Claire feels
13 years ago
so dry...
latest #35
Belle says
13 years ago
go wet~
13 years ago
Kia...ur holiday til when a?
Belle says
13 years ago
Belle says
13 years ago
but i work til august wor
13 years ago
Oo..u wan go travel ma? Left 1 month do wat?
Belle says
13 years ago
go where ?
Belle says
13 years ago
i 12th sept open skul d
Gwen says
13 years ago
same here
13 years ago
Like laztm wif classmates lor..ah Jia, jio u oso~~ 5-9th sept...
13 years ago
Like laztm wif classmates lor..ah Jia, jio u oso~~ 5-9th sept...
Belle says
13 years ago
go KL ?
Gwen says
13 years ago
Gwen says
13 years ago
ok pun a...
Belle says
13 years ago
ok gua~~~~~~~
Claire says
13 years ago
N genting ba.. Mostly like dat..hehe..interested?
Gwen says
13 years ago
if x accident i thk i cn d...
Belle says
13 years ago
ok gua~~~~
Belle says
13 years ago
im thking i gt time to prepare n keep my thgs or nt
Belle says
13 years ago
coz 11th nid go bec hostel d
13 years ago
Hehe...but they wan count ppl ady wor..can confirm to me within these few days ar??
Belle says
13 years ago
so fast ah ?
Belle says
13 years ago
Gwen says
13 years ago
so fast a?
Claire says
13 years ago
Em...laztm ask me juz confirm date..1day cn keep thg la..haha~
Gwen says
13 years ago
i thk if i wan,i go myself gua
Gwen says
13 years ago
thn meet wt u all thr
Claire says
13 years ago
U go urself? At Kl dat time?
Belle says
13 years ago
u dunno my thgs many...n nid to buy mah~~~i 1 days cnt de..later i will leave thgs at home
Belle says
13 years ago
Claire says
13 years ago
Har..thn cnt go ar...??..11th wat time bec?
Belle says
13 years ago
sunday mah...mayb afternoon after 12pm
Belle says
13 years ago
duno ~
Belle says
13 years ago
c my dad also lar
Claire says
13 years ago
Oh...then when can sure ar?..let me noe ASAP lar..
Belle says
13 years ago
ok lar~
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