13 years ago
Roti Canai (mmm)
latest #15
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
my karma dropped... I plurked too much ==
__kEnT__ is
13 years ago
that a virus's post? LOL
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
LOL no..... I copied and pasted everywhere XD
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
No wonder ur karma dropped xD
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
=_= hng hng hng
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
hng! Kent is E.V.I.L.
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
And the demon behind is ningjie xD
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
The evil one controls the demon... Kent is the 幕后黑手
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
The demon brings out the evil~ so the demon is the mother of all evil xD
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
don't make me 哭笑不得
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
o.O the name of a song eh~~ xD
__kEnT__ says
13 years ago
i gt so imba ma? xxp
emilyningjielee says
13 years ago
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