Tsuna feels
15 years ago
..... =w=
latest #118
15 years ago
felt really comfortable and relaxed. Maybe it was because of the hot springs last night...
15 years ago
, still half-asleep, snuggled closer to the arms wrapped around him and nuzzled the warm skin - neck? - of whoever it was.
15 years ago
chuckled and tightened his hold around Tsuna, nuzzling the boy's hair affectionately. <3
15 years ago
opened his eyes when he heard the chuckle, and sleepily blinked at Mukuro.
15 years ago
smiled warmly at Tsuna. "Did you sleep well?"
15 years ago
Ah. Un. *rubs his eyes* You're awake. Are you all right?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
...My head still hurts. ;3;
Mukuro is
15 years ago
lying, of course. He felt perfectly fine. |D
15 years ago
sat up and gave Mukuro a worried look. "You did hit your head hard enough to knock yourself out. Where does it hurt?"
15 years ago
pointed to his forehead. ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
It doesn't look red...
15 years ago
reached out and touched Mukuro's forehead with his fingertips. "I don't feel any bumps, either..."
15 years ago
... faked a wince and jerked away from Tsuna's fingers. ;A;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
D: Is it that bad?
15 years ago
nods. ;3;
Tsuna asks
15 years ago
Do you want ice?
15 years ago
shook his head. ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
shook his head again. ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
o.o I'll go see if they have a clinic or a nurse. An inn this big and established should have medical facilities...
15 years ago
keeps shaking his head. ;A;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
o.o What do you want me to do?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
, "Chuuu~~" while pointing at his forehead. |3
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... Your head doesn't really hurt, does it? .-.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
............... Yes it does. ;3;
15 years ago
had seen Mukuro fake an ache just to get a kiss far too many times, and wasn't really convinced.
15 years ago
didn't want to deal with a sulky Mukuro, though, which *will* happen if he refused to do as Mukuro asked.
15 years ago
told himself that it wouldn't hurt him to kiss Mukuro's forehead, though. He could be sweet this once.
15 years ago
slowly leaned forward.
15 years ago
grinned, then closed his eyes and waited as Tsuna leaned over. <3
15 years ago
leaned closer, head tilted up and eyes fluttering closed and--
15 years ago
stopped an inch away from kissing Mukuro's forehead and cocked his head to the side.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
.____. ..... Do you hear that?
15 years ago
just shook his head and leaned closer, trying to get that kiss.
15 years ago
leaned back. He could hear some sort of commotion happening outside, in the direction of the pools.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
.-. It sounds like screaming.
15 years ago
cracked his eyes open a little and listened.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
...He might have an idea on what's causing all the commotion outside. 8D;
15 years ago
... still wants his kiss though.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
, "...You're just imagining it," and leaned even closer.
15 years ago
stood up and went over to the window and opened it, then stuck his head out and watched all the ryokan staff running around.
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
that they all looked harried and panicked. Some looked mad, though. He listened in to some of their conversations.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Mukuro feels
15 years ago
........ -3-
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*slowly* Someone dumped raw chicken and vegetables into one of the pools.
15 years ago
closed the window and turned around to stare at Mukuro.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
....... Who? o:
15 years ago
ignored Mukuro's question. "They're saying that the ingredients were stolen from the kitchen. .__."
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... And? .-.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
And, you're the only person I know who would pull a prank like this. .________.;;
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
What makes you so sure it was me? It could have been some other guests who are staying here. .-.
15 years ago
shook his head and sighed. "... Did anyone see you doing it? Or coming back here?"
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... I didn't leave the room. -3-
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
looked at Mukuro doubtfully. His instincts were insisting that no one else other than his Mist Guardian would be crazy enough to dump
15 years ago
--cooking ingredients into an onsen pool, but Mukuro seemed certain. And he didn't want to push the issue since the older boy could be--
15 years ago
incredibly stubborn about some things.
15 years ago
muttered, "I just want to know if we need to do any damage control....."
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Oh. ......... You don't have to. .-.
15 years ago
wondered if that meant, he didn't have to because no one saw Mukuro, or he didn't have to because Mukuro didn't do it.
Tsuna is
15 years ago
starting to get confused with all the second-guessing. @.@
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*out of the blue*.......... =w= I'm getting a headache.
15 years ago
blinks, then smiled and stretched his arms out towards Tsuna. "So come back here and I'll see if I can make it go away. |3"
15 years ago
argued with himself for all of five seconds before giving up and slouching over to the futon and flopping down on it.
15 years ago
thought that this might at least provide Mukuro with an alibi if they ever needed it. They were together in the room the whole night. Yeah.
15 years ago
snuggled closer to Tsuna and wrapped his arms around the boy. <3
15 years ago
spent the next couple of minutes cuddling him before he let his hands wander, slipping under the other boy's yukata. |DDD
15 years ago
<s>had been half-expecting it so he was prepared</s>, and instead of shying away this time he grabbed Mukuro's wrists.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
W-what are you doing? *had to ask even though he knew exactly what Mukuro was trying to do*
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
, "What do you think I'm doing..?" as he nibbled on Tsuna's earlobe before trailing down along his neck.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
B-but someone might walk in--
15 years ago
shivered when he felt Mukuro's lips on his neck, and his hands on the older boy's wrists loosened.
15 years ago
's hands moved to undo the sash on Tsuna's yukata as soon as he felt the boy's grip loosen. "Let them."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I-I thought you said your head hurts.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Mm. It just stopped hurting. ^____^
Tsuna says
15 years ago
And you're still going to tell me that you really had a headache--
15 years ago
choked off the rest of his protest when Mukuro moved his hands even lower.
15 years ago
wanted to demand that they cover themselves with the blanket, or move where they wouldn't be in full view of anyone who might walk in,
15 years ago
--but even before he could say anything he heard rapid footsteps outside, drawing closer and then stopping right outside their room.
15 years ago
froze, and the door slid open, and he got a glimpse of one of the ryokan's staff members going red as he got an eyefull.
15 years ago
didn't see what happened after that because he'd dived under the futon.
15 years ago
vaguely heard the man stammering a profuse apology, and then half-heartedly asking Mukuro if he knew anything about the pool-turned-soup.
15 years ago
miserably wondered if Mukuro did and timed this on purpose so whoever came would be too embarrassed to grill him too much.
15 years ago
just chuckled, smiled up at the man and claimed to not know what he was talking about.
15 years ago
then, seeing that he was still standing stiffly at the door, asked if he'd like to join them.
15 years ago
watched in amusement as the man turned redder and quickly excused himself, almost tripping over his own feet as he backed out of the room.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
, as soon as the doors were closed, "You can come out now, Tsunayoshi~~ ^____^"
15 years ago
shook his head and curled up some more.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
................. .___.
15 years ago
sat up and pulled the blankets off Tsuna. "... He's gone, you know. .-."
15 years ago
shook his head again. Just because Mukuro pulled the blanket away doesn't mean that he has to uncurl from his protective ball. TwT
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
Mukuro is
15 years ago
starting to feel a little guilty now. :<
15 years ago
looked at Tsuna silently for a moment.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
...... Sorry. :<
15 years ago
uncurled a bit and blinked up at Mukuro. He wasn't expecting that apology. ._.
Mukuro is
15 years ago
looking at Tsuna like a kicked puppy. :<
15 years ago
muttered, "... Why are you looking at me like that when I'm the one who was partially undressed when that guy came in?"
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Because you're probably angry at me. :<
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I feel humiliated, not angry. J-just to make sure you don't make assumptions again...
15 years ago
frowned and looked away, and sat up to tug his yukata back into place. Maybe he should change into normal clothes, to be safe.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Mukuro says
15 years ago
15 years ago
shifted a little closer and gently pulled Tsuna into his arms, nuzzling the boy's hair and murmured another apology.
Tsuna is
15 years ago
starting to feel mollified since it seems that Mukuro is sorry for what happened.
15 years ago
relaxed a bit.
15 years ago
rests his chin on Tsuna's shoulder, peering up at the boy. "...Am I forgiven?"
15 years ago
nodded. It's impossible to stay angry at Mukuro when he's being *this* repentant.
15 years ago
smiled and hugged Tsuna a little tighter. "In that case...... shall we continue where we left off? |DD"
15 years ago
made a face and said, "Just like that? What if someone comes in again? =__=|||"
15 years ago
chuckles. "I don't think anyone else would be coming in anytime soon. ^____^"
15 years ago
shifted uneasily and chewed on his lower lip. Why couldn't Mukuro just wait until they got home, where there are locks on doors?
15 years ago
knew that the older boy might mope again if he refused, though. And it's not as if it was unpleasant...
15 years ago
nibbled on Tsuna's earlobe, waiting for an answer from the boy. |3
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... A-at least use the blankets?
15 years ago
added, "It's cold. -w-"
15 years ago
chuckled, pulling Tsuna back down onto the futon with him. "As you wish."
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