Sanna is
13 years ago
curious about this Male!Sweden and is...trying to stake out the house.
latest #107
Sweden is
13 years ago
in the backyard wearing sandals and shorts as he works diligently on a bench for his garden. He stood up after he finished drilling in_
13 years ago
a couple of screws and stretched is back out while wiping a few beads of sweat from his forehead. He had always enjoyed working in the sun,_
13 years ago
but it got so hot so fast!
Sanna is
13 years ago
a little nervous now. He was taller than even Astrid and had just as scary a face. But if it was really Sweden, she knew she had nothing to_
13 years ago
really be afraid of. She pokes her head over the fence, watching him for a while longer. She wondered if she should introduce herself? Or _
13 years ago
would it be rude of her to interupt him?
13 years ago
let out a sigh and walked towards a small table with a chilled glass of juice that was dripping with condensation. He was unaware of the_
13 years ago
other Finland being even near to him, and hadn't even known she had arrived in their world yet.
13 years ago
could always tell him that she was looking for Astrid...She takes in a deep breath and decides to pursue it. She opens the gate and _
13 years ago
approaches with a wavering determination. Once she got there, she knew she was going to end up telling the truth though. "Um..."
13 years ago
jolted up the second he heard the gate opening. His eyes narrowed at the unfamiliar woman. There was something strangely… familiar… about_
13 years ago
her, yet he couldn't be certain. So rather than say anything he continued to glare at her and wait for her to say something to him first.
13 years ago
nearly screamed at the glare and is now pointedly, not looking at him. Scarier than Astrid, indeed. "H-Hei...You're the...Male Sweden?"
13 years ago
blinks, his gaze not softening in the slightest. "Hn…" He said, giving no indication of the fact that he meant 'yes'.
13 years ago
frets for a moment, before trying to calm down. She had to be calm! "My name is Sanna...I am Finland from the other world. I wanted to_
13 years ago
introduce myself since I'll be around a lot more when I come to see Astrid..."
13 years ago
firmly set his jaw and narrowed his eyes even more as he bent forward closer to look at her… She did have the same shade of hair, and her_
13 years ago
eyes had the same flecks of color in them as Tino's… If he ignored the obvious chest and feminine features her eyes alone looked almost_
13 years ago
exactly like his… He hovered inches from her face with a dark expression as he stared at her. "Ah…"
13 years ago
continued to fret. She abandoned all hope of remaining calm, gasping when he leaned in, her eyes wide and her heart thumping painfully_
13 years ago
against her rib cage. It was like she was meeting Astrid all over again and she didn't like this reaction. Before she knew what she did_
13 years ago
, she shoved him over with surprising strength. >//< She was...embarrassed now and a little freaked out.
13 years ago
shifted his weight to steady himself as he took a couple of steps back. Had he done something to upset her? "I'm Berw'ld."
Sanna is
13 years ago
so embarrassed, and apologetic and she hoped he wasn't mad. "S-Sorry! I just reacted!" She made sure to note that name.
Sweden was
13 years ago
reminded a lot of Tino and relaxed a bit, almost smiling at her, but not quite. He reached over to pet her head. "Ah…"
13 years ago
nearly flinched when she saw a large hand coming at her, but remained in place. She blinked when all he did was pat her head, and relaxed._
13 years ago
"I hope you're not mad?"
13 years ago
shook his head, the corner of his lip's twitching up ever-so-slightly. "Nej." He couldn't be mad at something like that, even if it had_
13 years ago
confused him.
13 years ago
breathes out a sigh of relief and gives a small, familiar smile. "Oh! Good! I didn't want to offend you, we just met!"
13 years ago
nodded. "'S fine." He couldn't help but grin a little bit when he saw her smile; it looked so much like Tino's it was uncanny. He hadn't_
13 years ago
met many of the counterparts yet, but the familiarity was astounding!
13 years ago
had yet to meet her counterpart, otherwise she would agree. She leans in a little, squinting her eyes at him. "You and Astrid really_
13 years ago
are similar..." He was just...manlier. Taller. A bit scarier. But, he was far. And best part was she wasn't his wife! Ha!
13 years ago
"Hm." He nodded. He had heard that before, though Astrid was much prettier than he was, and had nicer hair. He reached out to pet Sanna's_
13 years ago
hair again to compare it mentally to Tino's. He preferred his Finland, and thought he was much better looking, despite the fact that they_
13 years ago
were so similar… But he'd never admit to that, especially to her.
Sanna is
13 years ago
getting a little weirded out by his petting. He was kind of weirder than Astrid. Astrid didn't sit there and pet her hair like that. "Um..?"
13 years ago
stops and returns to his drink as though nothing weird had happened, because in his mind nothing had. He stared at her and waited for her_
13 years ago
to continue speaking.
13 years ago
fixes her hair and looks around. "Is Astrid here?"
13 years ago
shakes his head. He hadn't seen her much lately.
13 years ago
seems a bit disappointed. "Oh...well...Can you tell her I stopped by?"
13 years ago
nodded. "Have y' seen Tino?"
13 years ago
perks up a bit. "Ah! am staying with Evelin though until I can talk to him."
13 years ago
"Ah…" Evelin had seemed nice when he met her, and he could understand why she would have wanted to stay with a familiar face rather than a_
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strange man. Maybe Astrid should invite her to live with them. Maybe he should invite Tino to live with them so that she could have the_
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house, though he had a feeling Tino wouldn't agree to that, as much as he would have loved it if he did.
13 years ago
would feel so awkward living with two Sweden's. One was awkward enough. "But I am fine if you're worried. Evelin is taking good care of me!_
13 years ago
She has these weird pets that are like little white blobs..." She was filling in the silence.
13 years ago
"Mochi?" He was fairly certain that was their name. His face lit up somewhat at the mention of them; they were quite cute, and he had_
13 years ago
enjoyed them.
13 years ago
nods. "Yeah! That's what they are! One of them speaks Finnish!" She almost seemed to hum at that, seeming oh so excited.
13 years ago
chuckled quietly to himself and nodded. He enjoyed seeing her so happy about something.
13 years ago
seems to realize how childish she seems and fidgets. "Ah um...Have you seen Tino about though?"
13 years ago
nodded, but said nothing. He occasionally talked to Tino, though not as much as he would have liked.
Sanna has
13 years ago
some hope! "Then I hope I can meet him soon. I wonder if we'll get along..."
13 years ago
nodded again. "Ev'ryone gets along with Tino." He said firmly. At least, mostly everyone as far as he was concerned. After all, what_
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wasn't to like about the man?! He was great!
13 years ago
wrinkles her nose a bit at that. She was sure she didn't get along with everyone. She didn't particularly like Russia. And there was that_
13 years ago
saying that people don't get along with people too similar to themselves... "I really hope you are right."4
13 years ago
doesn't think Russia's opinion mattered. He was certain that the two would get along flawlessly!
13 years ago
appreciates his faith in Tino. "I still think it would be strange to live with him. I don't want to be a burden."
13 years ago
nodded. "Y' can always stay w'th Astrid an' I."
13 years ago
flusters at that! "O-Oh! No I couldn't possibly...!"
13 years ago
"Wh' not?" He furrowed his brows and frowned at her. Was something wrong with their house?
13 years ago
shakes her head! "I would hate to impose!"
13 years ago
shook his head. "Wouldn't mind."
Sanna is
13 years ago
starting to feel trapped and was scared of insulting him. "Are you...uh...s-sure?"
Sweden was
13 years ago
only trying to be nice… He nodded. "If y' wanted."
13 years ago
does not wish to be rude. "Then I will stay..."
13 years ago
hadn't expected her to agree! He nearly felt like jumping with glee! Now if only he could get Tino to agree, then they could all live_
13 years ago
together happily! "Great!" He exclaimed with a bit more excitement than he had shown before. He couldn't wait to tell Astrid the good news!
13 years ago
nearly jumped at that and fidgets. Oh...He was happy? That made her a bit happy, but also quite embarassed. She wasn't sure how _
13 years ago
appropriate this would be. But she would make the best out of it and would tell Evelin that she found a place.
13 years ago
"What room will I be in?"
13 years ago
"One of the guest rooms." He said quietly, hoping that it would be okay with her.
13 years ago
nods a bit. Luckily she didn't have much to move. "Understood. I hope you don't mind bomber..."
13 years ago
blinks. "… Bomber?"
13 years ago
nods. "My puppy..."
13 years ago
"Ah…" He nodded slowly. That shouldn't be a problem; He liked dogs, and it would be a nice friend for Freyja to have.
13 years ago
nods a bit. "Is it okay?"
13 years ago
"'f course."
Sanna was
13 years ago
almost hoping there would be a problem. But she had committed and she would go through with it. "All right...I'll let Evelin know."
13 years ago
would make sure that there were no problems! He nodded, allowing a smile to slip out as he sipped on his juice.
Sanna is
13 years ago
a bit surprised by that, and looks down at her hands. Oh, well then. This might not be so bad...Then again, it would be nice to live_
13 years ago
at her own house. She hoped she could find Tino soon so they could work something out.
Sweden will
13 years ago
have Tino over soon for dinner, and they can all enjoy a meal together! He is already planning out what to make.
Sanna will
13 years ago
make sure to make herself useful. She would keep the house tidy and try to cook.
13 years ago
doesn't think that is necessary! It was enough hassle having Astrid try to tidy up; He had to fix everything himself when no one was_
13 years ago
Sanna thinks
13 years ago
that is Astrid's problem. Sanna isn't useless and she would like not to feel that way. She could clean, thank you.
Sweden will
13 years ago
reclean everything else once she has gone to bed…
Sanna will
13 years ago
be so irritated, she could do it!
Sweden will
13 years ago
keep it a secret! She never has to know!
Sanna will
13 years ago
start to notice...
Sweden will
13 years ago
let her… clean… the garden?… Maybe?
13 years ago
can do it!! She would clean the garden...and plant stuff.
Sweden will
13 years ago
try to be content to let her do that and not get in the way or re-do everything when she wasn't looking…
13 years ago
can tell she is going to argue with him. But she is oblivious to this for now and stands there awkwardly. "Should I get my things?"
13 years ago
"Ja…" He said with a slight nod. He would have to make sure the guest room was ready and let Astrid know.
Sanna wonders
13 years ago
if Astrid would have a problem with it? "Okay, I will go tell Evelin."
13 years ago
"Ah." He didn't think Astrid would mind at all.
Sanna thinks
13 years ago
for a moment, before smiling at him. "Ahh..Thank you, Berwald. I appreciate...this."
13 years ago
"You're welcome." He nodded, appreciating it much more than she could know. He was so excited to have a Finland in the house again, even_
13 years ago
if it wasn't his.
Sanna is
13 years ago
oblivious to his thrill as she rushes off. She was nervous, but...she would get through this! She was determined!
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