's like.. borderline waaa~~y to skinny. *gives you some of my fat* There we go. All better now. XD
i told ya! you're weight is perfect compared to mine my dr wants me to get to at least 100 lbs
you could do what i've done the past few years of my life and exercise minimally, eat a lot of junk food, and play on the computer all day.
LOL. how! your metabolism must be super high or something
doesn't do anything for me
ahahah ^^;; wtg! hmm.. damn. your metabolism's a beast. XD This is a tough cookie to solve.
have you had your hormones tested to see if its related to your hormones?
your blood tested to see if its blood related?
yeah it was tested but they didnt say anything
Oh thats odd. they should of told you the results.
by law, they have to tell you your results.
but all well i need to gain weight
what do you think what is?
i think maybe its bld related
cuz my mom and dad were really skinny when they were younger
good luck. i hope you find a doctor that listens to you and actually tries to figure out whats causing it.
i hope a doctor finds a solution.
DiePhantom, you're perfect as you are, no change be made at all
surfnmurf333: thanks. but yea i havent been to the dr since 09 lol
I don't think i'll be able to convince you otherwise will I, lol?
I feel like, when most people say they need change their weight it's because of how they feel about their appearance.. but when it
well i do need also because of my health. i mean im 5'0 20 yrs old and i weigh 82? D:
my friends 5 yr old daughter weighs more then me!
personally, I think all these things about ideal weight are a farse, each body type can support a particular type of weight
technically i'd be underweight for being 6 ft if I went by that
true. but still some weight is necessary and some isn't. in my case it is necessary
of course, but I like you just as you are
thanks but i still think i need to gain weight. just a little bit
there will be no changing joe's mind that you don't,
well there won't be no changing die's mind that i do
, I'll just leave it as a mysterious women thing
do not!, I'm right
kittycakesj: haha thank you! but i am still more right!
no, I'm more right
nuh uh i am! i win! and that's final. this is MY plurk so therefore I WIN!!! lol
, (rolf)
never underestimate the mathematician
mathematician makes me sick! lol
omg! i posted that comment for a reason! that was a good finish! and you had to ruin it