JoAnne says
13 years ago
everyone, i am back! need to slowly keep up with u all.. :-( karma drop kao kao.
latest #78
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
where have you been?
JoAnne says
13 years ago
been busying with my wedding things lor.. jo_fascination@ n also busy working.. :-(
cutegg87 says
13 years ago
welcome back jo ;-)
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
June now. u have few more months to prepare!! fast ler...
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
ah Jo~ ah Jo~ ah Jo~ (droid_dance)
reimygan says
13 years ago
hahaha~ (dance) why not banana dance? :-P
sukilove says
13 years ago
hows ur preparation? :-D qi-dai-nya~
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Aih. I think I got 婚前忧郁症 lor. :-( very very long story. I was thinking 5th - 8th Aug go KL, u guys all around?
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Me dun wanna wait until 派帖 only see u all. Hope this time will work.
sukilove says
13 years ago
ok! :-D i reserved tat day for Jo~ :-D looking forward to chit chat with u!
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Hee hee. Some update for u all. Me next week will go try the gown n discussion with the photographer, hope the outcome will be smt I want.
sukilove says
13 years ago
u set the color theme d? :-P
JoAnne says
13 years ago
The 11th will be my pre wedding photo shoot. =) then Aug can relax abit I guess, then after food tasting,start from Sept will be busy liao.
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Yaya, wanna let u all know about the zimui attire. :-P u all only nid to go look for a nice black top,coz I will be providing the bottom
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Which is a skirt. Hee hee. Will custom made for u all. Will draw out n let u all get the idea. =)
sukilove says
13 years ago
wahhhh~ :-D nice yer~
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
wow.. sound interesting. dont tell me is a tutu skirt a? must be able to cover my elephant leg yea. :-P
reimygan says
13 years ago
haha.. black top, black top~ let me know the bottom, i'll match the top~ :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
ya...must be able to contour my big butt too @jo...XD lol
JoAnne says
13 years ago
yup yup! its smt like tutu skirt. yeay! XD no worries u all. coz is custom made, so can do ur preferable length, but not too long lar..
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
omg...>.< tutu skirt...ChuNJuN54 给你说中了
JoAnne says
13 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance)
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
but i don mind if the design is something like Betsey Johnson~~ XD hahaha
JoAnne says
13 years ago
who is Betsey Johnson, got pic? :-P
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
nvm Jo, 一辈子姐妹我就穿tutu skirt给你一次....XD lol
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
u google her la, designer, she got a series of prom nite dress..all her dress is "pom pom" feel de...XD lol
reimygan says
13 years ago
omg~ the last time i wear tutu skirt is my kindergarden performance tat time! :-D haha~
JoAnne says
13 years ago
yeay yeay~ thanks for given me u all de first time. LOL but my initial design will be simple n wont be very "pom". will see how. :-P
reimygan says
13 years ago i like this color! XD dun make too long oso.. >"<
JoAnne says
13 years ago
haha.. it wont be this pom wor.:-( if this pom hor,too long not nice,so will only be 40% of this pom maybe? not yet discuss about this yet.XD
reimygan says
13 years ago
Betsey Johnson >> i can accept this
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
jo.i will give you my first time. (blush)
stellachoo says
13 years ago
qi dai jo's garden wedding
JoAnne says
13 years ago
hee hee.. hope it turn out the way i want lar.. n as exciting as u all expect. :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
omg...makin think makin happy liao~~ :-D
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
why dont we all wear boot? kinda hard to find opportunity to wear this! haha...
sukilove says
13 years ago
yeah~ :-D boot~ my favourite ~ :-D
reimygan says
13 years ago
haaha~ i oso thinkin how to fit the dress this morning~ ery excited
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
i think ah Jo got her own idea very clear liao de la, we jz follow her wish la~~ XD
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
tutu skirt...XD really...>.< how ah jo will think of this stuff..XD haha
reimygan says
13 years ago
stellachoo: why the leg hv to open tat wide? >"<
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
i can look for the top with this kinda pattern~! can cover up my flabby arm~!! briliant design~!!! ^o^
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
i will sureget a deep V black top!!! wahahahahaha!!!
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
ok. in the progress of diet. din makan rice for few weeks d. :-( so still got 5 months to reach jo's birthday. :-P
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
jo's wedding. sorry :-P
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
LOL jun
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
5 months only~~~ >.<
reimygan says
13 years ago
omg.. i shouldn't eat form today! XD
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
faster sign up CHI fitness concept. what to do with our hair leh? princess hairband? :-P
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
lol cj sipeh banyak ideas~~ (LOL)
ChuNJuN54 says
13 years ago
life too "dry" d. always mix with aunt n uncle in the offfice, no more punk thing leh... that's y i m so excited
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Hee hee. It's really happy to read u all de comment when I'm down. Suddenly feel like cancel the wedding. Aih. Wedding its really not a very
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Happy thing afterall. Aih. But luckily I saw u all de comments, makes me feel so warm. :-) Muacks u all!! Erm for the shoe hor, u gals can
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Discuss, me is asalkan all wearing the same type, standerdize, then can dy. =)
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Yeay! Yulin really puifuk me liao ar? I keep on imagine u all wearing the same skirt,omg! 难得一见的奇景啊! :-P,Every1 put on hairband? Lol
JoAnne says
13 years ago
For the top hor, preferable pure black, ok? Thanks for the cooperation. :-P me also excited, but I nid to get thru some tough time b4 that.
ongkahyee says
13 years ago
yea..preparation for wedding really a tough job...somemore u got ur work...
ongkahyee says
13 years ago
i got so many friends, relatives and colleague kahwin this year....heard them sharing alot...can feel the toughness...
ongkahyee says
13 years ago
so gahyao aa jo, dont be too stress, the most important is both of u happy!
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
i got a lot of pure black top/blouse, totally not a problem for me Jo to find a matching top for your tutu skirt :-D haha
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
jun, Jo say asal our shoe all standardize jiu ok liao wor~!! (woot) really wanna wear boot?? garden wedding?? (woot)
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
@Jo, i wonder what's the "hei dai" men wearing leh? =_= lol
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Thanks kahyee. But I really not happy when come to things that nid to deal with my patents. I dunno what they want. Really tired of them.
JoAnne says
13 years ago
But I will Gambatte de. =) love u all alots. (K)
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Yulin, ya, asalkan standardize. :-) If I manage go to KL on Aug, I hope the skirt r done, so I can bring over 4 u all to try. If not, then
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Nid go thru pics to show u all liao. And the night dinner is outdoor on grass de. But I won't recommend u gals wear boots during dinner lar.
JoAnne says
13 years ago
But still the choices is urs. :-) the hengdai will be wearing black dhorts, n black shirt. =) u all de skirt shud be turquoise color ya, n I
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Will give the hengdai a turquoise ribbon. Yeay! :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
ooh!! so our skirt match their ribbon~!! XD hahaha!!
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Basically zimui n hengdai attire will almost be the same with me n sp, its just diff color. My wedding gown is a tube with a tutu skirt de.
JoAnne says
13 years ago
Yup yulin.Coz my initial idea is their shorts is black,then the top is match with u all de skirt.So it means I nid to custom made for them.
JoAnne says
13 years ago
So after discuss with sp, he say no nid lar. Budget constrain also. :-P so I only do the ribbon for them to match u all. :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
if turquoise skirt, then i think it's will only be nice if our shoe is in white..nvm jo, this one we discuss among the ji mui :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
lol im discussing bout wedding during work time.!! XD
JoAnne says
13 years ago
hee hee.. yulin,but but but.. :-P me n sp will be in white, then u all will be in black n turquoise,so i think shoe will be nice in black lar
JoAnne says
13 years ago
yup, u all discuss lar. :-D
babycake8888 says
13 years ago
okok got it~! :-D
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