froggyteacher is
13 years ago
looking for a funny video about technology to open tomorrow's workshop. Any ideas?
latest #10
Oretha says
13 years ago
Charlotte........It's really you!!!! It's sooooo good to see you on here!
Oretha says
13 years ago
I have a couple funny technology videos.....Let me see if I can find them!
Oretha says
13 years ago
It may be later tonight before I can get to it.
Oretha says
13 years ago
I just saw your post on wikis.....
Oretha says
13 years ago
Here's links to my student wikis
froggyteacher says
13 years ago
Hope it was okay. I used your wiki as an exmple for my secondary teachers.
froggyteacher says
13 years ago
I'm teaching thursday at NEA again. Would love to have the video links Cor that
froggyteacher says
13 years ago
sorry "for that"
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