真的遇到流氓. should we plea of guilty or request for trail ?
voice recording by iPhone.... I was gonna but didn't do so
what? 為什麼這樣可以多給你罰單?我們不能recording?
當然要request for trial!!像那種recording的什麼都是因為他不爽才開的(我被開過說拿過期的保險單給他問題是我馬上就找到新的!!)
保險單的真的很無聊~ 上庭拿給他看就沒事...浪費大家時間...
你去request for trial後到實後他assign日期給你後會先有一個first meeting, 然後在那個meeting對方會先跟你討論possible solution, 這個時候她通常會幫你把這種白爛的單直接丟掉然後問你要不要plead guilty
Jenny的case也好誇張! 這裡的警察是流氓嗎!!
for the right turn, 到時候就跟他們說yes就付那$18就好了(如果你說no就是當天馬上排court)
he said you are recording and it doesn't make me feel good
lol you should hv recorded it!
那他用哪條法令罰你extra $85 x 2? 要寫在單上吧
對啊 因為當時我跟那個警察argue很久 所以他依歹到我拿成錯的那張, 她就直接開單 我跟他說;'but here's the new one!"她直接嗆我"bring it to court" (然後後來我去那個first meeting就直接drop了)
the other ticket wad for not signing our car ownership card
錄音好像的確是犯法的(不是說你真的在錄音)就是基本上在對方不知情的狀況下 錄音的證據都不可以當證據
但他不是看到了嗎 就沒有不知情啊 他還說錄音讓他不舒服 lol 這是哪門子警察
所以他用這樣的方式開單是ok的 但是一定馬上被drop啦 因為又沒證據你有錄音 那個是故意開的 是不是因為你們有argue?我發現後來我都很乖的回
沒有 警察的意思應該是說 你們剛剛在偷錄我音 所以犯法 這樣
but do't worry, if you're not guilty DO NOT plead guilty
xD 就說 我還沒錄 但是現在要錄了 但是感覺警察要整你浪費時間上court 好像也無法 @@
他沒辦法證明你有錄音 還有ownership那個你現在簽了他們到時候也會drop, 所以是我我只會plead to right turn那個~
first $85 was for the right turn which was $18 before he got mad at me
he took our original ticket back and changed it to $85
the second $85 was for not signing our ownership card
所以一定要request for trial, 反正也不一定真的是上court, 只要在first attendance meeting先談好就好了~
ownership card 在車上的應該是photocopy 吧?
我在想啊 有哪裡可以投訴像這樣亂開單 然後想要浪費大家時間的警察啊?
美女 真的那張ownership 不能放車上吧 不然車被偷了就拿去賣掉
喔喔 但是他是說photocopy的那份等於沒你的簽名的photocopy的意思
(就是要在你簽名後才photocopy這樣) 雖然他們是很機車但是這些東西我們還是要小心一點好 XD
喔~ that's so stupid XDDDD
and ya.. never piss off a cop
there is no ticket about recording but he did increase the total amount from $18 to $85 * 2.
什麼ownership card救命 我好像只有放保險卡 週末去看一下
yeah I just asked him how come 5 more car just passed by us but he let them all pass
ownership不放車上也要帶身上喔 如果有accident或是被開單 一定要有證明
www.plurk.com/beachbumwa... lesson: 千萬不要argue back, seriously. 我第一次被開單就是那次被開我過期的insurance, 就是因為我一直跟她argue. 後來我被攔下來過超速啥的很多次 只有一次被開單而且還從$60
ownership card of ur car... make sure u sign as well
我覺得這種警察超白吃 因為$18還有可能想說小錢 算了 可是 $85x2根本不可能算的啊 他以為他是路邊攤喔 還可以隨地起價!
其實換個角度想 如果你故意裝很乖很guilty的話 她反而比較會讓你走~~我有兩次都是在hwy被攔下來 被小訓話一番後他就說"remember, drive under 120!" 就讓我走了 XD 但是那一次有argue back的我就一次被開兩張單~
yeah, I don't know how to teach our kids in the future.... baby, listen? it's not about right or wrong, its about who has more power
我妹兩次超速跟超警車被警察攔下來 沒有talk back但是態度很差 結果都沒被開單
just cry out loud and pretent that u dont speak english
eily: 可是其實他們不care 阿 錢也不是他拿 妳要是讓他不爽 他讓你麻煩 反正就一個爽字 麻煩的還是自己 he doesn't care if u pay at the end or not
but he knows u have to go thr. stupid trail and waste time
Erick told me to not talk back, but I guess y asking that question and let him saw me playing with iPhone really killed the whole $18deal
就停下來一直陪我們聊天 幫我們叫拖吊車(因為我自己打電話問他們都說要一個小時 警察一問就馬上來) 等拖吊車來了後他就走了 然後後來我朋友才跟我說 其實像我那樣沒油停在路中間是可以被開單的 orz 但是我是滿感謝當時他就是一直陪我們聊天問我爸媽多倫多好不好完這樣 XD
對啊 我覺得第一次我在高速公路被攔下來的時候還有一種快感 XDD 曾經想過警車在你後面閃燈是什麼樣的感覺 XDDD
so conclusion??? for the right turn one we should choice option two, plea of guilty and hope they will drop the amount to less?
plea gulty 還會drop amount 嗎?
you guys are so lucky...i felt so bad, cuz it's on erick s drivers license and his name I just set beside him
這樣子說吧: definitely go the trial way
然後你就慢慢等日期 等當天到的時候你去court, 但是在真正上法庭之前會有一個first attendance meeting
there are two option for plea guilty, one pay the full amount the othe one has a chance to reduce some
at the meeting, discuss the option, make them drop the others 9ownership啥的)
nono, no plead guilty, just choose the trial
然後也順便跟她discuss right turn那個 但是問清楚有沒有扣點數 如果他說還是要扣點的話, then go to court, because #1 如果警察沒來你就自動贏了, #2如果警察來 那你也是照樣要被扣點 就一樣
Jenny: really trail for ticket? even the right turn one?
you will have the option to JUST pay at the first attenance meeting, BUT, 通常他們會drop the point or drop the price
如果你直接付的話就完全沒有溝通的餘地 主要就是說if you go for the trial, you just wait for a date, and possibly get a break on it. if not, just pay the full anmount
how do I know whether there is point deduction? does it say on the ticket?
you should be able to find out at the first attendance meeting .. but let me see
we will go on trail,...part of the canadian experience, right?!
That's true! 我先生去年被開了一張停牌沒停,被罰110cad他後來決定 go to the trial,最近剛上完法庭,一開始入口的時候有一個人會先和你討論,問你要不要進去(這時候可以問那個警察有沒有來)
我先生沒問,那個人問他你認罪嗎?我先生說 yes,後來我先生要求進法庭,法官問你認罪嗎?我先生想想說:no(因為他被開單時他在騎腳踏車)後來法官要他出去想一想,然後等一個 interpreter來
之後 interpreter來了,就法官再問一次,你要不要plea guilty阿,我先生說 yes,他又問會不會再犯,我先生說 no,最後罰單的錢 25cad 還有一些 add on 最後 total 是 40cad
我最近也有朋友因為超速而被開單,後來上法院plea guilty,沒被扣點,然後罰款減半
重點是 要先問 那警察有沒有來喔
lol thanks