LittleGaGa90 says
13 years ago
altera called me for interview leh~wan to go or not~T_T
latest #7
Blue♥ says
13 years ago
go la of cz!!!~..
Blue♥ says
13 years ago
the company vr vr vr vr vr good a..
LittleGaGa90 says
13 years ago
contract based geh wor =.=
LittleGaGa90 says
13 years ago
how good is it?
Blue♥ says
13 years ago
福利 very good one.. my dad told me so.. his company get help them build factory~..
LittleGaGa90 says
13 years ago
LittleGaGa90 says
13 years ago
what benefit?
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