I have RED watch, RED pencil case, RED water bottle, RED purse.
latest #19
going to buy a RED bag and a pair of RED shoes.
ly, u like RED contact lens rite..heheh.
I have a PINK watch,a PINK pencil case,a PINK beg,a PINK shoe,a PINK laptop~~...=)...just wanna kacau you...^^...
li jian dont forget pink pig like octopus =P
li jian, going to dye my hair to red after my form six.wahahhaha.
O.O...let meet after that...=)...hehee...
so are u going to dye u hair pink? waahhahahhahahah.
DJ: Ohya oh~~...XDDD...well,everyone in college say that too...>.<...
MOM would kill me first...XDD...
duhh ur college friends are smart
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