13 years ago
's allergies are acting up. She keeps sneezing.
latest #92
Dorthe hopes
13 years ago
she's okay. So she's coming over for a visit~
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
that very thoughtful of her.
13 years ago
finds company being the best remedy and she brought some Marguerite Daisies from her garden~
Belgium is
13 years ago
happy that her garden seems to be doing well. "How lovely!" She says excitedly.
13 years ago
grins and hugs her happily. " All thanks to you of course!"
13 years ago
hugs her back and holds in a sneeze so that she doesn't get anything on her friend. "Oh, I"m sure you would have done fine without my help."
13 years ago
shakes her head. " I wouldn't have gotten the idea until you told me. So you feeling okay?" A hint of worry in her voice.
13 years ago
nods her head and smiles reassuringly. "I'm fine, just feeling a little under the weather."
13 years ago
huffs a little and frowns. " That's not good~ Hm...I think I remember a remedy that might help..." She pondered for a while.
13 years ago
looks curious as she goes to sit down on the couch. "Oh? And what is that?" She asks.
Dorthe thinks
13 years ago
a little more before an imaginary light bulb sets off on her head. " Do you have any limes and honey by any chance?"
Belgium gives
13 years ago
the woman an odd look but nods slowly. "I think I do. They would be in the kitchen."
13 years ago
smiles. " Well, I was looking through some old recipes and I came across one that said that if mix half a lime with some lukewarm water and_
13 years ago
_sweeten it with honey, it would flush out the toxins in your system." She nods twice.
Belgium thinks
13 years ago
that makes sense. "Well, Alright then. Let's try it!"
13 years ago
nods. " To the kitchen~" She skips over to the kitchen merrily which is like two steps away.
13 years ago
smiles at her friends behavior and follows after her.
13 years ago
hums happily, taking the lime, some water and some honey mixing up the concoction. " There! Simple and healthy. Enjoy BelBel." She smiles.
13 years ago
watches her work and takes the glass of stuff when she is done. She inspects it before trying a sip. "Not bad either." She declares.
13 years ago
breathes a sigh a relief. " I also heard it acts as an antiallergen and antitoxic. So I hope it makes you feel better even by a tiny bit."
13 years ago
sips on her new drink and nudges her with her elbow. "Having you seem to care so much already helps."
13 years ago
bounces up and down happily. " I guess that's true in a way."
Belgium is
13 years ago
amused and feeling better already. "It is!" She insists.
Dorthe is
13 years ago
glad to hear that. " So planning for anything today?" She was curious.
13 years ago
tilts her head to the side in thought. "Well, I was going to get some things done today but I am obviously not in the best shape to do-
13 years ago
much now."
13 years ago
grins. " Why don't I help you out then? I don't have anything to do today!" Besides getting drunk but that was a different story.
13 years ago
"Are you sure you don't mind?" She asks not wanting to trouble her somehow.
13 years ago
stretches and nods. " Of course I don't mind. We're friends after all." She laughs.
Belgium gives
13 years ago
her a warm smile before sneezing again. She laughs.
13 years ago
chuckles a little. " You're allergy approves of me already~"
13 years ago
makes a playful shooing motion with her hand as she retreats back to the couch.
13 years ago
frowns a little jokingly before following suit and sitting down beside her.
13 years ago
looks over at her, while pulling a blanket off the back of the couch to snuggle up in. " Do you really not mind helping me?' She asks again.
13 years ago
nods twice quickly. " Mhmm~ It's better than doing it alone!" She grins innocently.
13 years ago
grins back at her. "That's true~"
13 years ago
rolls up her sleeves eagerly. " Well, just tell me what you need help on and I'll be on it!"
13 years ago
nods to her., "Well, the garden needs watering for one." She says quietly.
13 years ago
smiles a little. " Sounds like a start. Where do you usually keep your watering can?"
13 years ago
giggles and points back to the kitchen eyt again. "It's in there."
13 years ago
pokes her head into the kitchen looking for the said item. She grins when she locates it and fills it up with water before_
13 years ago
_ going out to the garden. " I'll be back in a bit so stay cosy~" She smirks.
Belgium gives
13 years ago
her a grateful look and waves as she goes.
13 years ago
hums to herself happily as she watered the garden. The flowers and plants seemed to sparkle under the sun. She smiles happily as she works~
13 years ago
gets a little impatient and curious and goes out to watch her.
13 years ago
looks over and waves to her. " Your garden is so pretty. It kind of reminds me of Holly's garden too." She nods twice.
13 years ago
looks confused for a moment before seeming to realize something. "Is..Holly your name for my brother?" She can not help a grin that forms.
13 years ago
smiles childishly as she continues to water the plants. " Yeah. He doesn't like it though so if catches me calling him that he's gonna be_
13 years ago
_all grumpy again" She pouts a little.
13 years ago
"Oh, I think it's cute." She says with a laugh. "How creative too~"
13 years ago
tilts her head curiously as her eyes sparkle for a second. " Really?"
13 years ago
nods. "Mhmm."
13 years ago
chuckles a little before finishing up her duty. " I'm happy to hear that then." She gives her brightest smile.
Belgium is
13 years ago
glad that she is happy. She puts on a more serious expression though. "That reminds me of what else I need to do..Do you think you could-
13 years ago
give him something for me?"
13 years ago
blinks a little and then nods. " Of course! I tend to drop by often when I get bored."
13 years ago
smiles at her. "Good to know that he has a good friend like you too then." She sneezes again.
13 years ago
smiles a little though she was more worried about BelBel's condition. " Mhmm...are you okay?" She frown slightly.
13 years ago
sneezes again while nodding to her. "I'm fine, really." She insists.
13 years ago
tilts her head. " Did you check out the doctor lately though? It would suck if it got worse." She huffs.
13 years ago
looks a little displeased although it is mostly over expression on her part. "Oh, I don't need any silly doctor. I'll be right as rain soon"
13 years ago
nods a little. " Well then, what was it that you wanted me to give to Holly?"
13 years ago
shakes her head as she remembers what they had been talking about. "Ah yes! This!" she says stepping over to her back porch. She picks up-
13 years ago
a small basket with tulips from her garden and a tiny bunny plush inside it. A scrap of paper note attached reads."Long time, no see~"
13 years ago
smiles at it. " It's so cute! I'm sure he'll like it!"
13 years ago
seems to sigh in relief. "You really think so?"
13 years ago
grins happily. " There's no way her could turn something down, especially if it's from you."
Belgium is
13 years ago
reassured. "That's nice to know."
13 years ago
nods twice. " Don't worry about it!" That's when it hit her. " I forgot I was mad at him! Ah Crap." She panicked a bit.
13 years ago
looks surprised, but it quickly changes to concerned. "Did you have a fight?"
13 years ago
frowns a bit. " It's more like we got kicked out of his house. We being Iggy and I."
13 years ago
"oh, I see" She says nodding. She knows how he can over react sometimes. "What were you two doing?"
13 years ago
pouts a little and places the watering can down. " We were just visiting that's all. He was such a meanie!"
13 years ago
walks back over to her and smiles. " He doesn't do well with surprise visits I suppose."
13 years ago
sighs a little unhappily. " I visit all the time but he doesn't kick me out." She pouts even more.
13 years ago
"Oh? What was different this time?" She asks hoping she can help somehow.
13 years ago
frowns. " Nothing much really. Just an extra person. I don't even get how could he be so mean." She huffed.
13 years ago
pats her on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll work things out."
13 years ago
puffed her cheeks a little. " Well, I don't really want to visit him if he's gonna be like that but I'll still deliver this for you BelBel."
13 years ago
"If you don't want to, I can always do it myself later." She says. "Are you sure?"
13 years ago
shakes her head and smiles. " You should stay here and rest up. I can deal with it myself, no worries."
13 years ago
"Thank you." She hugs her friend tightly.
13 years ago
hugs back with a smile. " You're always welcome~"
13 years ago
"I'll make sure to get better, so that I can do something for you too." She says determinedly.
13 years ago
blinks. " You getting well is something you could do." She laughs lightly.
13 years ago
"I mean something other than that." she says with a laugh.
13 years ago
shrugs a little. " There's nothing I could ask for really." She blinks.
13 years ago
makes a face. "Nothing at all?"
13 years ago
shakes her head like a child. " Nope. I'm happy with everything I have already." Or maybe a few beers she planned on getting from_
13 years ago
_ the other Den later.
13 years ago
nods then. "Well alright but I still owe you one." She insists.
13 years ago
smiles. " If you say so~"
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