Aislinn says
13 years ago
So, I tried Avination. Nice to see a lot of SL presense as far as fashion, however I am bothered by one thing. They dont have it set up
Aislinn says
13 years ago
so you can add money easily like SL does. I dont have a paypal account or whatever the other one says. So... I have to walk around lookin
Aislinn says
13 years ago
like a noob because there are no freebies. You would think maybe in the Welcome Center there would be some freebies so that a new person
Aislinn says
13 years ago
could learn how to put on clothes, etc. But noooo it is just like a mall there. Also there is nothing in the library either. Sooo..
Aislinn says
13 years ago
Im forced to walk around like a NOOOOOB lol