15 years ago
had no idea how he managed it, but he was finally able to carry/drag Mukuro all the way back to their room.
latest #27
15 years ago
had dried him off as best as he could and then wrapped him up in his yukata and then rolled him into his futon.
Tsuna is
15 years ago
now resting and getting his breath back, and eyeing the passed-out Mukuro with a bit of disgruntlement.
15 years ago
goes to get a towel to rub his hair dry.
15 years ago
finished drying his hair in a few minutes, and he went over to Mukuro and sat down on the floor by his futon.
Tsuna is
15 years ago
..... getting worried. Mukuro is still out cold. Or asleep? Either way, he was breathing normally, and didn't seem to be in any distress.
15 years ago
..... tried pinching Mukuro's cheeks. No response.
15 years ago
tried pinching his nose shut next. The older boy didn't wake up, and instead started to snore loudly. ._____.
15 years ago
lightly slapped Mukuro's cheeks again, calling, "Ooooi. Mukuro, okite kudasai~~"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
........ .______________.
15 years ago
huffed and sat back. He believed that he didn't have to worry about Mukuro being injured - call it a gut feeling - but this is ridiculous.
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
that he's sleeping pretty well for someone who got a bump on the head, and then was sat on and nearly drowned. .-.
15 years ago
sighed and settled down more comfortably to wait for Mukuro to wake up.
15 years ago
probably should have unrolled his own futon and gone to sleep instead.
15 years ago
wasn't able to stay awake for long - his head started bobbing, and his eyes started getting heavy, and pretty soon--
15 years ago
fell asleep curled up on the floor, with his head pillowed on his arms on the edge of Mukuro's futon.
15 years ago
woke up sometime after Tsuna fell asleep.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
............... .__.
15 years ago
stared up at the ceiling confusedly for a moment, trying to recall what happened.
15 years ago
remembers diving into the onsen, waking up, hearing Tsuna's 'love confession' ...|D, then getting jumped on before blacking out again. .-.
Mukuro wonders
15 years ago
.........if Tsuna carried him all the way back to their room. o_o
15 years ago
sat up to look for the boy and... found him sleeping curled up right beside his futon. ._.
15 years ago
blinks. That... looks like an incredibly uncomfortable position. DDD:
15 years ago
figured Tsuna was probably worried and was watching over him, waiting for him to wake up.
Mukuro feels
15 years ago
15 years ago
smiled softly as he reached over, carefully manuvering Tsuna onto the futon and covered him up with the blanket.
15 years ago
got up momentarily to switch the lights off before slipping back under the covers, wrapping his arms protectively around the smaller boy.
15 years ago
murmured a soft, "Thank you," and kissed him lightly on the forehead, cuddling him closer before drifting back to sleep.
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